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  1. Joined 3 days ago and already have been supported by other member Very nice and helpful forum!
  2. Got it in the meantime... As you have guessed, it was the controller position... So in the CharacterController Tutorial this two lines are missing: SetBodyMass(player,1); PositionEntity(player,Vec3(0,2,0)); Hard times for a newbie... Thanks anyway Andi
  3. if I use a body as ground everthing works: TBody ground=CreateBodyBox(10,0.1,10); PositionEntity(ground,Vec3(0,-2,0)); EntityType(ground,1); if I use a model instead, my player falls through TModel scene=LoadModel("scene.gmf"); EntityType(scene,2); Collisions(1,2,1); Further I dont really understand the difference between EntityTypes 1 and 2 Hope to helpful hints again. Thanks Andi
  4. SetBodyMass did it Thanks for your support! Hopefully Josh will adjust the tutorial sometimes... Thanks Andi
  5. I tried to apply a character controller. Everthing works except moving of the controller. Therefore I have copied the code from the Character Controller Tutorial and from the Developers Wiki CreateController() example as well. Both work fine, except moving the controller In DebugPhysics() in all my tries, the chontroller appears as inactive body, no wonder moving isnt possible... What could be wrong? Thanks Andi
  6. sorry it's all working now without copying the texture. slashes instead of backslashes in the abstract path registration did it thanks anyway for your immediate support hope you will forgive newbies thanks Andi
  7. RegisterAbstractPath("D:\Program Files\Leadwerks Engine SDK");
  8. yes it loads the texture if I copy it to the source directory. warnings: aosizereduce and ssaostrength does not exits. but it works now. no idea why I have to copy this texture....
  9. still the same problem... the noise.dds is in materials/effect folder shaders.pak in the directory where the source code is all engine related dll's are also in source directory RegisterAbstractPath() points to the correct folder no idea what the problem is.... copied the noise.dds to the source directory and it works! but this cant be the way...
  10. I made a simple sbx with a terrain (no tex) and an oildrum. When I start my program using your "scene loading" example a get an unhandled exception. My debug output return the following warnings: Loading shader "zip::/projekte/games/test1/shaders.pak//postfilters/postfilter.vert", "zip::/projekte/games/test1/shaders.pak//postfilters/ssao.frag"... Warning: Failed to load texture "abstract::noise.dds": Path not found. Warning: Uniform "aosizereduce" does not exist in shader. Any idea? Thanks Andi Found the texture in Materials/Effects folder but I'm still having the error....
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