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  1. Olby

    4.5 Beta Now Available

    4.5 beta, AI and events map, press F12 (fullscreen) on the perspective view, boom: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION.
  2. Cool. But can it beat BeamNG.Drive ?
  3. Can anyone recap the mtg? Thanks.
  4. Olby

    Documentation Update 2

    BuildNavMesh This function builds a navigation mesh for AI pathfinding. Returns Returns a 4x4 matrix describing the tire's position and orientation in space.
  5. Olby

    Documentation Update 2

    Leaderboard functions are missing
  6. Olby

    Documentation Update 2

    Flag parameter description is not clear: https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Context_DrawImage
  7. Olby

    Help System Revision

    Offline please please.
  8. Olby

    The path we are on

    Yes, but first we need to fix the Flowgraph: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/12529-improvement-in-flowgraph-editor/
  9. I can hear Josh's voice in my head saying "this doesn't necessarily translate to more games being made with Leadwerks" that's why it's on the backburner for so many years.
  10. You might want to follow this thread. None of those requests have been implemented as of yet: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/12529-improvement-in-flowgraph-editor/
  11. It was shortly, you implemented it in beta and took it out a few weeks later. We could name them and group the brushes. Doesn't even matter if it was there or not. I just can't understand how are we supposed to make CSG levels without grouping respective sections of the level together to protect them from accidental movements.
  12. And brush grouping, please bring that back too. Can't talk about serious CSG implementation without grouping.
  13. OGG support.. excellent Christmas gift. Thanks Josh.
  14. Good stuff! Excellent news, although I would change that font to something more modern.
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