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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. Al hail to the game ideas that surpass the capabilities of a game developer/designer. I agree with pancakes and cassius. All of the games I come up with are way to large to make with 1,2 or even 3 people. You would need at least a professional team of 10 persons to work it out in to a commercial game. Never the less, I never really wanted to make those 2d games because I wanted to go big the first time I tried to make a game. Not 2d is bad or anything (I mean look at World of goo, Braid etc.) but sometimes you just have a bigger passion for the bigger games. (even if they are 'slightly' out of your capabilities.) When it comes to leadwerks I think the easiest you can make with it is a 2.5d side camera game. Something like mario with depth.
  2. Congratulations! What an amazing, awesome and inspiring story Shard. I whish you good luck with your future career at Microsoft.
  3. Welcome to werkspace and Leadwerks. You will have a great time here. If there are any questions then just ask away on werkspace. Good luckwith your study
  4. Its too early in the morning to understand what you guys talking about but it does look interessting. I'll have another look in the afternoon. I do agree with pancakes on the complexity. Although you are smart enough to find it out eventually, you can save yourself a lot of time by doing things a little more simplified. Good luck with your progress!
  5. Do you mean that you will not be using framework? I haven't seen anbybody doing that. Every single lua test you run inside the editor doesn't require you to make a framework object, which means that a framework object is already being created when the editor is first started. But perhaps Josh can give you a better answer on this.
  6. The windmill that used to be included in the SDK, used findChild for rotating the top and for the spinning of the blades. You are right about the physics though. I wonder if the physics in LE 3 are going to change so that they addept to this particular issue.
  7. That is a tough one. I have no idea how to do that. It requires a little more knowledge about rendering lights inside the LE core.
  8. You can use FindChild to find parts of a model. This doesn't perse have to be a bone, it can also be a part of the model.
  9. Like said above, the position isn't really the problem. Unfortunately you can not change the size of letters.
  10. You don't have to make any script at all since the spotlight that comes with Leadwerks can do this for you already. Just drag a spotlight in the scene en go to its properties. There you can choose a material file. Use an image that you want like bars of a window for example. However if you still want to make it via your own scripts, just let me know. I''ll gladly help you out.
  11. this 'projection light' isn't really nessecary any more since the point light supports a material file which can display the dds file you want.
  12. Also when an object has the default lua menu you can set its viewrange to either near, far or infite. Have you tried that?
  13. nvm, this part pivotRotation = Vec3(0) --setting pitch minimum and maximum pivotRotation.x = math.min(pivotRotation.x, 40) pivotRotation.x = math.max(pivotRotation.x, -60) had to be inside the loop.
  14. I have set the minimum and maximum values for a rotation vector. However it is being ignored by the the program. Perhaps it is something really obvious: part of the code pivotRotation = Vec3(0) --setting pitch minimum and maximum pivotRotation.x = math.min(pivotRotation.x, 40) pivotRotation.x = math.max(pivotRotation.x, -60) while loop UpdateAppTime() --angle control if KeyDown(KEY_W)==1 then pivotRotation.x = pivotRotation.x + (0.2 / AppSpeed()) object:SetRotation(pivotRotation,1) elseif KeyDown(KEY_S)==1 then pivotRotation.x = pivotRotation.x - (0.2 / AppSpeed()) object:SetRotation(pivotRotation,1) end
  15. glad it helps you farlas. the police car can be really easy. inside the script of the rotating light you can also load a mode which is the model that spins around. Use the the same rotation script for the model and you are already done.
  16. have you set any view distance options for them via their default lua script?
  17. perhaps because you are copying the model, the names are no longer correct. Creating a new object rather then copying might do the trick.
  18. looks good already Gimpy. Keep up the good work!
  19. thanks again for the kind words. Its funny to see how people experience the menu. How many of you didn't notice the guy and the end of the road right away? @Roland: this game is more focussed on what makes people feel scared or uncomfortable then actual gameplay like shooting. Puzzles, a continues event driven story and environment is what we are going for. This is easier because things like AI, complex weapons are not needed. but there are enough challenges left to spend quite some time on. Al I can say is that if you 'feel' the eerie atmosphere in the main menu allready, then you are going to love the game it self.
  20. I was dragging these physics walls in my scene to block the player from going further. It is a quite a pain to see how they are placed. They are purely phy files and I need to turn on physics to see them, unfortunately everything in the scene shows their physics shape and the scene becomes complicated to edit. It would be usefull for 3.0 to link certain volumes (like physics volumes) to a keyboard short cut to toggle on and of the view of these volumes.
  21. Thanks for the comments everyone. The youtube movie is a bit messed up but you can download the mp4 file to watch it in a better resolution: http://daydreamersinteractive.com/Road/ Here is a concept we made in 5 minutes to reference what we wanted to achieve:
  22. Thank you for the comment Lumooja. yes the GUIclick is a cheap self made beatbox. it is not the final sound though. The music exists out of a piano solo, a rain effect and some wind.
  23. first: We are no longer going by the name: VisualKnights. We now work under the name: Daydreamers interactive. Thats more of a name thats fits with us. - Dreamhead has done the modeling, texturing and level design. - I have done the programming, the mist and the rain . - Piano music made by Nick Tomassetti. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/304078 second: here is a little WIP of our main menu from the game 'The last Road'. Hope you like it. download: http://daydreamersin...ctive.com/Road/
  24. You can use programs like innosetup to make an executable. no programming required The skybox you place in your scene can either use cubical or spherical. I am not sure what the atmosphere object for skybox is. LOD is supported up to 8 stages model.gmf modelLOD2.gmf modelLOD3.gmf
  25. Awesome new functionality you got there Flexman. Doesn't head get dizzy with it all these complex calculations and stuff?
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