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  1. Good Day May I take quastions about 3d World Studio 5.52 and 5.6. I found some bugs. Bug Reports is Protectef forum. I can not see and create topic. Why? First bug when rotating vertex take bedly position in the outside grid. I make video and publish in youtube Second bug when create myself texture in the C:\Program Files (x86)\3D World Studio\Materials\ create folder for example "TextureNy" and copy texture .png file or .jpg transperent sometimes take mistake in programs. In vesrion 5.56 also. When I create new texture in program and use for model after Saving program take error and reboot. can you help me? Who see this bugs? I am also have Win7 64 bit and have problem with texture
  2. Good Day May I take quastions about 3d World Studio 5.52 and 5.6. I found some bugs. Bug Reports is Protectef forum. I can not see and create topic. Why? First bug when rotating vertex take bedly position in the outside grid. I make video and publish in youtube Second bug when create myself texture in the C:\Program Files (x86)\3D World Studio\Materials\ create folder for example "TextureNy" and copy texture .png file or .jpg transperent sometimes take mistake in programs. In vesrion 5.56 also. When I create new texture in program and use for model after Saving program take error and reboot. can you help me? Who see this bugs?
  3. Good Day May I take quastions about 3d World Studio 5.52 and 5.6. I found some bugs. Bug Reports is Protectef forum. I can not see and create topic. Why? First bug when rotating vertex take bedly position in the outside grid. I make video and publish in youtube Second bug when create myself texture in the C:\Program Files (x86)\3D World Studio\Materials\ create folder for example "TextureNy" and copy texture .png file or .jpg transperent sometimes take mistake in programs. In vesrion 5.56 also. When I create new texture in program and use for model after Saving program take error and reboot. can you help me? Who see this bugs?
  4. Good Day May I take quastions about 3d World Studio 5.52 and 5.6. I found some bugs. Bug Reports is Protectef forum. I can not see and create topic. Why? First bug when rotating vertex take bedly position in the outside grid. I make video and publish in youtube Second bug when create myself texture in the C:\Program Files (x86)\3D World Studio\Materials\ create folder for example "TextureNy" and copy texture .png file or .jpg transperent sometimes take mistake in programs. In vesrion 5.56 also. When I create new texture in program and use for model after Saving program take error and reboot. can you help me? Who see this bugs?
  5. Good Day May I take quastions about 3d World Studio 5.52 and 5.6. I found some bugs. Bug Reports is Protectef forum. I can not see and create topic. Why? First bug when rotating vertex take bedly position in the outside grid. I make video and publish in youtube Second bug when create myself texture in the C:\Program Files (x86)\3D World Studio\Materials\ create folder for example "TextureNy" and copy texture .png file or .jpg transperent sometimes take mistake in programs. In vesrion 5.56 also. When I create new texture in program and use for model after Saving program take error and reboot. can you help me? Who see this bugs?
  6. I am also use 3D World Studio and Unity3D. From 3D World Studio export in .X After open in Deep Exploration, save in .3ds Open .3ds in Autodesk 3d Max and use Attach List save .3ds or .fbx Open model in Unity3D Thanks for idea with Unwrap3D. Is it support function Attach List or not?
  7. I choose 3D World Studio for me very quickly instrument creating 3D model. but I think Silo, Blender or Autodesk 3D max more better but need a lot of time to creating 3D model
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