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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. You can install the complete C++ package: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/resources/_/programming/cpp/leadwerks-c-tutorials-r25
  2. hi Dozz, The website had a bit of a drawback last week. The entire forum was reset to novemeber of 2010. Parts of the documentation (if not all) are gone. You can access the resources page via this link: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/page/resources At the moment you can only access that directly via the main website and not via werkspace. I hope that Josh fixes this soon. As for future tutorials: As soon as Leadwerks 3 is out I want to make new tutorials. This time I will go a lot further then the basics. I will cover proper Raycasting, Animation, GUI etc. but this is something for the future. The actual tutorials are not being rewritten (at least not by me), the documentation on the engine usage is/was part of my job. I am not sure what my current task is at the moment as I have yet have to receive an answer from Josh.
  3. awesome dude. So you have an external program that makes it easier to edit ingame options for objects? Like name settings, what the player thinks about the object, were the object can be used for. Stuff like that?
  4. thanks for the answer Macklebee. This 'Unlocking' thing, does that occur everytime when you open the properties menu for a model?
  5. terrain height is saved to a .raw file. texture placement information is saved to a .dds file. vegetation is per vegetation layer stored in a .dat file. model placement, rotation and scale is being stored in the .sbx file. The textures that you use for your scene have to reside in your project folder. When you want to use your own textures, then you need to rename your textures: terrain.dds --> vegetation_terrain.dds This way the editor knows it is about terrain textures. Coincedental, I started making a video tutorial series about terrain editing last week. But it isn't finished yet. http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/page/resources/_/artwork/tools/terrain-editing-r52 The User Guide goes in to more detail about terrain editing: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/page/resources/_/artwork/tools/leadwerks-23-user-guide-r16
  6. The layout seems to shape up real nice Josh. can't wait to try it out!
  7. I am working on tutorials that cover objects scripts. One of the topics is sending messages and camera picking. What kind of parameters do you want to add to your function?
  8. HI, 1:) yes, gravity can be disabled per scene or per object. Besides that you can also change the gravity into the direction you want to. 2:) It is possible to make an online game with Leadwerks, but you do need to have someone in your team who knows how to do network programing.
  9. I would contact Josh for this. http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/page/company/about Oftopic: No offense but your question is difficult to read without the use of points.
  10. I think it depends a little on what you want to achieve with your game. Maybe Bullet is less accurate but when there is so much physics activity on screen, people (or gamers in general) will not notice or simply just don't care that objects are intersecting. Take for instance the game Red faction Geurilla. Entire buildings are collapsing while most of the debris just goes straight through each other. Bullet would be ideal for that. If you would have a game like Amnesia, Newton is probably better because the physics need to be accurate and there are only few physical entities active at the same time. The thing that bothers me the most with newton is that you can not rescale the physics file realtime in the editor. Besides that I can not complain about newton.
  11. wow those results don't lie at all now do they! How is it possible that one physics engine can be so much better? Newton can't be that bad now can it? @2wchris: I think lumooja means a paid bullet.lib library with extra functions that he is going to make. Bullet itself is free.
  12. I am making this alarm thingoid were you pick your own sound. Sound file plays in a loop but every time you open the properties window, the sound start playing in another track (so the sound file is playing twice at the same time). require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) --Create the Rotation speed tab and property function class:InitDialog(grid) self.super:InitDialog(grid) alarmTab = grid:AddGroup("Alarm") alarmTab:AddProperty("alarmsound", PROPERTY_FILE,"Wav Files (*.wav):wav;Ogg Vorbis (*.ogg):ogg", "Alarm Sound") alarmTab:Expand(1) end --Create the object as soon as it is dragged in to the editor function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) --when property values are changed in the property layout, you need to apply them with SetKey() function object:SetKey(key,value) --the alarmsound key gets a new value (or path) assigned. if key=="alarmsound" then self.alarmsound = value end return 1 end --use the values from the 'keys' to do things in the scene. function object:GetKey(key,value) if key=="alarmsound" then if self.alarmsound ~= nil then soundFile = LoadSound("abstract::"..self.alarmsound) self.model:EmitSound(soundFile,8,1,1) end end return value end end end
  13. Josh, I have updated the commands.txt in the first post. Could you add it to the SDK?
  14. This video tutorial explains how to flatten en smoothen out your terrain with the help of the terrain editor. Most people will know this allready but especially new people will find this helpful. All the terrain video tutorials can be found here: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/page/resources/_/artwork/tools/terrain-editing-r52
  15. When you pay the 200 dollar you get the Leadwerks engine. (engine.exe) Leadwerks editor. plus several tool for model and texture conversion. Lua script editor. NOT the source code.
  16. Nope, Tog get the full source code, you have to contact josh via email.
  17. This video tutorial explains how to create and how to sculpt the terrain with the help of the terrain editor. Most people will know this allready but especially new people will find this helpful. All the terrain video tutorials can be found here: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/page/resources/_/artwork/tools/terrain-editing-r52
  18. I'm looking at my own camera implementation for the editor but first I need to know if it possible to override the current camera controls in the editor. Has anybody experience with this or knows if this is possible?
  19. Yes you can sell your game which is made with this engine. there is no limit what so ever about publishing games. no royalties. no splashscreen of leadwerks if you want to. This is the eula of the current engine so this means for a lifetime. small updates are free but large updates (or better said: a completely rewritten engine) costs money. It's bin a year since the last paid update of 50 dollar. which included a brand new editor and ingame testing and scripting. hope this answers you questions.
  20. You can look at the cage light. It has glowing material and a point light added via script.
  21. I wouldn't per definition say that your tutorials are bad pancakes! First of all, your previous tutorials were very good and have proven to be quite useful. Besides that I am interested in to what you have to say about environment designing. There are always people out there (sounds creapy :S) who are completely new to everything and can really use every single video even when you think it is not important. third: lets say the tutorials is fail: we all have a good laugh and you are on your way for a next youtube hit! XD
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