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    Liege (Belgium)

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  1. Hello, I'd like to change the dimention of the explosion (smaller) without changing the position z ;-) I tried to put a scale parameter of the radius, but it change the diameter of a particle :-( but not of the explosion. anyone has a solution for me? Thank you in advance
  2. yes it works, as it was too big error to be found, I pass a hundred times and most certainly without seeing anything I still do a few hours before going to bed;-) Thank
  3. ooooo I go back to in my bed lol Thank ;-)
  4. Hello, it is there a nobody who could tell me the whys model in the zip file does not work properly? there are two mat file, the one found in the standard LE (flashlight.mat) and the other mine is not working! Thank you in advance for your help. Gabriel BNG_MAIN_AVA_OFF.zip
  5. Unntakskode: 0xc0000005 this code is write to out of your area programe, like *(void)(0) = 0 !!!
  6. ?? is not the same question but other probleme ;-) Gabriel
  7. Hello, I would like to move my camera which fixes point (Target) between two points (A and B). TVec3 Target(….) TVec3 A(….) TVec3 B(….) Frame = 200 TVec3 Inc = (B-A)/Frame For( int i=0;i<Frame;i++) { MoveEntity(CameraPivot,inc); PointEntity(Camera,TargetEntity); PositionEntity(Camera,EntityPosition(m_CameraPivot),1); Render(); } My problem is that the camera does not go in the direction of point B !!! Help me please ^^ Gabriel
  8. LuaToCee is not a converter, I wonder what use a "LuaToCee"? ;-) I would translate the Lua code in C function blabla (foo) foo = foo + 1 return foo in foo_type bblabla(foo foo_type) { foo = foo + 1; return foo; } Thank ;-) Gabriel
  9. Hello, Anyone know a program that converts a Lua script in c/c ++. I like to translate the code "C:\Leadwerks Engine SDK\Scripts\spline.lua" in C or Cpp ;-) thank you Annuler les modifications Gabriel
  10. Hello, Anyone know a program that converts a Lua script in c/c ++. I like to translate the code "C:\Leadwerks Engine SDK\Scripts\spline.lua" in C or Cpp ;-) thank you Annuler les modifications Gabriel
  11. @all thank for all ;-) Gabriel
  12. Oups sorry, I want to move the camera from point "A" to point "B" to point "C" and look at direction "(target)" Thank see picture ;-)
  13. Hello, Who could tell me how to move the camera from point "A" to point "B" and look in direction of point "C" ? I fail to understand the pivot, probably my english is very very poor;-) Many thanks Gabriel
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