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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. Do you have a video called video.ogg in your materials folder? CreateMaterial("Materials/video.ogg", You can download a sample here: http://mirror.cs.umn.edu/blender.org/peach/trailer/trailer_400p.ogg
  2. This is what I have at the moment. But at the moment the load scene command doesn't tell me when the scene is done loading. Therefor I don't know were to stop displaying the loading images.
  3. Very cool pixel. How large of an area are we talking about here?
  4. try this tv http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/files/file/82-old-tv/
  5. This is actually possible for quite some time: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/files/file/89-letheorazip/
  6. I was thinking of a loop that would check if all entities that are inside the sbx file aren't nil. But a callback would be nice as well. It would greatly improve the command.
  7. So basically I am wondering how people are handling their advanced scene loading. I can load a scene and remove the old one but it is not really looking all that nice. When I load a scene the game sort of 'freezes' during loading the new scene and deleting the old one. A loading screen is a way to blend out this freezing of the game but currently all I am able to is displaying that loading screen for a fixed couple of seconds. What I want to achieve is some kind of progress counter and display the loading screen during this loading the scene progress counter. How would I make such a progress tracker? The first thing I am thinking of is checking whether the previous level isn't nil. But then how would I check that every object of the new scene is loaded?
  8. I say aprox 1 week and 5 days as of today.
  9. so it was a bad texture.. luckily the problem is solved.
  10. once again I don't have a problem with the same version you are using. The letter texture appears mostly when something is not quite right with the texture. Or it could be just another bug.
  11. Looks good Flexman. Maybe you can add some more models with emmissive textures? I am thinking of small red lights across the tail. But I guess you would have added that yourself already if an Apache would have that.
  12. now it is just waiting for josh to add it to le and letting us know that it is there. Can't wait to build me some good old triggers!
  13. terrain data that is no longer stored in raw files according to the status update from Josh
  14. What kind of behavior do you have Mack?
  15. Besides the water entity you also have to copy the water textures from the material folder. The skybox also needs to be copied from the materials folder.
  16. Dropbox might be a solution but it is not as complex as you might want it to be. You can share your online folder to certain people via a link. You can set it so, that only you can add stuff to the folder. When you have scripts, models or executables that need to be updated, just place them in the dropbox folder. The files are uploaded to the online map and users only have to enable the dropbox program for syncing.
  17. I suggest you place a post in the bug tracker section if you haven't done so already. http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/tracker/project-1-leadwerks-engine-sdk/
  18. Gordon has an nVidia graphics card so ATI is not the problem this time. What kind of graphics card do you have Gimpy? I suggest you both place a post in the bug tracker section if you haven't done so already.
  19. You are not the only one having a problem with these shaders errors. http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/2615-leadwerks-crash/page__gopid__24209#entry24209
  20. This can't be a coincidence: your editor crashes with the same shader errors as gordonramp's editor does: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/2619-24-terrain-painting-error/page__pid__24206#entry24206 Could you post some of your hardware specifications? It has probably to do something with a specific graphics card.
  21. Do you have any object scripts that you recently made added to scripts folder? I am trying to think of why it would crash. Sometimes a weird object script can have problems with shaders.
  22. a pitty that you have these problems gordonramp. I tried several textures with new scene but I never experienced a crash. Could you place the engine log.
  23. downloading.. This will be interesting to look at. Thanks for sharing!
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