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  1. I get the same, instead of rgb it is bgr.
  2. Might be related to this: it happens as soon as generated meshes or instances go beyond a certain value.
  3. yes it will , but in the meantime i think Josh will have a native waterplane integrated.
  4. Thank you Its nice to see it in action. the default threshold is 1.0 because you normally just want bloom for colors brighter than the normal color range ( < 1.0). this is why you always need to use bloom before you do any tonemapping (normally tonemapping will try to bring the colors back to 0.0 - 1.0 ranges). the auto exposure should come before that.
  5. Hi, thanks for pointing this out. I will take a look as soon as possible, I think it will just be some small details.
  6. not that i am aware of. I mainly see the info included in the description or depending on the editor in the project files of the used editor.
  7. Maybe for import of heightmaps, ask for the minimum and maximum height in meters. This info comes with most terrain generators and also allows the calculation of "below sea level" (< 0) positions. Maybe these values should be set to a default range of min= 0 and max = 100.
  8. I know that it is expensive, and I usually use just 1k textures, which are much faster to compress. The model I have used is from Kitbash and "pipelined" via (KitBash3D) Cargo and blender 4.1 (gltf-export) (I downloaded the 4k by "accident"). The problem with these models are that they use up to 200 textures which is very much and this is why I experienced the long loading time (with normal models with baked textures or lower texture count you might not notice it) I know that bc7 (and bc6) are expensive, and you have done a great job with it. But I would still suggest some important UX improvements on this part: The process should not block the editor rule of thumb → if something takes longer than 100ms, show a progress screen with proper update/progress info if it is non-blocking, show progress in the status bar with information of what file is processed right now. In general, for a better UX you should report more info to the user on certain actions. Just a few samples where this might apply: Model/Texture-Conversion GI-Building Scene-Loading
  9. Converting textures alone, works flawless and only takes a few few seconds (even when the size is above 2k). But when converting a gltf model to mdl it is painfully slow. As you can see it takes more than 5 minutes for just 23 textures. (around 5 materials) and i have killed the preview exe to not disturb the process. With the preview exe running it doubles the amount of time.
  10. Normally this shouldn't be needed as it would only require additional GPU memory. The textures in the background are already smaller in size due to mipmapping so using lower res textures for lower lods is not needed.
  11. Ok, i think the bottleneck were some textures saved originally in png with a size of 4k. These textures take a lot of time to convert. jpgs of the same size worked fast. Will test it a bit more and provide you the textures which convert slow later.
  12. As a sidenote: The main reason for the long loading time (regardless the not wanted conversion) is, that the conversion of texture to dds seems to be extremely slow in the latest build. It takes minutes for just a simple 2k jpg.
  13. I have the same issue and it started after adding a new gltf model (a larger one) into the project. Now everytime the editor is started, it takes a lot of time. In the log i can see, that the model is reconverted everytime to mdl (including all textures etc).
  14. it is more realistically than the brightness > 1.0 of the diffuse channel. In addition to what Dreikblack said, you can use the emission for much more: glowing signs, monitors with text on it and much more. Another benefit of having a brightness value (adjustable from the MaterialClass) is an easy way to implement flickering materials or ways to turn glow on/off. This looks right, but it has a major downside (at least in my opinion): Once you set the brightness to 0.0 you lose the color information. In my opinion you should always store the color and brightness independently in the material file. How it is then used in the engine doesn't matter, but it will prevent users from accidentally delete the color information.
  15. Ok, i don't know why, but it works now. But i would suggest to add the same functionality to the emission color.
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