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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. I was working in the cantina of the school the other day when I noticed a showcase by 2 (second years) game developer students. Their project for the last 6 months was to build some kind of interactive system for a rehabilitation center. I was really cool to see and to think of it that only 2 seconds students made this. Really impressive. They also made a bunch of small games but I didn't make a recording after this one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiNCt0m-HXY
  2. I am thinking of making a bunch of short video tutorials that cover a small subject or an interesting feature when using Leadwerks. For instance this topic: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/3000-equal-game-speed/page__pid__27733#entry27733 I am going to make small video tutorials about this because its just really useful for everyone. Movies like that are easier to record and to edit and are approximately 5 minutes long. Any suggestions?
  3. This program seems nice: http://luaedit.luaforge.net/media.html The program is okay but I can't find a way to specify the leadwerks engine.exe to use as the interpreter for the lua files
  4. I work a lot with lua and I always use the Lua script editor for that. Something I miss with that program is a simple project manager which would display all lua files in a neat file list. Is it possible to build a simple app that would embed the current Lua script editor and then add a file list on the left side which contains all the scripts that reside in the 'script folder'. Lets say you would open a lua script somewhere in your project folder, that it automatically would show the list of all the lua files of your project folder?
  5. Thanks for the quick reply Lumooja. ow... well thats just really sad. I have been doing that since I bought LE. lolz Thanks for extra illumination on the matter. Did not know that either. Well learned a lot here today. thx again
  6. I am having trouble getting many different animations and camera settings to have the same speed no matter what the FPS of the game is. Here is an example of what I am doing at the moment: UpdateAppTime() --Rotate object if KeyDown(KEY_E)==1 then object:Turn(Vec3(0,obj.Rotation.y + (0.2 / AppSpeed()),0)) elseif KeyDown(KEY_D)==1 then object:Turn(Vec3(0,obj.Rotation.y - (0.2 / AppSpeed()) ,0)) end fw:Update() fw:Render() Updated values for rotation etc always use a 'divide by AppSpeed() ' to have the same amount rotation no matter what the FPS. What do I need to do here to get the same rotation no matter what the FPS is?
  7. Looking at those methodes I say that that is exactly what is needed here. A couple of commands that allows the program to have more control and values available to see what is going on with the scene loading. Here is the suggestion: - LoadScene ( scene ) //load the scene - IsSceneLoading ( boolean) //returns true or false whether the scene is still loading and/or previous scene is removed yet. - GetLoadingProgress (integer progress) // returns the percentage of what is loaded.
  8. I am glad you like it. this is nothing fancy really. But objects like this and the rotation light are little things that make working with lua a lot of fun.
  9. I would experiment with z-sort and overlay. They both have affect on which layer is rendered first etc.
  10. Things to try: Is the ambient light in your project folder? Are there multiple ambient lights? (perhaps causing interference) Delete the ambient light in your editor and project folder and update your SDK. Remove the ambient light from your scene and drag a new one in. Resave the scene as a different level and try to load that level. good luck!
  11. I don't know how to do it entirely in C++ but this is a way for Lua. When you do it with Lua you can either use the main program or use a per entity script (object script). I am going to explain the last one. Lets say you have a gmf named soldier.gmf. You need to make soldier.lua file in the same folder as the gmf file. Then add some code: require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) function object:Render() if KeyDown(KEY_UP)==1 then frame = (AppTime()/35.0) % (ENDFRAME-STARTFRAME) + 1 model:Animate( frame, 1,0, 1 ) end end replace ENDFRAME with the last frame of the animation and STARTFRAME with the first frame of the animation. The /35 is used for the speed of the animation. You have to tweak it a little to your own needs.
  12. Hi, You can play the animation either with Lua or C++. Lua has the advantage that it can do the animation realtime in the editor. Which one do you want to use?
  13. So many projects: Project: Silent Rose - Horror Aqua - 2.5d Adventure The last road - First person horror Project lolcat1 - casual Third person game project Silent Rose is the only one which is a serious goal, while the last road is purely a project where I am learning how to program, experimenting with level design and game concepts.
  14. I have no idea. It is just a cube with a texture, a physics file and some mass. I don't have this with other objects.
  15. Sorry for the late reply. things to try: Have you tried getting the position from the dummy box and use that value as a position for the emitter? Are you using MoveEntity or SetPosition? Could you please show the code of the emitter? Maybe I can spot something.
  16. Where did you see this Rick? I haven't noticed this change but I also can't see any automatic lua code.
  17. Anuy luck with this manuel? I haven got a clue how to do that.
  18. Thats is really cool aily. How long did it take you to make it?
  19. well looks like the walls are bouncing again. don't you just hate it when that happens http://daydreamersinteractive.com/movie/bouncywall.mp4
  20. This file was already in the download section once, but I removed it because I thought a normal spotlight could do the thing. See this topic as well. http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/535-projection-light/#entry4781
  21. File Name: Projector light File Submitter: Aggror File Submitted: 16 Oct 2010 File Updated: 05 Jun 2011 File Category: Lua This spot light lets you choose a projector map via an extra menu. By default it display the leadwerks logo. The material file contains this line: texture0="abstract::projectormap.dds" Click here to download this file
  22. aw damn looks like macklebee beat me too it. I have uploaded mine to the download section again. http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/files/file/173-projector-light/
  23. This is more of a discussion then a question. I have been working with Third person implementation for severall purposes. After trying a couple of things there are a couple of 'wonderings'. The easiest way of a TPC: position the camera at the characters position. parent the camera to the character move the camera backwards The approach discribed above works but has a major flaw which is not directly obvious. Everything works fine untill for example you come across a waterplane. Then you will notice the waters reflection is not correctly updated. This is because you parent the framework camera (main.camera) to the character and not the other 2 camera's (background and foreground). Okay, that sounds logical to me. One could say that besides the main camera parenting to the character, you could also parent the other 2 camera's to the character. Haven't been able to get that working so far. A second way of the TPC is: Place a pivot at the character Then inside the main loop you: Get the pivot's position and place the camera on that position. Get the pivot's rotation and add it to the camera rotation. Move the camera backwords for the offset. This solves the problem of the water reflection but this makes wonder why this works instead of the parenting. At the moment the main camera position and rotation are being updated but the other 2 camera's are not, right? Why is this working then and why not the parenting where we are also talking about 1 camera?
  24. I love google. zing#: werkspace page rank has gone up!
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