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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. Every program that creates FBX or obj can convert to gmf. max maya, xsi, uu3d, blender
  2. I was cleaning up my computer and found a bunch of selfmade (gimp) heightmaps (and only slightly used ). Free for personal and commercial use. .raw format 10 heightmaps: 256 x 256 10 heightmaps: 512 x 512 4 heightmap: 1024 x 1024 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=369555935
  3. Well I didn't know it for sure either, but I remembered a topic were there was a problem with ambient lighting and a directional light bug. Anyway, glad the issue is solved now.
  4. whish that were true, but thats my subscription list. the subscribers to me are standing below it.
  5. You could ask Zaphos about java: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-1d2CtuvQU
  6. Good feedback vetal thx, I am rendering a new video tutorial which will be uploaded in a couple of minutes. Keep the ideas for other shorties comming!! *Edit new version uploaded
  7. does the scene contain a directional light? Perhaps they both need to be used in order to have proper ambient lights.
  8. Okay I will use larger font next time. Thx for the feedback.
  9. The issue was that it was incrementing the loop correctly?
  10. I am logged in to the wiki and I can change command pages but I can't see a button for changing the frontpage. *edit: nvm
  11. perhaps you can test it out with LoadMaterial and paint the material on a dummy model.
  12. If you haven't gotten an email, you can also check the download section for the installer. But Ofcourse you would need a license key first. http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/files/category/16-leadwerks-engine-sdk/
  13. Could you explain which part that was? I can could change the zooming in and out a litlle. Note that the only code I truelly explained was the AppSpeed() command. If I would explain the other code as well the tutorial would become a lot longer.
  14. By default framework uses the command SetStats with a parameter of 1 (show fps). If you use setfont before the main loop then every text is going to have that font. Haven't tested this but it might work: main loop fw:Update() fw:Render() SetBlend(1) RemoveFont(myfont) SetStats(1) SetFont(myfont) Drawtext ('lalalala') SetBlend(1) Althought this looks not all that good since you call setstats every single loop. I don't think it will impact performance but it can bother you with it presence in the main loop.
  15. Should have mentioned a thank you in the video. it s in the first post now.
  16. And the next: Equal game speeds. http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/3016-leadwerks-tutorial-equal-game-speeds/
  17. This video tutorial explains how to make use of the AppSpeed command. This affects many subjects such as equal rotation and position speeds, animation speed, fire rates etc. A thank you to Lumooja for explaining this to me in the first place.
  18. Before Rick says anything, yes, there will be a custom event handler function you can attach to a gadget instead of polling events. Haha, I was thinking the exact same thing there. The addition of gadgets. Are community made plugins going to be supported?
  19. Could you add the lua tutorials on there as well Josh? the more people know of their existence the better.
  20. 5 minutes can be so easily exceeded, but here's the first one: Font studio. http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/3008-leadwerks-tutorial-font-studio/page__pid__27783#entry27783
  21. This video tutorial explains how to make your own font styles for the Leadwerks engine and how to load new fonts in to your program.
  22. Okay so here is a short list of what I am planning: Equal game speed Font Studio Terrain editor Objects in your scene After these I will have a look at how to do something like guns in general. I have to figure that out anyway so it will come in handy.
  23. Many of the C++ tutorials are outdated and might not be working correctly anymore. They are more for giving people a general idea of how things work in Leadwerks. Many things like rendering are now easier because of the use of Framework. You can still do it the old by making world and buffers your self, but it for most people it is easier to use framework as there are so many features in it that cover complex code (godrays, anisotropic filtering, buffer rendering, water etc.) Welcome back btw
  24. day/night system and guns etc are hot topics but they are not really 'short tutorials' as they cover a lot of coding and explanation. I am more looking for small things atm.
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