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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. Yes I agree with the most of uss that things start to look really good. Especially when things like AI and Gui are build in systems, then things will become easier for a lot people.
  2. Very interessting stuff Josh. The road to LE3 seems to go really fast. Keep it going!
  3. Very good feedback macklebee. That is correct. Didn't know that. they were indeed intended for the camera movement. but they can be removed . Ah darn it. I must have confused this with the previous parameter. I did get the name of the parameter right though I will adjust them in the pdf and add some comments on youtube.
  4. Since college started again I didn't have much time to spend on Leadwerks nor making new tutorials about Lua. But here is a little something for that in return: A video tutorial which has a time lenght of over 1 hour!!! This video tutorial explains how to create character controllers in your Lua program. The tutorial will explain the following: Creating a character controller. First person view. Jumping and crouching. Camera smoothing. Camera angles. Third person view. -- PDF will be added soon. http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/page/resources/_/programming/lua/9-creating-a-character-controller-with-lua-r49
  5. I am not getting any particles at all in 2.4 for this vehicle. Something did change in the particle shader because particles do not receive a random draw angle when being created. Whether this has something to do with these particles, I doubt it. have you tried copying the old script to the new one? perhaps there is a small change. I don't see any other reason why this isn't working.
  6. http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/page/resources/_/artwork/tools/leadwerks-23-user-guide-r16
  7. Anisotropic filter of 16 takes a lot of performance. use 8 to get much better results.
  8. Never noticed this topic before but is looks awesome. Question: Is this working LE code for 2.4? or is it a preferable way how networking should be designed or is going to be designed for LE 3.0? If this is the officaly supported package I deffinetly want to try it out.
  9. You could set the mass of the object like you would use light fluctuation. then use the same variabeles of the fluctuation for moving the object to the left and right.
  10. awesome. just awesome. and so cool that you made contact with those guys.
  11. RemoveHook("Flip", MyFunction) when you don't want to show it any more.
  12. I would try to make one model with the tires as seperated bones. But I have no further experience in creating vehicles.
  13. Do you have all the terrain textures in your project?
  14. Have you tried using the Create vehicle command? I agree with the documentation on joints. It is not sufficient for most people to make something work with it. Did you have a look at the driver scripts and viper scout script?
  15. can you upload a simple project where things start to get wrong?
  16. What should this line be doing? "abstract::" .. "vehicle_proto_wheel.gmf" Shouldn't it just be: "abstract::vehicle_proto_wheel.gmf"
  17. I have this sound menu in my project and you can set the volume for 3 different sound sliders. The sound volume is nicely stored in a variabele but now I need to get this variable to work with ingame sound emitters. I copied the sound emitter entity and added a menu for choosing the sound group. The problem is how to efficiently get the variables that contain the sound volume for each group to the sound emitter (gameVolume, musicVolume, speechVolume). I came up with the following but that, in the first place, doesn't work and it seems a bit redundant to let the emitter update itself constantly. Any ideas? function object:Update() local soundgroup = self.model:GetKey("soundgroup") if gameVolume ~= nil then if soundgroup == "Game sound" then object.model:SetKey("volume",gameVolume:ToNumber()) end end if musicVolume ~= nil then if soundgroup == "Music and ambient" then object.model:SetKey("volume",musicVolume:ToNumber()) end end if speechVolume ~= nil then if soundgroup == "Speech" then object.model:SetKey("volume",speechVolume:ToNumber()) end end end
  18. Another tip: ATM you can see the light range of a point light indicated by yellow lines. This would also be very handy to display the sound range of a sound emitter.
  19. Thanks for the reply Lumooja. When you say 'each frame', do you mean that you just have to set it for every emitter or by repeating the entityViewRange in the main loop? emitter = CreateEmitter EntityViewRange(emitter, 500, 1)
  20. searching on google and werkspace only results in how to implement it, but not what they actually do. Can someone give a short explanation for what they do or mean. Texture options for material file: o Add: o Multiply: o Modulate2x: Thanks in advance. Aggror
  21. AggrorJorn


    Macklebee helped ee with this issue too. Adding AppSpeed did the trick back then. http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/2563-attaching-camera-to-animation/page__p__23650#entry23650
  22. Could you please post your engine logs when the programs are crashing? The commands are okay so there must be something else. I have had problems with copying code directly from pdf before. Some kind of hidden format issue. Do you also run the engine.exe that is inside the root of your project? I often switch between testing programs and that is why I need to specify the new path for the engine.exe.
  23. Great program tkunze! if this would be available directly inside the editor, how awesome would that be.
  24. Is there a way to alter the viewing distance for particles? I have this large fire which can be seen from like a half a kilometer (1000 meter) away from the player. However the emitter dissapears after around 50 meters. I tried setting the emitter view distance to far and infinite but that doesn't work for particle emitters apparently.
  25. Any possible solution for this? I still haven't found the error due to this debugging cause.
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