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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. Well this deffinetly stops the sound since the source is empty, but I don't know if it is really gone. Do you think this affects the source being freed? My soundcard seems to have an enormous amount of audio channels and I can't test whether the all audio channels are full.
  2. I will be making a video tutorial for this.
  3. I need to know whether Lua handles this the same way as with C++. I tried both source:Free() as FreeSource(source). FreeSource is not recoqnised as a function. And Free only works returns errors. if KeyHit(KEY_P)==1 then source1 = CreateSource(sound1) PlaySource(source1) source1:Free() end
  4. Nice work on the laserbeams. I also like the compass. More please.
  5. Guess that says enough.
  6. This has been asked before somewhere but I couldn't find it. I am making a sound tutorial for Lua but the EAXEffect() command doesn't seem to be supported
  7. I think you want to go for skydome. It seems to me that you have more control on the skydome (rotating etc.).
  8. nice vid Kay! I am checking out Blender for the first time as we speak. Tutorials are always great so keep making them! perhaps a 'texture your tree' would be cool!
  9. Both 3ds Max as Blender come with a lot of tutorials. And not to mention that Youtube is filled with video tutorials.
  10. Yips those triggers are good to use as well macklebee thanks.
  11. Beautifull. I really like it. Thanks
  12. oops sorry Rick. Must have skipped it.
  13. A shame that you are leaving Pixel but I understand why. Good luck with your future projects and hope to see you again with 3.0.
  14. Thats briljant Andy! I see that this works fine. I wonder how the binary files can be loaded though. I assume Lua can somehow load the binary file an parse it back into a normal Lua for running with 'dofile'.
  15. Join the club! http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/1834-leadwerks-logo/
  16. You can already do this. There is a button at the top of each topic saying: Watch this topic.
  17. AndyGFX gave me a good answer: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/1853-howto-using-lua-script-as-data-file/page__p__18993entry18993 os.execute("luac -o save.data save.lua")
  18. Okay I tried your code block and it seems to be working well. At least I haven't come across any probles so far. I will update if there is something to report. Thanks for the quick response.
  19. Does nobody else make their triggers with another system besided using EntityDistance?
  20. Hi M! The main world already contains an sbx file and several by hand loaded models. When I load a second level I need to clear this world (not free!) and then create a new camera. So ClearWorld seems like an a logical choise. **EDIT nvm.. I already see you posted it.
  21. Can you run this from script? luac -o game.data game.lua Because my program doesn't accept that.
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