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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. When an entity has more links, then you need to change the link index. If you create a new link in the same index then the old one get's overwritten. When in the editor you can either go to 'Tools' --> 'Links' or use a number from your numpad to change the key index. You can find information about this in the user guide on page 39.
  2. I don't have any problems after updating but I am using 64 bit. Have you tried downloading it again to a separate folder? please post the editor log.
  3. I see you guys made already a topic in the feature request forum. for those that want to see the topic: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/2616-lua-collision-callback/page__pid__24105#entry24105
  4. my guessing is that either the editor.exe is wrong or the waterplane.lua is wrong. Try removing the lua file of the waterplane. Since object scripts are really easy for crashing the editor I would have a look there first.
  5. think of all the posibilities: sound zones trigger zones death zones damage zones block player zones gravity fields (or a force field in general) special environment zone (local fog) AI and path blocking zone surface climbing zone (ladders, rocks, ivy roots) water volume When you think of it this is just a major flaw!! I mean this is practically preventing you from setting up easy gameplay mechanics. Take a look at your PI game scripts Rick. What would you be able to create with zones or volumes that can have collision callbacks?
  6. ah the 'callback' issue. i don't think this will ever be resolved. This has been asked numerous times by users like rick and me but unfortunately: nothing. Triggers could be made so easily with this enabled. Especially since you can link objects together. The only thing you can do now is either use 'Enity distance' or a static object. http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/2069-solids-instead-of-collision-callback/page__p__18802__hl__triggers__fromsearch__1#entry18802
  7. When you are making your game with Lua you have 2 different Lua script types: - Game scripts - object scripts The object scripts are the one that you place in a folder which an object/model is going to use in your scene/editor. The game scripts are the scripts that start your game, control the movement, GUI stuff etc. Although it is possible to let object scripts run several of these subjects. When you have a game project you should have the engine.exe in the root together with a start.lua or start.luac (compiled) file. When you run the engine.exe, it is automatically going to look for a start.lua or start.luac file. You can rename the engine.exe to something else. Have a look at the Lua introduction tutorial to see how this works: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/page/resources/_/programming/lua/1-introduction-to-lua-scripting-r23
  8. Leadwerks is a good engine which lets you choose whatever third party libraries you want. This can resolve in a little more work but on the other hand you have all the freedom you want to create just the game you want.
  9. I have a license for Fraps but I have never seen an option to record outside the game screen. Camtasia is very good software (lots of editing tools, text and caption support, sound editing, many output standards)but it lacks good ingame recording. I will be trying camstudio for a change. thanks for the suggestions .
  10. Your child models can have lua files as wel. If you add SetCollisionType( COLLISION_SCENE, 0 ) in their Lua files you can have collision in the childs.
  11. AggrorJorn


    it is going to be like the leadwerks editor: what you C is what you get.
  12. unparenting in Lua is: entity:SetParent(nil)
  13. Small update on this. The camera animation goes fine and everything but after the animation, things start to go wrong. The camera rotates and moves along with the bone from the animation (that is okay). However because the camera is parented, the actual Vec3 position and rotation are not being updated during the animation. When the animation is complete and I want to place my camera somewhere in the scene, then the positions from the bone are being combined with the newly set positions. I think that this happens because of the parenting. I tried removing the object with the animation but that resolves into a crash without any further information. Is there another way for me to unparent the camera from the bone-animation? Or thoughts on things that I might try. here is some code I am using. (note that the code is distributed in functions and is not being run right after each other.) parenting and adjusting camera to the bone-animation: animation-start = level1:FindChild("animation_Start") bone1 = animation-start:FindChild("bone1") fw.main.camera:SetParent(bone1) fw.main.camera:SetPosition(Vec3(0,-3,0)) fw.main.camera:SetRotation(Vec3(0,260,0)) During the animation, the camera position remains 0,-3,0 and the rotationis 0,260,0. play the animation: --Play the bone-animation if bone-animation == 1 then frame = frame + AppSpeed() / 10 animation-start:Animate(frame, 1, 0, 1 ) if frame >= 1023 then bone-animation = 0 frame = 0 Level1PlayerStart() end end After the animation is done, find playerStart. start = level1:FindChild("start") fw.main.camera:SetPosition(start:GetPosition()) The last line doesn't seem to work at all. The camera does not get positioned at the 'start' enity.
  14. AggrorJorn

    Day 1

    Good luck! having good tools is half the work of building a good engine.
  15. I am updating the user guide with several material file examples. When it comes to transparency, alpha and opacity there are several question that I don't know the answer to myself. For instance: What is the proper way for using alpha blending? (texture has black areas that need to be removed.) What is the proper way for using transparency blending? (texture has transparent areas.) When do you make use of the alpha_blend or alphatest shaders? And what is the difference between them? I have the following material file: texture0="abstract::alphatest.dds" blend=alpha zsort=1 As you can see this has several issues: The door doesn't have a shadow. The oildrum doesn't have a shadow when looking through the door. The color of the sky is different. Could someone shed some light on this topic? I would be a great addition for the user guide.
  16. something like this perhaps: texture0="abstract::bricks.dds" texture1="abstract::moss.dds" overlay=1 blend=alpha shader="abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap.vert","abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_specular.frag" shadowshader="abstract::mesh_shadow.vert"
  17. I have been using a concept of Game Modes to tell me in which part of the game I am. This really helps in getting code organised and planning of the game.
  18. You can add the force via both game and class scripts. For a class script for instance, you can add the force to the object and make a nice little Lua menu that lets you set the force for every single object that you drag into the scene.
  19. Hi andy, This script is a stripped version of the FPScontroller script. It allows you to walk, jump an look around. If you would have a switch (like the ones from tunnel.sbx) you can use the 'e' key to turn it on and off. Place it in the SDK/scripts/game folder. Via the options menu, adjust the game path to this script. fpscontroller - simple.zip You can also download this playerstart. It doesn't work perfect, but the player does start at the position. I will try to make a better one that actually points the player in the right direction. http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/files/file/108-playerstart/
  20. You can find several answers on the tutorial section or in the user guide. http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/page/resources/_/artwork/tools/leadwerks-23-user-guide-r16
  21. sorry, didn't know that Lazlo.
  22. I believe Josh made the first C# tutorials. Those do no longer exist. Ziored made 2 new tutorials that can be found in the tutorial section.
  23. Do you have all the media that you use in your scene copied to your game project? Have you copied the scripts folder from ? Many lua class scripts like waterplane use the 'fw' for accessing the framework. adding this code to your project might help: TFramework framework=CreateFramework() unsigned char L=GetLuaState(); lua_pushobject(L,framework); lua_setglobal(L,"fw"); lua_pop(L,1);
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