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Everything posted by Marcus

  1. Awesome. Hopefully some of them will chime in and give me a hint on what they are doing. Just need a little help getting set up.
  2. I am getting back into Java programming because I am planning on going back to college to get my CS degree. It would be great to be able to use Java with LE. Has anyone successfully used LE with Java?
  3. Marcus


    Don't like Republicans either. I'm actually a Libertarian. So I fight with both.
  4. Marcus


    Democrat and brain dead actually...wait a minute. One and the same.
  5. Marcus

    January 25, 2010

    +1 for adding all the tools into the editor. I do not want to have to go back and forth between 20 programs. I want to build materials, edit scripts, generate physics objects, etc inside the editor. This is why people use Unreal.
  6. Marcus

    Lua and LE

    Yeah, we really need some official documentation soon. It is taking a ridiculous amount of time.
  7. That renderer comparison was inserted to prevent too much backfire from fanboys. I actually think the end result of visuals in UDK with the global illumination is superior to LE. The advantage of LE is in the dynamic lighting. I'm still trying to determine why Josh still uses OpenGL considering the engine isn't even cross platform...Why not just buy a Mac and port it? Why not just compile for Linux? Unity built a VERY successful company based solely on the Mac (until recently anyway).
  8. Not far off, is a comparison. Trust me. It is very far off.
  9. If you think LE editor is even in the same ballpark as UnrealEd, you must not know much about UnrealEd. UnrealEd is light years ahead of LE editor. Anyone who says otherwise is kidding themselves. Now before the fanboys flame me, this is coming from someone who has been using UnrealEd for the last 6 years. Most of you are programmers so you might not understand why it is ridiculous to compare the two, but they are not even in the same ballpark. This is no disrespect to Leadwerks as an engine. Leadwerks has a great renderer (which surpasses Unreal 3), but the editor is not its strength. The strength of Unreal is its editor. In short: UnrealEd > Leadwerks Editor Unreal 3 > Leadwerks Engine Leadwerks Renderer > Unreal 3
  10. True, but I would like the option to be able to move onto a console, if (yes a big IF) my game is successful. To be honest though, I would like to see it as a console capable engine because larger corporations will invest in a license. More $$$ for LE means a better engine for all of us. It worries me that Josh is still a one man show. Leadwerks doesn't seem to be growing very quickly. Leadwerks has been around for several years and it hasn't increased in full time developers. Unity started with just a handful of guys and now they are easily 30-40+ people. I believe opening up to Linux and Mac users would increase the user base. Remember, Unity was ONLY Mac until recently. They built a significant company off of only Mac users. Never under estimate the niche market.
  11. I wouldn't base your business plan off of what people will be buying in 20 years. Yes there is money everywhere. I never said there was no money on the PC. Just not even close to near as much.
  12. I think you guys are missing the point. It doesn't matter that all three of us prefer to use a PC for gaming. The majority of the public just wants to pay a couple hundred of bucks for a console every five years or so. They don't want to purchase a new graphics card or new computer every year or two to play the latest games. The money is in consoles for the most part. It sucks, but that is the truth. Sure you have games like WoW that make a fortune, but very few games enjoy that kindof success.
  13. I guess it just depends on why you want to make games. If you don't want to make any money, then yest consoles don't matter. However, if you would like to make some money developing games, consoles are definitely important. Trust me, I am no console gamer. I have owned a PS3 ever since launch, but I own no PS3 games. It is solely a Blu-Ray player for me. But there are reasons why 99.9% of all big game companies release more console games than anything else. Do you honestly believe that PC is the main gaming platform in the world? Sure there are a lot of games for it, but most of the money is in console gaming...unfortunately. I think your statement about not supporting people who want to play games on consoles is hilarious. While I personally have no desire to play games on a console, a LOT of gamers do.
  14. Add another to the regret Torque3D purchase here. Torque3D is the biggest pile of garbage to have ever come into existence. The code is still spaghetti code (they promised a modularized rewrite). The performance is horrible. I get much better visuals with LE and I get over 2-3 times the framerate. Torque is driven by marketing and marketing alone. The most humurous thing to me is that the head of their product development left to do the same job at Unity. The only advantage that Torque, Unity, and C4 has over LE is that they can run on consoles. LE will not make any significant market penetration until it can as well unfortunately.
  15. Agreed. This is the reason why Unity 3D has been so successful. Leadwerks has made some major improvements, but it still feels like a game engine for programmers. This is exactly why Torque3D has lost so much market share and Unity has gained so much.
  16. Marcus

    Lua progress

    Yeah I was actually just thinking about that. Plus, being written in BlitzMax may make it very difficult. BlitzMax...
  17. Marcus

    Lua progress

    Personally, I absolutely hate the syntax of Lua. I am currently looking into using Mono for scripting. This would allow me to use any language supported by the Mono platform. Unity actually uses Mono for scripting. Languages supported by Mono: C# Java Boo Python JavaScript PHP Lua Cobra Supposedly, adding Mono to a program for scripting is VERY easy. I personally haven't looked too much into it. Here is some official documentation for using it as a scripting language. Scripting with Mono
  18. I'm also planning on using Mono.
  19. Hopefully they start coming soon. I never would have imagined it would take this long after he said it was top priority a while back.
  20. Have I missed the new tutorials? I don't see them on the wiki yet. 2.3 has been released for some time now and new tutorials would be great.
  21. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for scripting. I would just prefer a scripting language with a syntax that sticks closer to the clean...well at least familiar syntax of C/C++. Hands down my favorite scripting languages are TorqueScript and JavaScript. I hate the Torque engine but the scripting syntax of TorqueScript is awesome.
  22. I tried to get into Lua. I just can't get past the horrible syntax of Lua and the complete hack of OOP. Ugly.
  23. Penumbra was available since March 6th 2009 on Steam. I'm not sure what the finally available thing is...I've had it since then.
  24. You programmers are funny. Getting a consistent palette is a non issue for artists. Your time is probably better spent on documentation...yes still waiting.
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