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  1. Hello, Is there a Leadwerks 2.5 wrapper for .NET, I can only find it for 2.43. Also, the links to tutorials that were at : http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/Documentation/LE2/tutorials/ are missing. Thanks
  2. Hello, Is it only me, but when I click on a link in the forum or in the blogs, its replacing the actual IE tab with the link and opening a new tab with that same link ?
  3. Hi, In the editor, I can drag & drop a vehicle, but can I drive when using the 'switch to game' option ? Thanks
  4. Hello, Following this tutorial (thanks macklebee) : http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/Documentation/LE2/tutorials/_/programming/bmx/applications-with-maxgui-and-le-r44 How can I make it switch from the windowed mode to fullscreen and vice-versa ? In the repeat, if I use if KeyHit(KEY_SPACE) Graphics (800,600,32) End If it crashes at the fw.render Thanks
  5. Thanks Josh, your example in the C:\Leadwerks Engine SDK works, now I have the spinning cube, thanks!
  6. its the full version of BlitzMax I copied the BMX folder from leadwerks to Blitzmax also copied the content of the lib and mod folders from the BMX folder to Blitzmax\lib and Blitzmax\mod so, I have C:\BlitzMax\BMX with the 3 sub folders (framework, lib, mod) in C:\BlitzMax\mod I have that standards blitzmax folders + the 5 folders from leadwerks
  7. Im just trying to run any sample that comes with it, the basic one for example SuperStrict Framework leadwerks.ENGINE Local world:TWorld Local gbuffer:TBuffer Local camera:TCamera Local mesh:TMesh Local light:TLight Local ground:TMesh Local material:TMaterial GCSetMode(2) Graphics(1024,768) world=CreateWorld() If Not world RuntimeError "Failed to create world." <---error here
  8. ok, got a bit further, now Im getting 'Unhandled Exception:Failed to initialize engine' with the framewerk example or 'Failed to create world' with the project example
  9. Hello, I just downloaded the evaluation kit, and try to make it work with Blitzmax. always getting : Compile Error Can't find interface for module 'leadwerks.engine' where is that leadwrks.engine ? and how do I include it in Blitzmax Thanks
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