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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. Does anybody know a good program for screen recording? atm I am using camtasia for desktop recording and fraps for ingame. But I like to have a screen recorder that can record both the editor menu's as well as the editor scene in acceptabele quality. the game view itself doesn't have to be as perfect as fraps but camtasia is really not good for game recording and fraps can not record anything beside a game window.
  2. That seems to work okay. And the AppSpeed also takes care of the same animation speed. Thank Macklebee. +1
  3. You have to go to your settings and go to 'gallery'. There you can make a new album and add images to it.
  4. Well the camera is now being updated with the animation (with some tweaking). But there is one different problem: When you start the program and wait a couple of seconds and then press the play button, you will notice that the animation doesn't start from the beginning. It is like the animation is secretly counting the frames even though it is not playing the animation. Every time you wait after the animation is finished and you press play you will see it starts later in the animation. Have a look at the scene. Just run the engine.exe. The start.lua files contains the code.
  5. It is an animated mesh. I'll replace the mesh with a bone and palce the camera on the bones position during the animation. thx
  6. I am trying to attach my camere to an animated box. The animation of the box works but the camera doesn't update on its position. I tried using SetParent and updating the camere position by getting the box's position each frame. Inside main loop I have the following: if playAnimation == 1 then frame = (AppTime()/20) % 1030 + 1 path:Animate(frame, 1, 0, 1 ) fw.main.camera:SetPosition(path:GetPosition(1)) if frame >= 1029 then playAnimation = 0 end During the animation I can not move my camera. However, once the animation is done, I can start moving my camera by using the arrow keys. This would indicate that the position of the box's pivot remains the same while the mesh itself is somewhere else. How can I get the mesh's position during the animation and update the camera to that position?
  7. It might be useful to add it to werkspace since it is only 2 MB.
  8. I am on board with this entirely. Although I use Lua for my game projects and although I love the simplicity for game scripts: it is the complete opposite when working with class/object scripts. I have been using Lua for 8 months now but when it comes to class scripting I am still machetting my way forward. As I am more of a 'trial and error' guy, I have had my share of editor crashes. There are several failures when it comes to Lua class scripting. Cocopino mentioned most of them. - no line information with error. - The entire editor crashes. Meaning that when you have a sbx saved and you crash: you can not open your scene. You will have to look up the lua script and edit it further from there. - selection commenting out. - selection tab indent/backwards indent. I personally think that Lua is good for ingame scripting, but at the moment it just doesn't feel right. People who have some experience with Unity know that the connection between scripts and objects can be very easy. This 'connection' is missing with Lua atm.
  9. Never noticed it before. I though that perhaps it had to do something with the background or ambience
  10. Looks very cool Icare. Small typo: 'Reflection' instead of 'Reflexion'
  11. atm the video plays inside the editor attached via an object, but now I am trying to run it in a game script outside the editor. The video is not loaded via a lua script that belongs to a model. see the script in my reply above.
  12. thx marley, the editor version is working now. I made the mistake of using the abstract function for finding the video. Only thing left to find out is getting it to work outside the editor. require("Scripts/constants/keycodes") require("Scripts/math/math") require("Scripts/video") RegisterAbstractPath("") Graphics(1440,900,32) fw=CreateFramework() camera = fw.main.camera camera:SetPosition(Vec3(0,10,0)) light = CreatePointLight(10) scene = LoadScene("abstract::scene.sbx") --------------------------------------------- -- Video is loaded on a cube. --------------------------------------------- cube = CreateCube() cube:SetPosition(Vec3(0,10,5)) TheoraVideo:Init() videoclip = TheoraVideo:CreateMaterial("video.ogg", "Videotest") cube:Paint(videoclip,1) videoclip:SetLoop(1) --videoclip:Play(1) --------------------------------------------- -- Video is loaded on a cube. --------------------------------------------- camRotation=Vec3(0,0,0) MoveMouse(GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2) HideMouse(1) while KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)==0 do --Camera look gx=Curve(MouseX()- GraphicsWidth()/2,gx,10) gy=Curve(MouseY()- GraphicsHeight()/2,gy,10) MoveMouse(GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2) camRotation.x = camRotation.x+gy /10 camRotation.y = camRotation.y-gx /10 camera:SetRotation(camRotation,1) --keys move = Curve(KeyDown(KEY_W)-KeyDown(KEY_S),move,10) strafe = Curve(KeyDown(KEY_D)-KeyDown(KEY_A),strafe,10) camera:Move(Vec3(strafe /11,0,move/11)) fw:Update() fw:Render() Flip(0) end I am sure that there was this video or article were Niosop showed how to set this up. I have send him a message.
  13. I must be forgetting something. Do you have the same files as I do? libtheoraplayer.dll (root) letheora.dll (root) lua51.dll (root) lua5.1.dll (root) video.mat (root) video.ogg (root) nio_util.lua (inside scripts folder) video.lua (inside scripts folder) mesh_video.frag (placed inside the shader.pak/mesh folder)
  14. so far it has crashes in 2.4 and 2.32r5. downloading 2.31
  15. That comes in handy, but it crashes as soon as it is being placed in the scene.
  16. Yips, I have the following files: libtheoraplayer.dll (root) letheora.dll (root) lua51.dll (root) lua5.1.dll (root) video.mat (root) video.ogg (root) nio_util.lua (inside scripts folder) video.lua (inside scripts folder) mesh_video.frag (placed inside the shader.pak/mesh folder)
  17. I am at a point where I want to add video into my project. Now I know that Niosop made this great video library for Lua called LibTheora player. However I recall there was this video about it how to use it, but I can't seem to find it. I am trying to get the video's to play inside as well as outside the editor, but with no luck. C++ version: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/730-video-to-texture-via-libtheoraplayer/page__hl__theora showcase: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/741-video-playing-example/page__p__6579#entry6579 download section: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/files/file/89-letheorazip/ Does anybody have a working Lua example of how things work? Steps taken so far: extracted the lib theora file,shaders, lua scripts in to the game project. added a .ogg video inside the project this code: require("Scripts/constants/keycodes") require("Scripts/math/math") require("Scripts/video") RegisterAbstractPath("") Graphics(1440,900,32) fw=CreateFramework() cube = CreateCube() cube:SetPosition(Vec3(0,0,5)) video = TheoraClip:new() videoMat:CreateMaterial("video.ogg", video) cube:Paint(videomat) video:Play() while KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)==0 do fw:Update() fw:Render() Flip(0) end
  18. I really should get my business going up and running: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/2434-beer-online/ So many people on Leadwerks want to treat others who helped them on a beer. But that is a nice script macklebee. Shooting boxes is always a lot of fun.
  19. which fps are you running with the large camera view and tree view distance? It looks really good already. If you find any techniques that can improve the scene even more, let us know!
  20. Perhaps you can record the velocity when it impacts on the ground and calculate that into a force that is being added to the ball to send it back in to the air. so perhaps something like: record impact velocity divide the velocity by gravity add the calculated value as a force to the ball
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