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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. I don't have a fps script that lets you step in to a car. This topic explains what you need to model for example. http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/1721-creating-a-vehicle-whit-lua/page__p__15764__hl__vehicle__fromsearch__1entry15764 Just make your car and for every tire you place a bone or pivot. Every single tire has to be exported as a single mesh. You could use the Lua script in conjunction with Lua. Also these topics might be interesting. http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/881-vehicle-monstertruck-lua-tireorder/page__p__7793entry7793 http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/1020-vehicle-implementation/page__p__9259entry9259
  2. I actually ment which coding language are you going to use? You can either watch the C++ tutorials which start from the ground on up. There are also several Blitzmax and Lua tutorials. The editor comes with a First person and a driver script. However I do not recommend learning coding by looking at those scripts. They are to big for some one new to completely understand how they work.
  3. This video tutorial explains how to create meshes in your Lua program. The tutorial will explain the following: 3 ways of creating meshes. If - else - elseif. Error messages. The pdf file contains everything that is explained in this video tutorial, plus there are several excersises added for self practising. You can also download the torus.gmf model that is used in the tutorial. http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/page/resources?record=26
  4. Thats a good looking dragon. I really like the frontal horns. How many polies does this one have?
  5. Perhaps this one: Tutorial Management System. http://www.tutorialms.com/index.html
  6. What kind of physics fle is your object pancakes? I've been struggling all day to get this waterwheel rotating but no luck. This code is the most easiest approach I have seen. I also tried the fanblades code and that workes, but I want this code to work first.
  7. plus: Lua is used inside the editor.
  8. You can use speedtree to generate or make models of trees. Export one of these trees to a gmf object. Place the model in the models folder with the "vegetation_" prefix. This way use the trees you have made with the terrain editor. YOu can also place the trees manually by dragging them in to the scene.
  9. I have been going to trough some Lua stuff that is a little bit harder for me to understand. Lets say I want to position my camera at an object placed in the scene. When I press the space key, I need to retrieve the position of the object and place the camera there. Should I be using something like this? if KeyHit(KEY_SPACE)==1 then gameMode = 1 class = classnametable[ "MyObject" ] if class~=nil then for model,object in pairs(class.instances) do fw.main.camera:SetPosition(model:GetPosition(1)) end end end
  10. @Lumooja: thanks @AxdyGFX: I think if I would try going over that I would have more questions than when not reading it. @macklebee: this changes everything....
  11. I've been trying to adjust the lua scripts from the metal01 door out of the sdk. The door can rotate around it's axis in the y axis. However I want to rotate my object (copied the script) around the x axis. When the hinge joint is created it uses some parameter I don't understand. self.joint = CreateJointHinge(self.body,self.model,pos,self.model.mat:J() I get the first 3 parameters, but then this last parameter uses ".mat:J()". First: was does this do? and second: is this effecting the axis direction.
  12. You can either wait for access and download the tool or you can export models with textures and animation manually from 3ds Max. You can export your model as an obj. Then use the objToGmf.exe to convert the model to gmf. You will also need to copy your textures to the folder of your model. Then you will need to make mat files for the textures. This can be done without the tool, but the tool saves you so much time on this.
  13. What is the matrix of a model?
  14. Great new update. I haven't tested it yet but thall will come soon enough. Perhaps it is also a good idea to send a mailing to all SDK owners? This way everyone stays very well informed.
  15. Well since you are not into one of the bigger programs yet, I would choose Blender. 3ds max is cool but commercial licenses are way to expensive. However the student licenses are really doable.
  16. You know Leadwerks, is also aimed towards people instead of the "middle class people". Perhaps not as high end as for Crisis but still higher then that most people have. What the people on this topic are saying is that you can learn stuff from other engines that have multiplatforming. It isn't really about the Cryengine.
  17. I have been using 2 x 9600 GT in SLI for some time now. Performance is awesome and there are no problems what so ever. I have been using the Leadwerks 2.3 engine on both XP (32 bit) and 7 (64 bit).
  18. Don't forget that the main reason for the consoles is, is that most people don't want to have the 'trouble' of games on their computer. Most people want a console, not because of its strength but because they know that when they buy a game, it will work on the console. They just don't want to have wonder if their computer can run it and if they need to have a better computer. I am speaking as an owner of a high end computer, xbox 360 and a Playstation 3. I prefer gaming on pc because I like modding, tweaking, having more control over my game settings and the ability to play with higher framerates and quality settings. However a console gives me the feeling of really chilling out. When you get home from work or school, just drop on your couch and turn on the tv and console. Especially because I work al day long with a computer, it is sometimes nice to just not have to use the computer but a console which handles everything for you. Ofcourse you could connect your pc to the tv and use a gamepad, but it is not the same. The light side to exclusives is that the big companies put in a lot of money to make good games and battle each others creativity. Innovative ideas are born at a much more quicker rate because of this. (although there is a lot cheap junk between it 2. B) ) There is also one other thing that the consoles are going to have an advantage from: Natal and Move. The computer doesn't have this. The mayority of the people will just buy this because it is new, it's fresh, it is a gadget. Even if it is not working as they proabably want it to work.
  19. It's more about the Lua scripts that are attached to the models then the actual model itself. The more sample scripts the sdk has, the easier it is to find a piece of scripts that explains how to handle certains stuff. I still have the script, but I am just wondering why it is no longer out there.
  20. I have been missing the windmills for a while now. Why are they no longer part of the SDK?
  21. Whats the code you have now?
  22. @ Jordan: You'r welcome. I have replaced the pdf document with a new one. This is because I have added some self practising excersises. Starters can try their new knowledge by experimenting with these small excersises. Going to bed bed now.. zzzleepy.
  23. I have added the pdf document for those that want a written manual. I also decided to add some self practising excersises to the documents. Starters can try their new knowledge by experimenting with these small excersises.
  24. I believe that Josh is working on a new model and material viewer. But it is a long time ago since I heard something of that.
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