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  1. Yes, I'm using the trial version. I just reinstalled the OS ... and Ina is working again. I've been using for my project Xors3D, but I also ledwerks interesting. Would respond better to the case ...
  2. I've done wrong? RegisterAbstractPath("") require("Scripts/constants/engine_const") Graphics(800,600) fw = CreateWorld() --create camera cam=CreateCamera() CameraClearColor(cam,Vec4(0,0,1,1)) MoveEntity(cam,Vec3(0,0.85,-2)) buffer=CreateBuffer(800,600,BUFFER_COLOR) --create light light=CreateSpotLight(8) RotateEntity(light,Vec3(20,45,0)) EntityColor(light,Vec4(2,2,2,1)) MoveEntity(light,Vec3(0,0,-5)) SetShadowmapSize(light,1024) -- create body body = CreateBodyBox(1,1,1) body:SetMass(1) body:SetPosition(Vec3(0,2,2)) EntityType(body,1) --create ground ground = CreateBodyBox(10,0.1,10) PositionEntity(ground,Vec3(0,-1,0)) EntityType(ground,1) Collisions(1,1,1) DebugPhysics (1) while(KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)) ==0 do fw:Update() SetBuffer(buffer) fw:Render() SetBuffer(BackBuffer()) RenderLights(buffer) Flip(0) end why body does not fall?
  3. HI!!!! how to make a random number generator in lidverks?
  4. we are doing on the game Xors3D. As will be ready I'll show you the possibilities of this engine. it is better to dispute.
  5. After these words on this site i do not want to come. I thought Josh would be interested to know why some choose not its engine.
  6. 1. there is not the Russian-speaking community. I do not speak English. (I wanted to create a Russian-speaking community, but the desire was gone along with the end of the demo version of the LE). 2. I do not need tools. I need only dll. If you're not busy, it's a lot
  7. the engines are virtually identical. Why Xors3D = 100, and LE = 200? demo version limits the time Horsa, 30 minutes for each run. LE and only 30 days, I do not even have time to look into it.
  8. sure. the developer is constantly on another forum. On Russian-language forum http://forum.boolean.name
  9. it is not. I am familiar with the developer. He is also from Russia. Very often releases updates. this engine can be obtained free of charge, you only need to provide a working demo of the game!!! Where does it say about this? If I had a lot of money, I would have bought Leadwerks too. I really like this engine. Xors3D is as simple as Leadwerks.
  10. Xors3D bought! chose it because of the support b3d, x, jpg, and other formats. If leadwerks3d ubiquitous formats supported, I would choose it.
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