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  1. Is it possible to increase the vegetation layer number ? We would like to use more than 16 layers.
  2. You can buy the windmill. It's a dexsoft-product, as well as the two villager,the blackknightress and rocks. The Windmill is included in the "Medieval Farm Pack". Basically every 3d Object in the scene is non-exclusive. But we will add some exclusive 3d Objects in the future. Our 2d Artist is working on a mage tower. I attached some concepts. Once the concepts are ready, an Artist will create the mage tower in 3d.
  3. I bought the pack. i have to say, that i really like the pack. Great quality. Thanks Michael. i attached some first screenies:)
  4. I would be willing to pay $50 for fantasy/medieval weapons(sword,bow,mace and so). Would be willing to pay more then $50 depends on the quality of the weapons/lua-script
  5. Actually, i like to have fantasy weapons like axes,swords and bows.
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