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  1. we have laptop and its graphic card is -Core 2 Duo- does that work
  2. this is what the editor text document says Leadwerks Engine 2.43 Initializing Renderer... OpenGL Version: 1.4.0 - Build GLSL Version: Render device: Intel 965/963 Graphics Media Accelerator Vendor: Intel Error: GLSL 1.20 is not supported. Please update your graphics drivers or replace your hardware. can u tell me some good websites to upgrade your graphic card my graphic card is -Pentium 4 HT-
  3. I downloaded the leadworks engine evaluation kit and whenever i start the engine the small loader comes up for a sec and it closes and doesnt show up. what should i do??? If you have a good answer and i never check please send a message to my account and ill check.
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