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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. Technically the title isn't really correct since game development hasn't really started yet. The first 10 weeks are introduction weeks, which are probably neccesary for a lot people who do not know which business unit they want to choose. As for me it has been clear that Game Development is my direction but in the mean time I get all sorts of classes from different IT directions: System and Network engineer Software engineer IT manager Human Centered Design Technical Computing Network Forensic Research Game development Some of them are cool like network forensic researching. We used several programs to 'hack' protected wireless routers etc. but most of them are pretty boring. Programming == awesome Okay so we started with Java and I have to say that it is going really well. As a matter of fact: The school hired me to substitute for a teacher who quit his job on the first day of college. There are a lot of terms that make much more sense now that I am actually working with them a lot. terms like classes, arrays, constructors, publics and privates etc. I was a bit sceptical about Java but as it turns out its pretty cool. The comparison with C# is very small and that gives me more then enough boost to pickup were I left of with C#. Ofcourse I have just begun so this difference will probably change. Another 5 weeks to go and then Game development should really be kicking in. There are some cool classes that I am eagerly waiting on: Advanced Java, ActionScript and math. AI, Pathfinding and 3d games are things for next year which is a pitty but I have finally learned my lesson that a good programming knowledge in general is essential to developing games. (That took me only 2 years to realise.) In the mean time have a look at this topic: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/2891-the-last-road/page__pid__26958#entry26958 Thats it for this blog. I''ll keep you posted. Ceya, Aggror
  2. Your blog is like reading a biografy that goes about myself. Every day there are new opertuneties to learn some new things and to try hundreds of scripts.
  3. Have you implemented these physics systems with Leadwerks or are this other engines/third party apps?
  4. CopyEntity has an amazing affect on the performance. The same scene renders with a camera range of 10.000 range around 120 fps in 800 x 600. Here is another image at 1400 x 900 with a lot more cubes. The camera range is 100.000 here so that should be more then enough. FPS is low but there must be enough boxes out there I think. The loop copies to 500.000 cubes in just about 2-3 seconds. With CreateCube the programm crashes when creating around 100.000 cubes.
  5. I say lets test it out to see if this is really faster. But shouldn't either of these work? cube[b]= cube:CopyEntity(1) cube[b]= CopyEntity(cube,1) yes the fps is 10 on a 800 x 600 resolution.
  6. Rendering with shadows and everything is pretty heavy for 10.000 boxes. RegisterAbstractPath("") Graphics(800,600) fw = CreateFramework() camera =fw.main.camera camera:SetPosition(Vec3(0,20,-20)) light = CreateDirectionalLight() light:SetRotation(Vec3(45,45,0)) camRotation=Vec3(0,0,0) MoveMouse(GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2) HideMouse(1) prevPos = Vec3(0) cube = {} cube1 = {} cube2 = {} --main function while KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)==0 do if KeyHit (KEY_SPACE)==1 then for a = 0, 50, 1 do for b = 0, 100, 1 do cube[b] = CreateCube() cube[b]:SetPosition(Vec3(prevPos.x + 1,prevPos.y + 1,prevPos.z)) prevPos = cube[b]:GetPosition() end prevPos = Vec3(0,0,prevPos.z + 2) end prevPos = Vec3(0) for a = 0, 50, 1 do for b = 0, 100, 1 do cube[b] = CreateCube() cube[b]:SetPosition(Vec3(prevPos.x - 1,prevPos.y + 1,prevPos.z)) prevPos = cube[b]:GetPosition() end prevPos = Vec3(0,0,prevPos.z + 2) end end --Camera look gx=Curve(MouseX()- GraphicsWidth()/2,gx,10) gy=Curve(MouseY()- GraphicsHeight()/2,gy,10) MoveMouse(GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2) camRotation.x = camRotation.x+gy /10 camRotation.y = camRotation.y-gx /10 camera:SetRotation(camRotation,1) --keys move = Curve(KeyDown(KEY_W)-KeyDown(KEY_S),move,10) strafe = Curve(KeyDown(KEY_D)-KeyDown(KEY_A),strafe,10) camera:Move(Vec3(strafe ,0,move)) fw:Update() fw:Render() Flip(0) end
  7. TY Roland, with Vector 3 I meant that you don't have to use the keyword Vec3. box->SetPosition(0,0,-2,false); a
  8. The -> doesn't seem handy at all to me. The keys are not next to each other. Why not the dotnet way: box.GetMaterial() or the lua way box:GetMaterial()? What is the asterisk (*) doing after each datatype? Specifying vector 2, 3 or 4 is no longer necessary? For the rest everything looks as clean as always.
  9. Thanks for the advice you guys. I will experience with an animation and shooting from a controlled spot as well as with complete physics.
  10. I am trying to make a catapult which uses a hinge joint. Calculating the angle goes well but now I need to add a force to the catapult to shoot something. Sofar no luck with my hinge. if KeyHit(KEY_SPACE)==1 then pos = catapult:GetPosition(1) catapultBody = CreateBodyPivot(pos) catapultBody: SetPosition( pos ) catapultJoint = CreateJointHinge(catapultBody, catapult, pos, catapult.mat:K() ) --Fire catapult with force catapult:AddTorque( Vec3( 0, 0, 10 ) ) end Any suggestions?
  11. Don't worry Lazlo. You don't have to apologize because you are one the people who put a lot of work in the headers. Perhaps an email to Anika would be usefull. I believe that she does the community managing. Then there could be one main topic about C# including: What is a header, wrapper and what is the leadwerks.dll. Were can I download them. Available documentation.
  12. The pinned topics are a little confusing about what things you can download, what you need or where to download it. There are several website you can download stuff from.
  13. its really amazing what you can do if the knowledge and creativity. Looks really cool Vetal.
  14. There is also a thing as 'too much features'. If lip-syncing would be included then the price of LE 3 would be a lot higher. Not that it wouldn't be cool to have this feature though.
  15. scene: - collision tree from obj dynamic box or crate: - box shape - fence - convex hull from obj thats what I would do.
  16. Hi Manuel, perhaps the leadwerks editor forum is better for this topic. But about your problem. I have had similar problems. Deleting the phy file for the scene and let LE create one for you is what I did. If the gate has to be interactive make sure you have convex hull phy files. when you are testing your game try turning on DebugPhysics. That way you can see the character controller shape. Perhaps you can spot some weird or unusual appearance.
  17. I would say that Micheal Betke, Josh said that he likes to see the opinions of other so that he can include them while still building the engine. lets hear what kind of features you would like to see in LE 3.0.
  18. AggrorJorn


    kinda odd. You would think this is a function that many people could use don't you think?
  19. AggrorJorn


    I believe the commands were very easy like SetGroup(entity, groupID) A good idea would be to make a topic about Level groups. I am 100 convinced that this once worked because I used it to test level loading. Linking is deffinetly not the same although you could use it for grouping. But that wouldn't be smart to do at all. Think of all those links in your scene omg. With linking you can send messages to one another or you can get the target that an object is linked to.
  20. AggrorJorn


    That is exactly the one I meant! This works though. I am sure that I have seen this topic on the wiki.
  21. AggrorJorn


    besides cullfacing, you can also define groups for certain models. There used to be an article on the wiki about this, but I can't find atm.
  22. Hi C# people! Just want to put a little anouncement here that I will be joining the C# game developers. I am still doing lots of stuff in Lua, but in the few weeks that I have been working with C#,it has convinced me to use it for Leadwerks as well. Hereby a thank you to all of you guys who have been busy with the C# headers
  23. AggrorJorn


    Hi Vetal, Sorry but I do not entirely understand what you are asking. With 'portals' you mean doorways like in the game "Portal" by Valve?
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