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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. Whoops, you are right Marley. Thanks for pointing that out. I didn't know they could be found there. Still, a complete download is userful.
  2. Since all the old tutorial pages are gone, here is a zip file containing all the PDF files and source code of the Lua tutorials. Download http://www.leadwerks...tutorial-files/ Youtube playlist http://www.youtube.c...eature=view_all Happy scripting!
  3. @Naughty Alien: I think he means Torque 3D. C++ http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/Documentation/le2/_/tutorials/ LUA https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC272E30DD2883EC3&feature=view_all BMAX and C++ video and pdf's http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page Editor documentation http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/Documentation/le2/_/user-guide/ Ofcourse the forum and youtube have lots of information.
  4. Hi and welcome aboard the leadwerks express. I am curious to see what you are going to make.
  5. Perhaps applying a force. But bodyvelocity would work as well. When the player for instance presses 'f', you move the enemy with a certain velocity for an amount of time. Personally I would work with forces. I think Bodyvelocity gives you more control, but forces can give unexpected (and thereby perhaps realistic) results.
  6. Looks very good Rick. Very interessting.
  7. I sometimes had trouble with texture flickering when using more then 3 or 4 textures on the same object for different colors. Good uv mapping and a texture that contains all parts of the character is better.
  8. Actually Diedir has put up this download in the asset store: http://www.leadwerks...-joystick-demo/ I haven't tried it though.
  9. As someone who has spend a lot of time with Lua, I can advise to use C++. Lua is nice for object scripting, but like everyone else says: C++ has a larger horizon. Personnaly I think you will find more (well documented) libraries for C++ than Lua. official C++ tutorials: http://www.leadwerks...e2/_/tutorials/ Official Lua tutorial: http://www.leadwerks...ed_With_Lua.pdf Unofficial Lua there used to be a Lua tutorial section but I can't find it any more. I have a youtube playlist with Lua en leadwerks tutorials: http://www.youtube.com/lua_leadwerks_playerlist
  10. Congratulations. Sounds like a massive energy boost.
  11. Really cool stuff Marley. looks all very smooth
  12. I couldn't agree more. I took the same road from FPS creator. The via their website I found Leadwerks and thought "Ah, that is the next step". Fotunately Leadwerks offered lots of good beginner tutorials at the time.
  13. Recent update from Camtasia allows better ingam capturing. Its support has increased and I have to say that it works quite well. Maybe not as well as fraps but good enough.
  14. Thanks everyone. Yes it is very important. I want to make a tutorial with the A* and a terrain created in Leadwerks. From there on I will add the diagonal heuristic and even a special heuristic for different terrein height. After that I will make some characters walk with steering behaviour. Should be a nice tutorial I think.
  15. Thanks for sharing Roland. I didn't know that,
  16. I don't have anything against it.
  17. Shall I remove my article then? It is okay. The only thing I have against putting the content in a forum thread, is that it gets lost in the topics, instead of having a nice spot in some sort tutorial section.
  18. Allways wondered how to create pathfinding for your game? Check out this in depth tutorial about the A* pathfinding in Leadwerks using LE.NET. This tutorial covers all points of setting up a basic program using the A* algorithm. The tutorial uses LE.NET and Visual Studio 2010. This tutorial covers: Pathfinding in general Dijkstra algorithm Setting up a grid with tiles A* algorithm Getting the path How to improve Download Available! Start project Finished project Powerpoint used in the video http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/321-a-star-a-pathfinding/
  19. Leadwerks It has been quite a while since I have been active on werkspace or with Leadwerks. Still, even after working with severall Engines and Frameworks, I allways come back to Leadwerks. I don't know what it is. The coding? The Visuals? The ease of use? The lighting? Anyway, I had some time of, since homework was fairly quickly finished. Spare time has been scarce so I am glad I can finaly make some time werkspace... Year 2 Year 2 of Game development is an enormous improvement on the first year. First of there are the team projects that are more interessting. Working with XNA, Kinect, Android, Motion Capture and Unity was a lot of fun. I learned quite a lot of new programming skills. Not perse programming methods, but more algorithms and terminology. Algorithm and Data structures Take for instance my class: Algorithm and Data structures. A very interessting class. It is so satisfying to finally understand what some of advanced programmers on this forum are talking about. Some interesting subjects are: Big O (Log N, Log(1), O(n) ) quick sort, merge sort, swap sort, other sortings, Dijkstra (Check out the clickable flash demo beneath) http://aggror.com/images/showcase/dijkstra.swf Binary treas (huffman coding) Stacks Heaps (Hof) AI Last month we started with Artificial Intelligence. Wow, a whole new world of programming opens all of the sudden. The A* pathfinding lesson was very interesting (hence the new video tutorial about pathfinding). I am also looking forward to Flocking, Boids, steering behaviour and Learning AI's. And who knows what kind of new tutorials this might bring along. I still have a lot of inspiration left from Marley's ghost AI grid and Flocking system, Pixel perfect's 'stranded' showcase and Josh's Navigation mesh generator. Flocking and steering AI (wouldn't a race game with enemies be fun?!?) is up for the next 2 months. I will keep you posted on the cool parts. Aggror
  20. Okay, thanks for clearing that up. Case closed.
  21. I have to agree with Rick. It somehow has influence on whether I open a Topic. :S
  22. What is the point of having that category then? I am sorry to bother you with this. But I really don't understand the structure. I can't be the only one. For now I will make an article with video content. Here is my last question. Where should I put the download for the source code? In the asset store (the article links to the asset store) or in the article itself?
  23. I understand. But what should people put in the Asset Store --> tutorials, if articles have the exact same options.
  24. Oh wait, I think I got my way of thinking wrong. A tutorial can be made as an article, but that article can refer to a download which is the tutorial section from the asset Store! correct me if I am wrong.
  25. A little bit late, but in 2 days there will be an A* pathfinding tutorial for Leadwerks. It is made with C# but, the algorithm will be explained.
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