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Everything posted by Marcus

  1. Let me preface this with saying, I'm not a fan of Gar(b)ageGames in any way shape or form. I will say that they have a great feature they just added to Torque3D. It would be awesome for level designers to flesh out something playable. I really think it is awesome. Basically, it allows you to model in a similar way that Sketchup does. Here is a video: Torque 3D Sketch Tool
  2. This no undo thing is lame. Any clue when this is going to make it in? Its been decades since I have seen a program with out undo.
  3. Maybe we should put our Steam ID in our signature...
  4. Documentation should always be the top priority. That was one of the biggest complaints with Torque and GarbageGames paid for it.
  5. Just thought it would be fun to play games with other Leadwerks users. Join the group: Leadwerks Steam Group
  6. The problem with the wiki is that it is out of date. I found several functions that were just flat out wrong. We need quality documentation or no documentation. Obviously, we would all prefer the former.
  7. I think that a DOxygen manual would really be nice. I would actually like it more than the wiki. For those who don't know anything about DOxygen, see the following links: DOxygen Official Site DOxygen Wikipedia It appears that there is also a way to make Lua syntax work with DOxygen: DOxygen Lua What makes DOxygen so nice, is we could generate HTML, PDF, CHM, and more. A CHM file that has an index and search functionality would be great for offline documentation.
  8. I remember a certain someone saying UDK was a waste because you could only make a FPS with it.
  9. So I have been thinking a lot about LE and how far it has come. A few months ago, I really wasn't feeling that great about LE. Things have really improved the past few months. When it was announced that 2.3 and the new editor would be paid updates, I wasn't real thrilled. My main reasoning behind it was that I felt 2.3 finally got LE to a level where I felt like it was usable in a professional project. So I felt like I had paid for a beta and was now paying for the real product as well. I now believe that paid updates are a good thing for us. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to pay for every small update. The paid updates need to be REALLY significant. I look back at my Torque license and think of how ridiculous they were for giving away free updates. I think that is one of the reasons Torque never made progress. I really think that they were strapped for cash. Odd how the engine never progressed, despite having an army of programmers. Kudos to Josh. Anyway, that is a story for another day. I really hope that in the future, current licencees will get a nice discount on the upgrades. I really hope that the next upgrade won't be: upgradeCost = newPrice - oldPrice (i.e. $50 = $200 - $150) Not much of a loyal customer thanks there. I hope that we could get at least half price on the price difference. But, more money to Josh will ultimately mean better tech and better upgrades.
  10. +1 for fantasy weapons. Sword & Shield Broad Sword (two handed) Mace Bow Crossbow Wizard's Staff
  11. Please keep in mind that four 1024x1024 textures do not equal one 4096x4096. It is actually sixteen 1024x1024 that would equal one 4096x4096.
  12. The vegetation system just doesn't make sense to use without collision. What is the point of trees with no collision?
  13. I was wondering which version of DXTC are supported. I understand the DXTC5 is supported are any of the others supported? DXTC1, DXTC1a, and DXTC3.
  14. Marcus

    Lua Issues

    Runs equally as well. It seems that it is just a problem with having the script editor open at the same time. When I open the task manager with the script editor open and the script running, the script editor is taking 45 percent of my CPU. When I run it from engine.exe, it allows the script to have 85 percent of my CPU time.
  15. Marcus

    Lua Issues

    Okay I figured out the problem. I only get the choppiness when I run the script in the editor. If I compile the file into a .luac and then drag-and-drop that onto engine.exe, I don't get the choppiness. Odd, but I feel better now that I can get it to work.
  16. Marcus

    Lua Issues

    That actually was full screen. But just for fun I set it to windowed mode at 1024x768 with the same issues. I wondered if it was Aero, but after disabling it, still the same problems. Everything in the editor seems to run fine though. Odd.
  17. Marcus

    Lua Issues

    require("Scripts/constants/keycodes") -- Register abstract path RegisterAbstractPath("") -- Set graphics mode if Graphics(1680, 1050, 32) == 0 then Notify("Failed to set graphics mode.", 1) return end world = CreateWorld() if world == nil then Notify("Failed to initialize engine.", 1) return end gbuffer = CreateBuffer(GraphicsWidth(), GraphicsHeight(), 1+2+4+8) camera = CreateCamera() camera:SetPosition(Vec3(0, 0, -2)) light = CreateSpotLight(10) light:SetRotation(Vec3(45, 55, 0)) light:SetPosition(Vec3(5, 5, -5)) material = LoadMaterial("abstract::cobblestones.mat") mesh = CreateCube() mesh:Paint(material) ground = CreateCube() ground:SetScale(Vec3(10.0, 1.0, 10.)) ground:SetPosition(Vec3(0.0, -2.0, 0.0)) ground:Paint(material) light = CreateDirectionalLight() light:SetRotation(Vec3(45, 45, 45)) while AppTerminate() == 0 do if KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) == 1 then break end mesh:Turn(Vec3(AppSpeed() * 0.5, AppSpeed() * 0.5, AppSpeed() * 0.5)) UpdateAppTime() world:Update(AppSpeed()) SetBuffer(gbuffer) world:Render() SetBuffer(BackBuffer()) world:RenderLights(gbuffer) DrawText(UPS(), 0, 0) Flip(0) end
  18. Marcus

    Lua Issues

    Updated my signature. It works flawlessly in C++. To be honest, my CPU is the thing that could be holding me back. But, I think LE is more dependent upon the GPU than the CPU. Of course, my GPU could be getting bottle necked by may CPU.
  19. Marcus

    Lua Issues

    I decided to look past the syntax of Lua and give the tutorials a go. I was actually pleasantly surprised at the quickness of putting together a script. The only problem I have with scripting now is the first script in the tutorial pdf when run seems very choppy. The two example scripts in the SDK also ran very choppy. My framerate was jumping every where from 70fps on the low end to 310fps on the high end. Is this normal? If I can't even turn a single cube and have it look good, could I really make a game with Lua? Any advice would be appreciated.
  20. Just noticed that there is a BlitzMax module for RakNet. Wondering if anyone around here has used it yet. Looks like a good alternative to LE networking. While I don't doubt that LE networking has come along way, Raknet just seems much more feature complete.
  21. That model is 9800 triangles? To be honest, your vegetation packs look top notch and you have a lot of quality models on your site. But, this one...not so much.
  22. You can access native code such as C/C++ in Java using RNI. I have heard that there is some overhead that could be a show stopper in some cases. There are other ways of doing it as well. I would like to hear what others are doing.
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