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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. You are right. It doesn't work in the new tutorial section.
  2. always wondered that: lets say the users desktop resolution is 1440 x 900, but his game resolution is 800 x 600 fullscreen, how should you addept your game window to this? Do you need to addept/stretch the buffersizes ?
  3. I really like it. this way level designers can add functionality in a much quicker ratio and events can be edit in an easy way. Good stuff rick.
  4. After you press attach you can also click on "add to topic"
  5. Can't you add a zip file? @Josh: is it possible to lock the topics position? At the moment when you edit a tutorial, it gets positioned at the top of the list. This results in a strange numbered list. especially when those tutorials are numbered. It has already been said: can the category say: Lua (scripting) instead of "scripting"?
  6. Great work Ziored. It is cool to see that more and more people are contributing to the tutotrials. I think the tutorial section starts to look really good! I get your point. Programmers that do have good knowledge about programming will be able to convert by themselves. But I think that the number of people out there that are not that good with coding, will find this very helpfull.
  7. I don't have any experience with Bmax but what I have heard around the web and werkspace is pretty good. The Leadwerks command set is very straight forward and the difference is very small between the 2. (based on wiki examples that is). I personally choose for Lua since the editor also works with Lua. that means I can stay with the same language for the actual game as wel as per object scripting.
  8. Hi Icare, Documentation is the topic of the week. Josh is implementing a new system for documentation. The new documentation is better organised, but like Josh says: the current wiki has al the command references.
  9. I'm putting together an FAQ (Frequently asked questions). suggestions are welcome. This can be anything: questions about modeling, animation, coding, leadwerks engine, forum, future aspects etc.
  10. Josh is it possible to divide the community resources in a grid list of categories? I think there will be a lot more tutorials created by the community and the long list might get to long. Perhaps you can make categories like modeling related tutorials, Coding tutorials.
  11. That looks very good Josh. I really like the design. Is it possible to add a "Change language button" in the video listing as wel?
  12. Josh could you replace the current commands.txt with the one from this topic? I have added a lot of commands as well as key bindings. commands.txt
  13. is only the exe. place it the project folder and rename the old exe.
  14. Unfortunately no good results. Both on XP mode and vista mode I get the same result: for full screen and not full screen. There seems to be something wrong with the water to. If you look at the reflection of the windmill you will notice it is not reflecting correctly.
  15. I have the same result on my other computer but the result is the same. here is a video recording: http://visualknights.com/JTimm/
  16. The new exe increases the framerate a little but the result of the movie is the same. It looks like the movie plays at a very rapid speed instead of a stutter.
  17. Hi JTimm nice work on the fullscreen feature. That seems to work perfectly. Question: is the video that is attached to the cube supposed to be playing smoothly? Because it doesn't when I run it. It stutters a lot and the sound seems to be stuck in a 4 second loop. My FPS is around 34-35. Card: nVidia 9600 GT and My FPS is around 47-48. Card: nVidia 9600 GT (SLI enabled)
  18. seems like the particle is not drawn in the transperancy world but in the main world.
  19. I agree on the concept of Object myObject = new Object1(); instead of object = CreateObject(). It is a personal choice though: New programmers will probably like the CreateObject() command because it is a slightly more obvious command. More experienced programmers will like the resemblance with the C# like structure.
  20. As of next year I will be studying Game development in Amsterdam This is going to be awesome! At the moment I am taking an extra course math. Although it is really tough, I really enjoy it! (in contrary to most of my surrounding living organisms.)
  21. Everybody else sums it up already: great work with the AO backing. And the detail from the cockpit is magnificent! must have taken a lot of hours.
  22. Congratulations NA!! That is one hell of an achievement! The only problem here is that compared to this, my work looks microscopic
  23. @ Rick, On one hand you are right. A simple low graphical cost system like truevision has benefits. It takes lesser space, quicker navigation, better overview. However in the world of today where visuals are becoming more important. personally I am okay with this but there will be many people who will complain that this style is to 'old looking'. Ofcourse many programs still use this kind of help system. If this documentation style can be mixed with easily swapping of several languages and a little more(slightly improved)graphics. Plus, I think this style is easier for offline documentation.
  24. Which database does the forum use?
  25. What Xaron suggests is not a bad idea. This has been requested before. Josh is there a way to download the 3 documentation databases to the desktop with a possibility to sync?
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