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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. np. but it is actually Niosop you have to thank. He made this awesome thinoig.
  2. http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/730-video-to-texture-via-libtheoraplayer/page__p__6458__hl__theora__fromsearch__1entry6458 http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/files/file/89-letheorazip/
  3. With Lua you can do this: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/1817-pick-an-object/page__p__16575entry16575
  4. cool tool Ziored. much appriciated. I have problems downloading it though: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/2019-download-problem/page__pid__18378__st__0entry18378
  5. I can not download several files from the download section. Everytime I click on the download file button I get this page telling me to read thediscalimer. see the screenshot for more info.
  6. wiki's have the annoying feature of only searching exactly the words you seek. often resulting in pages no shown when the word is not existing in it.
  7. + How about a vegetation folder? Because on the other hand, you don't get enormous lists of models where you have to choose from. You would still be naming everything in a correct way to seperate them from the common models.
  8. This website has many maps from the world: http://bananas.openttd.org/en/heightmap/ It is a 2048 by 1024 so you would have to rescale it a bit.
  9. Can you post your system specs? Are there any other programs running, like games or modeling programs?
  10. Added the pdf file. The Youtube versions of the video tutorial are also uploaded.
  11. I know what you mean Gandi. The calss scripting is not that easy to understand for everyone. especially without good docs. What are you exactly trying to do with the texture? You say you want to set a texture on a model, but the code says that you load the texture from the model ? instead of self.mesh use one of these: self self.model self.object object object.model Sometimes one works and sometimes another one. haven't figured it out yet.
  12. AggrorJorn


    We are all proud of you Josh and whoever helped you out ofcourse 2. I can imagine large updates like this one can pretty heavy stuff. But also the future plans to bring more structure to game and edit mode coding is a good step. This wil unite the programmers on the forum more since people will use the same code.
  13. Welcome! Have fun with the engine.
  14. I am replying again here. Working with large objects is so frustrating with a small gizmo. I also don't think that this is a feature request. It is more something that has to do with a good workflow inside the editor and thereby should be a part of the editor.
  15. Well, in the old forum, someone managed to do so. But there is no code supplied that explains how joints work. http://forum.leadwerks.com/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=3085&hilit=rope
  16. This video tutorial explains how to create camera controls in your Lua program. The tutorial will explain the following: - Camera rotation. - Yaw, Pitch and Roll. - Camera movement. - Keyboard input. - Require() function - Curve() function. Pdf will be posted soon. The pdf file contains everything that is explained in this video tutorial, plus there are several excersises added for self practising. http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/page/resources?record=27
  17. I have spent many hours with joints....but no luck. Maybe you can find something that helps inside these Lua scripts. Ofcourse it's not C# but then again you might get an idea where to start . The project contains 7 attempts.
  18. I think it is certainly possible to create that, but you do need some good programming experience. And you can not use the align road to terrain buttons anymore. You would have to write your own code that lays out the road for you.
  19. lol I thought the topic was about subtiteling. That's a good looking sub you have man.
  20. I''l have a look on both suggestions. thanks. * Okay Ziored's way works good. But when I have a very large scene with lots of objects, isn't this very computer power comsuming? I mean the scene can hold thousand of objects, is looking through every child in the scene very heavy? haven't looked in your pi script yet Rick, but I will do that to.
  21. I think your golden with either C# or C++ then. Perhaps using C++ is hereby the challenge or the exciting thing to do.
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