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  1. That rapid in the response. Thank you very much. Other one asks, we are two that we will visit the forum, we will have I access the two or only one for license?
  2. I have made my order and my payment this morning and like me know, all the time is late in me the codes of activation come for e-mail. Also like me to know, if now that I have the license, will have complete access to the forum. Thank you very much for answering.
  3. I'm trying to buy the engine, but in the main page says that the option is disabled for the moment, so, I wonder whether I can buy it or have to wait for something. I would also like to know if buying the engine, the forums will have access to the two components of the working group. Thanks for the replies.
  4. Thank you very much for the responses, I hope to finish soon the version 1.0 and begin to migrate graphics engine in the coming months. Regards, Dario.
  5. We are finishing the programming of a game in blitzbasic and when we list the first version, we intend to change the graphics engine. The best option is to switch to leadwerks by the programming language, but I would like to ask you some questions about the engine's capabilities. 1.-How many polygons can move fluently leadwerks? 2.-Hold out much longer mathematical process that BlitzMax? 3.-Do I earn a lot in graphic appearance with the engine change? 4.-What about efficient processes? 5.-Should we switch to C + +? Thank you very much for your answers and excuse my English, which is translated by google. Regards, Dario.
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