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Everything posted by Marcus

  1. Marcus


    I would highly recommend staying away from the images. I would prefer just a bulleted list of the topic as a hyperlink. It is a much cleaner look and much easier to see what all of the lessons are about.
  2. Marcus

    Dev Blog

    I would love the ability to assign keyboard shortcuts to any command I like in the editor. I use a Logitech G13 and it is awesome for working in GIMP and Blender.
  3. Marcus

    3.4 Recap and Beyond

    I second this. This is only good for the experienced and I would guess that the market for LE is primarily beginner's and individual developers.
  4. It would be great if we could create a community benchmark. I think it would be helpful to see how much functional use we get with certain hardware. I know that a lot of hardware can technically "run" LE3.x, but it would be great to have a reference point for functional use.
  5. Actually Python doesn't care how many spaces you use, as long as it is consistent.
  6. Hopefully based on these results, Josh will finally consider adding user specified tab settings.
  7. I was wondering if I'm weird or something, but something about the eight tab spaces in the Leadwerks script editor looks horrible. Too much horizontal white space.
  8. I would go with one of the following depending on your budget: http://www.razerzone.com/gaming-systems/razer-blade/ http://www.aorus.com/x7.aspx http://www.msi.com/product/nb/GS60_2PC_Ghost.html#overview
  9. Well, I still prefer Komodo to Sublime. The price is better too.
  10. Can we please have the ability to adjust the number of tabs in the script editor? Eight spaces is really odd and ugly.
  11. Marcus

    What's the Big Idea?

    Bravo! I really think every dollar an engine developer spends on tutorials and documentation ends up paying off exponentially down the road.
  12. Yeah, I agree. While a card my technically support OpenGL 4, that doesn't mean that you could run it above 30 fps with any level of notable performance. The good news is I believe there is plenty of room to increase the performance of LE3.1. I'm not sure if Josh uses a professional profiler or not, but it may be worth it.
  13. To be honest, I'm not so sure that someone could make a game with LE3 as it currently stands. I don't get that great of performance with just a few lights and zero AI. I don't have the best rig at the moment, but much better than the average gamer. Sauerbraten is a great example of high performance and great graphics quality on really, really low performance hardware.
  14. And you won't find it here no matter how hard you look. Josh has many strengths, but planning is not his forte (IMHO). I would guarantee you will be paying for 4.0 and possible 3.2 and any subsequent 3.x releases.
  15. Marcus

    This week's progress

    I hope not. We paid for it as part of kickstarter. The last thing I want to do is wait a year for it to get to beta. He should pay someone and get it done in the next month or two.
  16. Thanks! Do you know if there is still overhead for using it though?
  17. I would guess that would be even more expensive than rendering the face.
  18. Is it not possible to delete CSG brush faces like in 3D World Studio? I hate to render six faces when I only need to use one of those.
  19. I'm considering going back to 2.x with the performance of 3.1.
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