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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. Magnificent demo Filax. So much detail and the lighting is really wel set up. How would this look when PureLight is added? My resolution is 1440 x 900: gForce 9600 runs 26 fps with all effects gForce 9600 runs 38 fps with no effects gForce 9600 SLI enabled runs 39 fps with all effects gForce 9600 SLI enabled 52 fps with no effects May I suggest that you change the S, D and X movement to WASD?
  2. On the other hand once you have the engine, you can make and publish as many games as you want without additional fees.
  3. ey guys! Yes there are many flaws to the gui design. Not just this dropdown button but the Gui in general. But I am just seeing how far I can get with squirming around and trying stuff out. I have the principle of OOP in my head with this Gui, but it isn't really used yet. As for the: for index,value in ipairs(t) do print(index,value) end I'll give it a go! @ cocopino. You are right, that should be added as well. But then I should let people have the ability to create panels as well. I am afraid it would take me little to much time to find this out. I want to focus merely on the things that I can do (and understand). Still, thanks for the reminder.
  4. even better: I don't have 500 $ Purelight full version is 500 buks, but a combo pack for Unity and Torque is 650. Perhaps the eventual package for Leadwerks is even without the one month sale, less then 500. I am eagerly awaiting what we have to pay. Plus I want to see what kind of documentation is provided for using this system. Josh mentioned he would explain how the mat files are created. But would that be all? or are there other operations we have to think of. Anyway I am really excited about this.
  5. Very nice update! Hadn't noticed the blog, because the New blog section is only visible when you scroll down half the page. Something like a: Sign up now for our newsletter would still be good I think. Even people who wont visit the forum, blogs, twitter, youtube that often will be kept up 2 date.
  6. Are you going to make a remake of Alan Wake?
  7. You mean like particles that are drawn on the foreground or 2d images that are drawn on the foreground? Since particles are entities it seems natural that they can be picked (perhaps only the emitter base). However I think you have to specify the camera that resides in the foreground world instead of the main camera.
  8. I really think that the communication of the Leadwerks community would be significantly improved when newsletters would be used. For instance when a new version of the engine is released. This way people are better up to date about the engine versions and other LE related news. People (in general) like it when they receive important news about their game engine.
  9. That looks good. Just to be sure :is the number of 224 models, included with lod stages or are there 224 models which all have lod stages.
  10. Awesome stuff dude. It is not working yet but here is a start for a Lua equivelant: LuaCable.rar
  11. http://www.khronos.org/news/press/releases/khronos-drives-cross-platform-3d-graphics-release-opengl-4.1-specifica/
  12. I have seen this problem before. What is your current FOV value?
  13. Do they rotate this strange when you are driving or are they already this weird when the object is created? When I look at the screenshot the wheels are penetrating the vehicles body. When they do that, the rotation direction will change because they are interfering with each other. (nice car name by btw ) Could you send me the files you currently have (including max files)? I will have a look at them and see if there is something wrong.
  14. Glad that it is fixed. In the meanwhile Rick and Macklebee helped me out with the apply button issue. The rotating light now starts directly rotating when you drag it in to the scene. See the download section: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/files/file/159-rotating-light/
  15. File Name: Rotating light File Submitter: Aggror File Submitted: 26 Jul 2010 File Updated: 26 Jul 2010 File Category: Lua Scripts A simple spot light with the ability to turn around a specified axis. Just put the folder between the other light entities. Click here to download this file
  16. I guess I forgot to mention the most important part to make this topic in the first place: it doesn't work.... But you helped me out again. It has to be dropdown1.row[1] instead if dropdown1.row1. I figured that the Gui code would place the number just behind the row. Which, after reading this line, doesn't make much sense. The actual problem is solved but suggestions, comments, constructive critism are all welcome. It might put me to some ideas. Thanks for the help Rick +1
  17. The titel is perhaps a little overdue to the actual problem. Here is the situation. I am working on my Gui and it is time for me to create a dropdown button. (you might have notice the status update ) I want to create this Gui so that it is really easy accesible and easy to understand for everyone. Basicly said: a Dropdown button actually exists out of multiple normal buttons (with normal, hover and mousedown mode). What I hope to achieve is something like the code beneath. dropdown1 = LuaGui.CreateDropDown(2) -- number of rows is filled in as a parameter dropdown1:SetImages("abstract::normal.dds","abstract::hover.dds") dropdown1.row1:SetImages("abstract::normal.dds","abstract::hover.dds") dropdown1.row2:SetImages("abstract::normal.dds","abstract::hover.dds") As you can see, row1 and row2 members of the dropdown button that is created. In the Gui code itself I have this: function LuaGui.CreateDropDown(rows) local o = {} setmetatable(o, LuaGui) --rows o.row = {} for n=1,rows do o.row[n] = LuaGui.CreateButton()--Create a basic button for every row. end return o Any suggestions?
  18. That was some nice rain irishlostboy. I found a vertex shader on my harddrive that is called rainpart.vert. Some community member gave it to me once but I enver used it. It doesn't work right away but perhaps I can get it going. Let you guys know
  19. I can not repeat this in my editor. Which version are you using at the moment? Have you placed the light a little higher in the air? I also made a separate topic for the 'default value issue'.
  20. In this topic DaveLee requested some help with a rotating light. I created a simple rotating light with a small menu and everything is working fine except for one thing: when you drag the rotating light in to the scene, it doesn't rotate immediately. Although it has a default value set to it. As it is now, you have to go to the lua menu and press 'Apply' first before the light starts to rotate. Does anybody know how the light can use this rotation value directly from the start? It is a small thing, but it bothers me a lot. Here is the light: Rotating light.zip
  21. I can think of the following: Make sure that the wheels are not intersecting with the vehicle. Since the wheels and the car have a phy file, things can get ugly. in your modeling program: place the pivots for the wheels a little lower to test things out. Make for both the car and all for the wheels a convex hull phy file. I haven't tried making a vehicle myself but these are things that others experienced in werkspace topics.
  22. Yes I thought about that too. I tried that out but it doesn't seem to be doing anything different. The light and shadow gets rendered with both Update as well as Draw, even when the light entity is ofscreen. Yes, it bothers me that the rotation only starts after pressing 'apply'. When you load from a save where the light was turning, then the light is still rotating correctly. But what do you mean with 'the angle must be out'? sometimes icons are completely black, do you guys have this problem to? Here is a movie http://visualknights.com/rotating%20light/lights.mp4
  23. Just had a look at it and everything seems to be okay. That means the only thing that is not correct is the phy file. For objects to fall down it needs to be a convex hull. unfortunately this means you need an obj file of the montertruck. Funny thing happened though when I was messing around in the monstertruck script: it suddenly fell down. haven't been able to repeat this.
  24. Never got EAX working with Lua. Commands from the wiki don't seem to be recognised.
  25. +1 @Flexman: are you refering to blue waffles? if yes, eewww . Anyway, "something that a game engine has never done before". With a statement like that you are going to raise high eyes (if thats an expression). Can't wait to see it.
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