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Everything posted by Wchris

  1. I agree with Shadmar, time is the challenge. But I voted "writing game code" because when I see the LUA editor without autocompletion that doesn't show me the command syntax when I type then "(" opening bracket ... i'm not even tempted to start using it because I already know I'll loose plenty of time going in/out of the editor for each command. C++ provides this and more, it displays the command list after the "." and ":" and nodoby would disable the feature ? would you ? I guess 90% of the coders don't want to spend time in the docs, they prefer good examples and an editor that helps them with the syntax. It's perhaps not a good practice but it's a fact.
  2. The question is probably for Josh ? But with pure logic, if dynamic lighting works on NON CSG objects then all Josh has to do is transform CSG objects into NON CSG ones in a cache directory and use this merged object instead of the runtime CSG. Edit: Oops he was faster than me
  3. Anyway photoshop is required and I don't own photoshop. Photoshop price + DDO price, even with non commercial licence, is a complete big GAME OVER for me. Damn, there's Paint.net, GIMP for free, or even Corel's PaintShop pro X6 for $75 .... But link their product to $1299 Photoshop that will multiply the global price of their product by x6.2 for an indie is just crazy (I don't use pirated software, never. ... and for those who do have a pirated photoshop, what would stop them to do the same with DDO ? Conclusion, their indie strategy will fail)
  4. Quixel's DDO looks really interresting, i'll try the demo, but the price hurts ... ouch. Also what's the difference between a freelancer and an indie ? who am I ???? I have some artistic skills, but adding details like dirt and scratches is what makes the difference between a model looking uniformly new or looking real. Also specularity is something I never understood and cannot handle.
  5. I think it's real, never seen such grass in Leadwerks. Everything else can be done easily with Leadwerks, but such high density and detailled grass would require more work than the rest. It's still doable, but I doubt someone would spend the time on that detail. But I could be wrong, if you have tools that do the job for you, like Vue, and import the generated scene.
  6. Thanks Shadmar. someone with a linux might try this http://webkit2pdf.sourceforge.net/ on the le2 wiki ? There's also an adobe tool but it's not free Edit: The examples are missing
  7. Cool, as a reward I want an ingame screenshot
  8. Don't do this or you'll end up just deleting the group like gfx said. To delete all the faces in a group do this : Cheers PS: don't try to create vehicles like me with UU3D or you'll get mad, gmf exporter can't handle vehicles properly.
  9. yes I found $295 just for one plugin, see http://www.autodesk....932&id=20096730 or http://www.gamefromscratch.com/post/2012/07/10/Autodesk-goes-indie-with-Scaleform.aspx this is the only price I saw, I guess the core modules are even way higher priced. I think Autodesk has no idea what an indie is (a guy with empty pockets and plenty of dreams). But it's really a good choice for Tyler's Curriculum Vitae.
  10. Because it's tjhena's topic I'll also aswer tjhena. You must consider the new features LE3 cost to implement yourself versus features you want. Let me explain. If your game needs pathfinding it'll cost you more time to do pathfinding yourself then creating a GUI. So LE3 investment on pathfinding is better than GUI because GUI requires less programming capabilities (2D only). For networking, LE2 had A separate DLL that still can be used, so LE3 has actually LE2 networking capabilities. (and there's raknet also). But yes a full networking server handling networked physics could be a smart addition someday. Game levelling management and level state load/save is something missing. But would probably require C++ programmers to use engine commands to store game data to let the engine handle them on load/save; this could be cumbersome. I consider LE3 to be an evolution of LE2 so I logically bought it because I like the friendly community and the easy commands syntax. I'm only annoyed by the regressions (missing opengl3 renderer and terrain) You have until 30 april, but don't miss your chance to get it at $199 .... just in case it's set back to $1000 Edit: See Josh's Blog some answers there http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/roadmap.html?showbanner=0
  11. +1 juggernaut https://developer.nv...m/opengl-driver Does the above link and Josh comment mean future LE3 AAAAAAA+ renderer wil only support fermi chipsets ??? If yes I join Juggernaut in askin for a LE2 quality like AAA driver supporting AAA renders on non fermi chipsets.
  12. Worked great ! Thank you for the tip. Good weekend
  13. There is no installer directory in my le3 eval and I did not install LE3 because I missed the istall link when I buyed
  14. No can't see anything usefull there
  15. Hello, I got the mail telling me my key was upgraded and hinting me here ... but I did not download LeadwerksUpdater.exe after buying. How can I get it now ? Thanks
  16. These products are not free for indie ? something like $295 per product/seat/platform ? We will all get bankrupt before we start producing a game. and at this price it'll be difficult to share your work with us. But welcome back
  17. * why a "big block of research and development" ? all we want is a LE2 graphics technology driver for LE3 with LE2 capabilities. I guess you want to create in 2 other years something that will be AAAAAAA+ with tesselation, etc ... and I believe you can; but LE2 visuals, lighting and shadows are AAA and still outperforms most of what currently exists, so what's the point ? * Who cares official support for other languages ? We did without it sofar. The question is will LE3 ship with a DLL ? * Last question ... sorry to ask. Once the new pricing scheme is set, how much will you charge for 3.1, 3.2 ? (wet cat fears cold water after the shower ) But maybe this question has to wait the news pricing sheme.
  18. And allow downloadable versions please. I don't want a boxed version. Customs will want me to pay vat on oversee shipped boxed versions. + custom fees. I don't have to pay vat on downloaded versions, because they don't known I exists at all. Thanks Edit: I'm serious, I will NOT buy a boxed version. [joke] Edit: another solution is to slice the boxed version into packets of value < 45€. And send me plenty of little packets because our crazy lawmaker doesn't require vat when the price is < 45€. But I guess you don't want to ? LOL [/joke]
  19. You can also add CSG to the list. Because before LE3 he could sell 3Dworld studio to do this. With LE3 integrated CSG he will loose those sales so this hikes LE3 price. And Ai/pathfinding because some games don't require it. But I have the feeling Josh doesn't want to make LE3 pricing flexible. Maybe because it'll complexify the licence management. Also he said somewhere "I don't want to defer LE3 release 3 month more as it is allready usable" ... So what did he think he can do in 3 months ? Will the AAA renderer be available in 3 months ? It's difficult to imagine this given the slow experience of LE2 development. But now they are 2 to work on Leadwerks 3. I would prefer if LE2 users could get an increased 70% rebate. Even unity did offer à 50% rebate to blade3d users http://blogs.unity3d...de3d-customers/) so 50% is a very common offer and not a big effort. Compared to LE2 developpers what did Blad3d users show to get 50% from unity ?
  20. HI, After watching you video some observation immediately come to my mind. The video is awesome, expecially the debugger, but I don't want to talk about what's already perfect. * The first thing is the plenty of 'box' I can see in the treeview. There should be a way to collapse or hide similar objects to avoid getting overwhelmed. One of the big problems with game making is to handle the growing of code and ressources, If from the beginning it's not designed to simplify visualisation it will be increasingly difficult for us 'mere mortals' to manage it when the project grows. (or maybe some king of tag system to hide some tags ?) * The second thing is about the source code and flowgraph. I can see events in the flowgraph that correspond to lua subprograms. If I double-click on the flowgraph subprogram function name do I get placed in the source code at the beginning of the subprogram ? If not It would be a huge organisation help and time saver to add this. No more scrollig into the code. Try it you won't go back. Also when we click on an object in the treeview it would be nice to have in the popup menu and 'events' item that opens a list of attached script subprograms names and allows to double-click and jump directly at the beginning of the function source code. * The third thing that annoys me about lua is missing syntax help hints. When I tape a function name I always expect to see a hint with the list of parameters and types. I have this in other languages and it's really a big big + to learn and use faster without having to go out and reach the docs. Cheers I can already hear plenty of trolls groawling 'Hey this will slowdown LE3 release', but this is not required at release. But should be quickly added after because it will help adoption of lua and make the editor more usefull and more fun. I understand it's difficult for Josh to work on easy things because it's boring, the debugger and advanced functionalities are more fun for him. But you have a skilled employee now, he would do this in no time please
  21. Wchris

    One Last Thing

    this link confirms you have to generate a navmesh for each controller size http://www.gamedev.n...ast-and-detour/ 'agents significantly larger than the median should use a different navmesh, built using a larger median radius' also your google link says : "Use Recast to build specialized navmeshes and try to find ways to minimize the data and then compare that the approach of reusing the navmesh. Try to take into account the extra data you need (you need to at least mark which polys are walkable by which agent size)." or "If you have different sized agents, you should create a navmesh for each of the agent size. The restriction is there to make the navmesh generation easier. There are actually quite a few parameters which affect the shape navmesh: agent radios, agent height, agent climb and max slope." for detour I have to search some more, there must be a solution, like said all STR do it. if there is a way to "mark polys walkable" there is perhaps a way to temporarilly mark manually the polys occupied by all different sized controllers, then generate navmesh to get avoidance by doing intermediate (shortened) path search ? ... (sorry if my sentence looks confused, can't word it better) EDIT: an alternative could be to have a LE3 low level navigation command set that encapsulates recast & detour and allows us to do the above ourself ? But the editor should still be able to generate multiple navmeshs with different resolutions.
  22. Wchris

    One Last Thing

    I don"t worry, recast and detour are opensource so they will just benefit from Josh's future code enhancements. Anyway he will quickly figure out that STR games have vehicles and vehicles require navmeshs too .... and a trooper, a buggy and a tank are not the same size. All STR can handle it, so Josh's brain will find a way to do it (100% confident) [joke]and also C++ will do 98% of the job ^^[/joke] (sorry could not resist) ;-)
  23. Wchris

    One Last Thing

    A script is a good idea,because it's allows customisation for those who want advanced specific effects. As long it's easy to call. I have another question about navigation AI. Suppose you have a room with 3 doors, a small width door A, a medium width door B and a large width door C. Inside the room there are 3 cylinder controllers, a small one, a medium one, and a large controller. Of course the small controller can go thru door A,B,C, but the medium controller can only do thru B,C, and the big one only thru C. Just curious, can the navigation Ai handle this ?
  24. Wchris

    One Last Thing

    me->GoToPoint(happy);//LE user will be happy, with integrated navigation Suggestion : I would also like enemy->Explosion(Diameter, smoke, smokecolor, projections) because an explosion is a "standard" feature, and most users will spend xxx time to redo something that could be done once 10x better. also SendHighScore(gamename, playername, score); and GetHighScoreList(gamename) could be cool. ^^ because you host.
  25. maybe this is one part of the solution http://www.leadwerks...?f=32&t=4518��? but vertex are probably not attached to bones .... their position is probably computed from closest bone and the info is in the GPU so you can't get it back, you'll probably have to play the bone animation manually. Big job. Just curious, what's your ati hardware exactly ? AMD fusion ?
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