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Everything posted by Wchris

  1. If it's not a bug what's wrong with my code please ? What can be causing this #include "App.h" using namespace Leadwerks; App::App() : window(NULL), context(NULL), world(NULL), camera(NULL) {} App::~App() { delete world; delete window; } bool App::Start() { window = Window::Create(); context = Context::Create(window); world = World::Create(); camera = Camera::Create(); camera->SetPosition(0, 0, -5); light = DirectionalLight::Create(); light->SetRotation(45, 45, 45); light->SetPosition(0, 0, -3); //Create a material Material* material = Material::Create(); material->Load("Materials\Developer\Bluegrid.mat"); //material->SetColor(1, 0, 0); //Create a model and apply the material to it Model* model = Model::Box(); model->SetPosition(0, -2, 0); model->SetScale(10, 1, 10); model->SetMaterial(material); return true; } bool App::Loop() { if (window->Closed() || window->KeyDown(Key::Escape)) return false; Time::Update(); world->Update(); world->Render(); context->DrawRect(100, 10, 100, 60); context->Sync(); return true; } This is what I get
  2. Thanks for the info. In C++ I cannot bring it to work with a box too. Engine log says material texture loads ok, but for some reason does not apply to the model (and no error message). Trying to figure out if it could be my fault, but running out of ideas yet (Just doing Model->Model::Setmaterial(Material, false); Tryed with Entity::Setmaterial or without Model::, same result). EDIT: hummm ... in fact there is a bug report here http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/14362-cylinder-and-cones-not-loading-materials/ I must still do something wrong, it doesn't make sense the bug is not exactly the same between lua and C++, since lua is propably using the c++ lib.
  3. Can someone confirm this is solved please ? I cannot find a bug report. Thanks I have a similar problem in C++ with a box. Texture orangegrid.mat doesnt show. PS: I'm not using beta version
  4. Wchris


    PS: You could also sell these features as supplemental addon packs in steam * supplemental pack "machinery editor" * supplemental pack "special effects" since both are not required and could be done manually by skilled users. in machinery editor pack provide an example of excavator or bulldozer. (The feature should probably be an extension on "assets", but the best implementation is up to you.) Edit : and oh, I forgot ... with "besiege" like quality explosions, of course ;-) But there can also be different kind of explosions. a grenade does not explode like an oil tank. Cheers
  5. Wchris


    I believe Creativity and Willpower can't be opposed like this. What you discovered in fact is that every little success in creativity and experimentation feeds willpower. Being a genius you'll personnaly have plenty of success in everything you try and in consequence you will get a strong willpower. Normal people will have more failures and it will in fact decrease their willpower. Thats why I like leadwerks, because the engine is easy and it helps me to keep my small willpower. That's also why you should focus on adding features that make it easy to experiment and create, and why I suggested long before to add a joint and bones machinery editor to the engine. This would allow us to build simple machinery or robots easily. A good source of inspiration would be the game Besiege http://store.steampowered.com/app/346010/ (but of course more generic, with bones and joints without meshes and textures) It would also be a new "high level" feature and an added "sell point" for the engine editor. The other idea you had to add "explosions" assets is also good for willpower. If people experiment on creating an explosion they will succed but it will look horrible and they will be disapointed by the result compared to current AAA games "Hollywood cinema quality explosions". Once disapointed their willpower will decrease (even more because it's a basic and required feature). This is an exemple of how even succes can decrease willpower if it does not reach expectations. Of course it's just a bunch of ideas and they will require much creativity and experiment to bring in usable features that will act as a "willpower generator". I can't help for this, it's you the genius not me ^^ Cheers
  6. Wchris


    #1 Work better with many in stress or #2 Work more alone in the calm. Woaw. Sure, we can only give advices nobody can decide for you, and since we have probably no knowledge of the game industry, we can only guess what's best. For your real life outside of work it doesn't matter, in todays world an app on your phone can match you anywhere and help you find "the one that want's you". After that she will answer your question and you'll just have to follow her. Life is short.
  7. Thanks macklebee I'll look into it. I think I want to achieve this http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=287356325 How did you do it ? Is it possible with Lua or only in C++ with buffers ? My technique would be to render the selected objects alone in another world and render them to a texture to get a mask, and then to send this mask to the posteffect for processing. I know how to do it with buffers, but I have no idea how to do it with Lua and posteffects without buffers.
  8. Is it possible to pass a texture to the posteffect shader to use it as a mask ?
  9. Wchris

    Vegetation Demo

    very smooth bravo. Are you using imposters ? how many lod levels ? Shadows are nice but have a very short range, maybe it could be increased with a dynamic shadown quality ?
  10. Wchris

    Billboards Part 2

    Well, it's not exactly the whole shadow that is popping. It's the intensity of the shadow that varies when the object lod pops. Can't explain it better.
  11. Wchris

    Billboards Part 2

    Josh, there's a secondary linked side effect you may have missed. when the lod level changes the shadow is noticeably modified. You can see it here from 1:22 to 1:28Will your blending method also work with the shadows ?
  12. I always liked wireframes for physics used by LE2. Is the feature/option also back in the scene editor an ingame ?
  13. Wchris

    Building Character

    Andy what you request does not require the same skills. Josh said " Fortunately, I don't have to do anything to make these happen, so it's back to coding for me! ". so we are far from "provide some assets only."
  14. Wchris

    Building Character

    It's a good idea to provide everything that is "generic". By "generic" I mean reusable accros different game genres. First person hand sets and gun reload animations is a good idea, player and npc animations too. For visual assets like fps hand sets it's even more important because you get AAA visuals (in a fps hands are seen all the time, so if they look bad it ruins the immersion). Some time ago I also suggested explosions. Explosions are used in allmost every game. Yes we can make explosions with particles, but 99% of hobbyists will make crappy looking explosions (me included), and you could provide AAA explosions that would instantly lift game visual quality. Also a little game with tanks and explosions is easyer to make than a complete fps. here is a good example because as you see the fire is not just a flash but is growing and still different each time maybe it could be done with the prefab system ? Some parameters could be good like size, shockwave effect on/off, ... Each time you add a feature it benefits everyone. or as an opposite example you can get this after hours of tweaking I searched youtube for a video of a good realistic ingame explosion, but in fact it's very difficul to find. It's not a request, I'm still most using LE2.5, just thinking what could benefit everyone in the future. Water splash effects are also difficult to tweak and could also be provided to get AAA effect without wasting time. Maybe build a library of standard reusable particle effects ? This way people would just use the particle command to build specific need. Just thinking ...
  15. Of course "Free" is more interresting
  16. No price ... But with a team of 15 ingeneers to feed I guess it won't be priced for indie. Edit: found some pricing for unity ... but really strange "pay as you go" .... in my mind it's "you won't know, just gamble with the price". https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/#/content/10144 How can I know what I'll finally pay and manage budget with "pay as you go" ?
  17. For hard surfaces modelling punch's viacad 2D/3D is a cheap solution I can recommand. It handle booleans and edge chamfer very well. It can only export to obj format, but has decimation function to generate 2 versions of the model with High/low poly. Also it's only a modeller, no paint. But for $99 it's worth every penny. You can check it out here http://www.punchcad.com/p-27-viacad-2d3d-v9.aspx Just saying because I use it and I'm happy.
  18. My update is worth nothing without Klepo's help ^^ I think we will be few to want this because the engine is not marketed as multi-language friendly like LE2 was.
  19. Hi Shaping, Full 3.1 is not released yet, only steam lua version. Klepto2 did a C# wrapper for 3.0 that can be found here http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/424-leadwerks-3-net-wrapper/ Strange it's now in a hidden LE2 subdirectory and the "code" subdivision from the download menu got replaced by "script". Probably because Josh is focusing on steam, maybe it'll come back when full Leadwerks 3.1 will be out. The loadmap function is in Klepto's wrapper, but the wrapper is focused on OO so the C# objects get property names, but the undelying flat C export have no parameter names just arg1, arg2, arg3 ... This is because he is using an automated tool called SWIG that targets C#. If it could target C maybe we would have meaningfull parameter names. klepto did 99% of the job to create a "C-DLL equivalent". I had no time to work on my leadwerks projects lately so I told him I would wait for 3.1. But if more people show up and show interrest for a flat C-DLL I'm confident he'll probably resume the task and find a solution. Version 3.1 is scheduled for end march anyway.
  20. eeeekkk ! Does it mean you can do the colored blur around the characters with a shader ? I want, I want, I want ! If there's an easy way to do it I would like to know. Yes, please teach us.
  21. great news ! Thanks. Will the wrapper have flat functions with the entity handle as first parameter like in LE2 ? Or will your wrapper recreate the whole object hierarchy ? I would like to be able to call the flat exported functions from Delphi or Freepascal. I guess other languages like Blitzmax also need such a DLL and won't be able to access the objects directly ?
  22. in this thread http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/7391-light-mapping-objects/page__hl__lighting#entry59668 Rick suggests "Set a lightmap texture in the material that's used on your model." and Josh says "Use a material with the dynamic lighting shader applied to it for models. (When you generate the material, just choose "dynamic".)" Maybe it's the solution you are searching ? Personnaly I'm far away from understanding what a "lightmap texture" is and how to set it up. Is a "lightmap texture" the same as "a material with the dynamic lighting shader applied" ? I'm confused, need a sample My best guess is that the "dynamic lighting shader" uses the "lightmap texture" slot from the material ?
  23. Is someone still working on a Leadwerks.dll for LE3 ?
  24. Could be interrested. English is not my native language, what I mean with "autocompletion" is this (nothing to delete, just correct syntax suggestion) and this without this I feel like using notepad, so you'll be "at home" with current lua editor
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