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Everything posted by Roland

  1. Roland


    You can make terrains in Blender also. I made a video about that https://youtu.be/0oiY-ZgHxcY?list=PLD9BT6X6Eefz3omHi4q8s2vtLhBbdv-ql
  2. I find this as good news. Don't be offended now but please continue on spending your time on the reason why we are here instead of making models. I mean the engine of course. I would like to see more engine development reports instead of sales reports. Get someone taking care of those things and do what you are best on. Making a good engine. Like it or not but that's my view on this
  3. I have asked for this more than a year ago and still waiting
  4. One 'Undo' will be enough in 99% of all situations I think.
  5. Snapping is one thing I have requested at several occasions during the year's. It never seems to come true though. I don't know if it's hard to implement or if it's considered unimportant, but it would surely be appreciated if it came true after year's of requests ☺
  6. I didnt know there were any special parallel textures required. I just throw in a displacement texture for the parallax and it seems to work. What's a parallax texture then?
  7. So we can expect a parallax shader in next update then ?
  8. It always seems to be trouble with those migrate to higher versions of Windows. I always make a total fresh install when first number changes and have never had a problem (probably because of that)
  9. I just wished there would be one simple example on how to set it up for Leadwerks. I have searched but can't find one. Its like its a secret for the inner circles
  10. Thanks a lot guys. That explains why I couldn't get something useful out of it. Then I will put in my constantly growing YAW folder (Yet Another Waste). No big deal. I will go with the internal editor. Thanks
  11. Hi I told my self... why not try with some simple shader learning so I got the ShaderTool from Steam as it has a Leadwerks Exporter. However I would like to get a working simple example to have a starting point. Anyone out there that use ShaderTool and would care to share some simple thing.
  12. Answer to my self Apparently Mapping Scale does not work until you reapply the material (which is a bit of bug, but OK )
  13. This is so weird that I do hesitate to tell it. The shadow problem suddenly went away. I added a pointlight into the scene for some test and then removed it so the scene became same as shown. Now to the spooky thing. The shadow artifacts are gone. Same scene, same lighting, same settings..... So good for now ... eeeh... I think
  14. Hi. I can't get Material Mapping Scale to work on a simple Box brush Check the video. Am I doing something wrong or should I move this to Bugs? https://youtu.be/IPrxk9hy_Ns
  15. I will try to rescale to proper size in Vänder before import then and see what happens. Thanks for testing
  16. If anyone would like to check my rockmodel its here https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxiIxUxwZUvDdEIwWkowWGJTVUE
  17. I moved the stones a bit from each other and the shadow problem exist on all of them. Tested in another engine and no problems there. I will go through my models and materials another time though. Thanks for the suggestion
  18. Tested without any difference. The strips are still there. Thanks for the suggestion though
  19. Aggror ... WELCOME back It seems like every time any of us leaves for doing something else we come back as drug addicts. The Leadwerks Engine perhaps should be classified as a drug
  20. Sorry to bring this up again. I have a faint memory that I asked this a long time ago, but now I can't remember if I ever got an answer, I'm an old guy Here is a YouTube video on my problem https://youtu.be/a6Nzo4jg0t0
  21. Roland

    2016 Plans

    Sounds like a good Business Plan. What's the plan for the engine besides the networking?
  22. Would it be possible to have some checkbox for turning off the green wireframe of the terrain while working. It's really annoying to have it in front of what your doing all the time.
  23. True Rick. But how do you rotate a folder
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