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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. What is the difference between an article and a tutorial (from the asset store) then?
  2. Josh told me those are official tutorials.
  3. Very interessting stuff Marley. I learned a lot from it. Thanks for the post.
  4. This is awesome! I totally agree with your point on User generated content. But even besides that, It looks great! Keep up the good work!
  5. @ Josh Okay I am confused about where to place tutorials. What If I have a tutorial existing out of video, a zip, a pdf and some text for inside the tutorial page? Shoould It go to --> Asset Store --> Tutorials? if so then what do I do with a textual article/tutorial that isrelated to a tutorial with video? Do I put that with assest store tutorials or with articles? Also, some video tutorials are also placed in the "video section" of the community. Could you please clarify how you want this to work?
  6. After 6 hours work the entire A* algorithm works. (had this dumb bug that kept messing things up). Only thing left to do is using your mouse to set a new startposition, endposition and coloring walls. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/4573-tutorial-a-pathfinding-with-c/ image: A* in all its glory.
  7. Unfortunately: yes it does. It is a known issue. Installing Leadwerks at C: is advised. It has something to do with user rights in the C:Program Files (x86) folder.
  8. I have got the tutorial demo almost working correctly. The Dijkstra algorithm works, just a little more code (and some tweaking, bug fixing) and it evolves to A*. Here is a little screenshot to get you going:
  9. Those models/textures look really good.
  10. That looks awesome! Really inspiring stuff. I hope to do that as well soon. Thanks for the post
  11. I have both fraps and camtasia. for tutorials, camtasia is okay. But when you want to record with high quality, fraps is the answer.
  12. Isn't it possible to make a silent installer for that? I mean a lot of steam games install C++ redistributable. http://blogs.msdn.com/b/astebner/archive/2010/10/20/10078468.aspx
  13. A little headsup when using parenting for Third person camera control: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/2966-third-person-camera-discussion/page__p__27453__hl__third+person__fromsearch__1#entry27453
  14. Found it in a backup: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=2758
  15. AggrorJorn


    Yeps I am still here. School is the reason for my absence. I have been to busy with projects and homework to spend any time with LE. Apparently the LUA example page is no longer intact. I can see if I have a backup on my external hd somewhere.` http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/155-luagui/
  16. thanks. I have reuploaded it to the asset store.
  17. Bump. Does anybody have the projector light by any chance? The website rollback deleted it and I don't have it on my computer anymore.
  18. That looks very promising Marley. What a beautifull screenshot of the town. I have a question about the A* pathfinding: how do you make the grid? I can think of a way for terrains but how do you handle models that have different floors?
  19. excellent news this. Lua without a decent debugger was quite painfull sometimes.
  20. Looks good to me. A protocol for backups is always a good idea. @community: Starting on the documentation again tonight.
  21. Awesome stuff dude. Very inspiring.
  22. I had this in class last week. Only in 2d instead of 3d.
  23. That looks really good Rick. Congrats!
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