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Everything posted by Marcus

  1. It is possible that the underlying engine isn't modularized like it should be. This is the same thing that happened with Torque.
  2. You need to play more games then. Havok Made Games I highly doubt any other physics engine comes close to the amount of published (and high profile) games.
  3. Marcus

    What's missing?

    Agreed. Almost every shot looks the same.
  4. Marcus

    What's missing?

    What color are your lights? After doing an auto-levels in phototshop, I noticed that you had a LOT of yellow in the image. Original: After Auto Level: Try adjusting your light color to see if that makes a difference.
  5. I wonder if it wouldn't be just be efficient at that point to just use standard UDP. I should look at RakNet to see what they are doing.
  6. I think he is more hinting at connection and connectionless protocols. It is important to remember that UDP is connectionless and makes no guarantee of packet arrival or their arrival order.
  7. I think you actually have the concept of a multiplayer gaming wrong. The players input gets sent to server which hosts ALL decision making, including all player controllers. The server updates/calculates the position of all controllers and then sends those positions to the client. Generally the client does nothing more than gather input, render the scene, play music, and transmit to and receive data from the server. If you allow the clients to send the positional data to the server, you will have massive amounts of cheating. All decision making and validation has to take place on ther server.
  8. I also have worries about the character controllers. I am hoping to at least support 32 players in fps game. Is it the character controller that is causing the primary issues? Would it be beneficial to have some sort of "light" controller that would be less weight over the network? I'm assuming the root of the problem is the way Newton reacts with the player controller.
  9. Marcus


    I'm also looking forward to documentation. I'm sure we will be getting a lot of that in the next week or so.
  10. Marcus


    Exactly. Just like in the Lord of the Flies.
  11. Procedurally based environments are by no means out of reach. I agree with a lot of the others that it is the way of the future. It would be awesome to be able to define certain types of regions like arctic, tropical, temperate, desert, etc and then be able to specify the types of trees, rocks, ground cover, and textures you want to use in each area. I'm sure it would produce great results. The great thing is I'm not so sure it would be that much work to implement in LE now. In the end all you would have to do is erase some trees for buildings, roads, etc.
  12. Marcus


    Why is this all of a sudden a good idea? When I posted this on the forum, everyone attacked me like it was a dumb idea...including you Josh. Oh well...better late than never.
  13. Marcus


    I'm also wondering when we will have updated docs.
  14. How many games like Fallout 1/2 and Baldur's Gate games do you see now? Are those games even corridor shooters? No. "The best RPGs ever written used areas/level that had to be loaded." So you are saying those games were good because the levels had to be loaded or they were just good games? I'm confused at what your point is here...
  15. Yes it can. That is why in the original post I was talking about large open environments, like Oblivion. If you haven't played Oblivion or have no idea what it is, then I can see why you were confused. Haven't played Far Cry 2, but if it is one seamless world, that is what I am talking about.
  16. Not sure how I haven't defined streaming? I'm not being negative about your engine. I don't understand why you attack me when I am trying to offer a sensible way to improve the engine. No engine == perfection LE != perfection It is just a trade off of what works for your project.
  17. Actually the Crytek 3 engine does allow for streaming of assets Crytek 3 Specifications. Gamebryo and Unreal 3 also allow this as well. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that S.T.A.L.K.E.R.'s X-Ray engine does it as well. I'm not entirely sure how it is done, but it is obviously being done.
  18. Well, yes I have bought the engine, but I don't have to use it. Anyway, I could probably bake the global illumination. The terrain...not sure what to do.
  19. Not sure what you are referring to. The meaning or if it shouldn't be a big deal. Maybe it is an American expression. Deal Breaker - A deal breaker is ‘the catch’ that a particular individual cannot overlook and ultimately outweighs any redeeming quality the individual may possess. Deal Breaker Definition
  20. If the 5 layers don't change soon, I have to move on. Five layers just won't work for the project I'm working on. Deal breaker. I hope it comes soon.
  21. I have just been playing through Oblivion and it made me think about a few different things concerning LE. 1) Terrain texture limitations. I really hope there are plans to increase the amount of textures supported on the terrain. Looking at Oblivion, how far would the visuals have gone with 4 or 5 textures on the terrain? 4 or 5 textures may work for a VERY limited geographical area, but anything more than that it fails hard...epically. Adding more textures...perhaps unlimited (theoretically) amount would really add to the visual quality of the engine. 2) Background loading. I personally believe the days of corridor shooters is drawing to a close. I believe games will generally trend towards open environments. LE is really good for large terrains and now massive amounts of trees (just waiting on collision). Things would be even more efficient if we had background loading/streaming. While not in my plans, this would allow for MMO games. It would still benefit other games as well and I would consider it essential to the success of LE in the future. 3) Global Illumination. While I know that deferred rendering is great for a massive amount of lights. This creates stunning results. But honestly, I still think baked global illumination and ambient occlusion still looks better than the flat look in LE right now. Just to be clear, I still believe that LE behaves more realistically with all dynamic lights, but I don't think it looks as good as some of the baking that can be done. I would love to see global illumination make it into LE ASAP. I believe Josh has this in the plans...I forgot what he called his implementation. Anyway, just a few suggestions. I hope the fanboys don't take this as criticism. I think that LE has a long way to go yet, but I think it is moving the right direction.
  22. Marcus

    December 8, 2009

    The sooner the better. I haven't been able to do anything with 2.3 because I don't want to have to redo everything. Look forward to the release.
  23. Marcus

    December 8, 2009

    Please don't anyone take this the wrong way. So far my biggest concern with Leadwerks has been the lack of solid planning and design. It seems that systems have to be rewritten and redesigned all the time. I think we are finally approaching a level where Leadwerks could be used in a large scale project. I would love to have an official road map of where Leadwerks is going. I'm sure this would help all parties. We have a lot of smart users in the community that could help design decisions and help resolve these before they have to be rewritten. I think the scripting design issue is one of the those things that easily could have been avoided. Anyhow, look forward to the release.
  24. @Josh - Any chance we will get some tutorials anytime soon?
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