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  1. No one said we didn't have the SDK. What we mean is that we want to have an Engine instance in class and a World instance in another class, and other engine's components, such as Cube's instances, Camera's instances, Model's instances and more stored in other classes and have it work, because the problem right now is that whenever the Engine instance and the World instance aren't in the same class, the application crashes at initialization: we don't have time to see anything, the console pops up and then crashes. It's a bit frustrating.
  2. Well, it seems that the application crashes after creating the World instance. I checked if the World object was a valid one via .IsValid method, which returns false. Then, when entering the main loop, the application says that the engine is suspended, when it shouldn't be.
  3. @Rick: Even if I use LEO? LEO doesn't need to have Graphics() called, right? It just needs to have an Engine instance constructed via .Create(), right? @Masterxilo: I don't have 2.3 yet, can I still ask for my account to be upgraded, or do I need to wait until I get to 2.3?
  4. Hello all, I'm having a little problem here with the Leadwerks engine. For now I've only used the Leadwerks engine in the main() function to test things and play around with it. Now, I wanted to make a simple demo with Classes and everything using Leo. So, I create a class which is supposed to be the class to hold the base of the application. It contains only an instance to the Engine class, creates the window, terminates it and run the main loop. Now, there is another class that holds other instances from other classes, such as the World class, Camera and Cube class. In the first class, a pointer to the second class is constructed and its "update" method is called, which is supposed to render the cube, the camera and update the world. But, the thing is that it doesn't work at all. Here is a more concrete example with some small code: class Application { public: Application(); ~Application(); void init(); void release(); int run(); private: Engine m_Engine; Game* m_Game; }; class Game { public: Game(); ~Game(); void init(); void release(); void run(); private: World m_World; Cube m_Cube; Camera m_Camera; }; *note that the two classes are in separate headers; it's only a small pseudo-code example. This is only a simple example, but it shows exactly how I'm trying to do things: the Application class creates an Engine object and in the "run" function, starts the main loop. The "game" class is also instanced in the Application class, then, its "run" function is called as well in the Application's run method. Everything compiles, but when I run the thing, it just crashes. Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2008 Express returns an unhandled exception at 0xthingy-thing in the application: Access violation reading location 0xI-don't-know. My drivers are up to date, I ran several Leadwerks application before and when I put the World instance in the same class as the Engine one, it works fine. What's wrong? Why can't I separate Leadwerks components into several classes? The only thing I can do it to write a sort of interface for every functions in the engine, but that's a waste of time. There should be a way to use the engine's components in an OOP design, no? I could use the C style version of the engine and incorporate it in classes, but that would be re-writing LEO. Thanks in advance for your answers. EDIT: I forgot to mention that, in our project, we are putting all of our classes in a specific DLL we're compiling relating to it's function, which means that, for example, if we have a toaster, a dinner table and an oven class, we would put it in the "kitchen" DLL to export to the main executable.
  5. I thought about it for a while (and discussed it as well, with other people), if I want to use the network commands included in the Leadwerks engine, is there any tutorials available? Are they fast and easy to use? I'd like to know more, please.
  6. I see, thanks for your replies; I'll try a few things then, including RakNet.
  7. Thanks for the replies you wrote. I have another question, it doesn't concern the rendering pipeline, but network, and instead of creating a new thread I thought I would post the question there. Is networking supported by the Leadwerks engine Version 2.28? If it does, is it fast or, for a multi-player only game, I would benefit more from using a network library, such as RakNet? Because I see that the commands are in the wiki, and I try to use them, but I haven't any tutorials nor proper documentation for them.
  8. Hi everyone, I wanted to ask you guys a question about the rendering pipeline of the Leadwerks Engine. I was asking myself if calculations such as backface culling, view frustum, polygons occlusion and scene management techniques such as octrees or binary space partitioning trees were use in the rendering call or if I had to do them myself separately then don't render the concerned triangles? Thanks, have a nice day.
  9. Thanks a lot, I'll try that; can't wait to try out the new features
  10. Hi everybody, I would like to buy the upgrade to Leadwerks 2.3, as I have version 2.2x installed on my computer, but I can't. Here's why: On the main page of the website, there is a screenshot where some information about the engine are displayed with the button "Buy now". So well, I want to buy the upgrade, so I click on the button and it tells me that it couldn't find the web page. I tried to go everywhere to see where I could buy the license, but can't seem to find a page with a link or a button that would send me to a "buy" page. Also, two days ago (or a bit more), I remember that on the bottom of one page on the website, there was a little drop-down menu from which I could either buy the full license of just the upgrade, along with a "buy" button. Where did that menu go? Thanks, have a nice day.
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