Would it be possible to add a check box for any material that would be considered a walkable surface in the material editor? That way we could have one to many different files to designate footsteps or perhaps even other object impacts. We could then have several different checkboxes for 'Random Order', 'In Order', etc. That way we could have alternating foot step sounds/impact sounds.
WOW! I get around 1 fps with Newton and around 90 with Bullet. The difference is night and day. I really hope Josh gives several different options for LE3.
I personally want to see more 3rd party libraries implemented. Josh had mentioned that it wouldn't be too dificult for him to raise the capital to hire people. I would rather that capital be spent on implementing better 3rd party libraries.
1 - Umbra
2 - Scaleform
3 - Purelight (included with the license. Perhaps a special deal could be made with Purelight Tech)
4 - RakNet
Is this going to be part of an official Leadwerks demo or sample scene? It would be great if it was...and perhaps with basic multiplayer functionality. I am really anxious to see how LE performs with 16+ players in a professional quality level like this.
So I have been out of the loop for quite some time. I have read on Gamedev.net and a few other sites that there has been quite a lot of progress with hardware anti aliasing with deferred renderers? Are there any plans to include something like this with LE? I find the current AA shader seriously degrades the quality of the render.
I know this isn't the most critical thing, but I would love to edit the tab length to the more standard of 4 spaces per tab instead of the current 8. How hard would this be to add to the options menu in the Script Editor?
I know it isn't the highest priority thing, but it would be great if it was a pretty simple fix.
Ogre3D is one example. Unreal, Unigine and Torque both perform better on DirectX.
Unigine Comparison
Look out Windows, Linux is going to replace you in the near future. So says Lumooja, so it must be true.