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  1. This is working. Problem in Maya, it masks real normals. I found else way. Combine mirrored instance with doomy object (standart primitive), then delete doomy faces in component mode, reassign material if needed. In Blender mirrored mesh also have inverted normals, but they have shown as is. Three problems still active .
  2. Left image has soft/hard edges. Middle image - export through FBX (default settings), right image - export through FBX (local face normals).
  3. Leadwerks Engine 2.4 trial OpenGL Version: 3.3.0 GLSL Version: 3.30 NVIDIA via Cg compiler Render device: GeForce GT 220/PCI/SSE2 Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation DrawBuffers2 supported: 1 32 texture units supported. GPU instancing supported: 1 Max batch size: 64 Shader model 4.0 supported: 1 Conditional render supported: 0 windows 7 Maya 2012 x64 FBX v.2012.1.1 Problem №1 I can import model with soft edges and hard edges, but not combined. Is it posible ? Problem №2 I create files the same way like for Monstertruck (which is available in distributive), materials exists in MaterialEditor, but not attached to model in ModelViewer or scene Editor. Problem №3 Parts of model created by duplication with negative scale (mirror) imported with wrong normals. Problem №4 I don't see graphical representation of hierachical links like in model of Monstertruck (which is available in distributive).
  4. 1. Is it possible to create complete application using only lua-scripting (not C++)? 2. The default search paths (models,materials,scripts...) for Engine, Editor, Lua? Is it posible to setup paths? When i start the Editor/Engine, does it collects resources on all subdirectories ? Grouping in the object tree in the Editor is based on the file name: "groupe1_groupe2 ... _objectname.XXX", relevant data (model-material-script..) should be in the same directory or not necessarily?
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