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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. @Fosef: Don't worry, the tutorials I am planning are aimed towards starters. Your position doesn't differ that much from my own position actually. A year ago I bought the Torque game builder to get me started in game development, but that was a total catastrophy. The program itself was great, but the documentation sucked liked hell. It just wasn't aimed good enough towards newcomers. I didn't bought this engine just because it looked awesome, the main reason that I bought this engine is because Josh (Creater of Leadwerks) made all of those C++ tutorials. So I know exactly what you mean with "I need tutorials that explain. ". I am a hobbiest myself but my intensions are to become a professional game developer/programmer. So with absolutely no programming experience at all, I am just trying to make the best of it. I would suggest using the trial kit first till it expires. I also wrote the Leadwerks User guide. This guide is also aimed toward starters, you might want to have a look around in it first before you buy the engine. The community is really great. friendly and they always try to help. Lua or C++. Both languages are really good. C++ has the image of being the hardest language to learn. but with the C++ tutorials you actually can get really far. I used C++ before the 2.3 engine came out. I just seem to understand Lua a litlle bit better. Plus you can test it realtime in the engine. This has the advantage thatyou can quickly test your code. espcially if you are just messing around with code and not really fully understand what you are doing. You learn a lot from Lua by trial and error. Lots of pressing a the run game button with every smallest change I make in my program and just see if it works. Afterwords, when it works, I always ask myself if I realise what the code is actually doing. last thing: whether you will be able to create a game or not, the Leadwerks editor is a beautifull program to have.
  2. New tutorial added. see the community resources section: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/page/resources?record=23
  3. thanks for your comments. What does the scilexer.dll do exactly? just curious. I think I will make a part 2 of the intro, where I can explain that we can also use the engine.debugger.exe and how we can convert a lua script to a game script that runs in the editor. It's a lot work if I would have to record that part again, just saying we can copy the debugger as well. The tutorial will be placed in the community resources today.
  4. I don't use 7zip, but with winrar you can encrypt your data en set a password to it. There is also a command in the wiki. But I never used that. SetZipStreamPassword
  5. Sounds interesting. Who knows what leadwerks 3.0 brings.
  6. This might sound silly, but can't you rotate the camera up side down. So when the camera renders to a texture, it's returning the object normal.
  7. Never used sketup before. Can you export objects from sketchup? if so, which formats?
  8. More videos will be made later. Besides game scripts I will also be looking in to class scripts.
  9. I have decided to start making video tutorials for Lua. This render is 640 x 400, but before I render the HD version I want to know if there are any comments from the community or Josh. Perhaps there is a wrong explanation or something important missing in the video. Let me know what you think. Duration: 28 minutes. The finished video tutorials will be uploaded to Vimeo and Youtube. A resource page will contain the final links. *edit Deferred* typo. Better zooming needed. Larger font type needed at intervals. New tutorial added. see the community resources section: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/page/resources?record=23
  10. Thats sound right, but does BMax show when you use a 1? Because with Lua, I don't see a difference.
  11. When you use a Notify message, you can provide an extra argument. for instance: Notify("Failed to initialize engine.",1) I can't find an answer inside the wiki but I also don't see anything happen when I remove or change it to 0. just curious.
  12. If you want I'll make a video instruction of what I do. but if you wan to leave it alone for now then that s okay too.
  13. .. that was just sad.. can't believe that that just cost me an entire hour.
  14. The cobblestones.mat is present in the main and in the sub directory. The mat files seem okay, refering to the dds. Perhaps the problem is so obvious that I am tottaly missing it.
  15. I tried putting them both in the main directory as in a sub directory. example: http://visualknights.com/project/project.rar
  16. at the moment the path is RegisterAbstractPath("") . scripts are loaded, its just textures that don't load.
  17. Okay but what about if my project folder is really far in the directory structure? Would I have to set: RegisterAbstractPath("C:\users\Jorn\My documnets\projects\test1") ? If I share my project with others, the code wont work. Since they don't have the media files at the abstract location.
  18. If I want to run the exmaple.lua in a new project folder, what do I need to do so that textures and models are being loaded? because the log says it can not find the textures. Do I have to set the abstract path too that particular folder? I run the example1.lua via the engine.exe in the project folder, not via the script editor.
  19. Thats a beautifull model you have there NA. Imagine if there would be hardware tessalation added to this. if your characters look as "ugly" as the dragon, I do not think you have to worry about it. great model!
  20. Are you trying to open the pak file? because you can not open a pak file directly. Only code can open stuff that is packed inside the pak file. you have to rename it back to .zip if you want to have a look inside.
  21. I works now via a message system, but it's not really the way I want it. I would have prefered the Lua menu. This is what you do: 1. make a new lua file called 'Icons' with the following: require("scripts/class") require("scripts/hooks") icon= LoadTexture("abstract::hand.dds") function HookIcon() SetBlend(1) DrawImage(icon,GraphicsWidth()/2-25,GraphicsHeight()/2-25,50,50) SetBlend(0) end 2. In your main code, include the previously made lua script. require("Scripts/icons") 3. The main loop is going to send a message to the object that is picked. in your main loop place this: --Check for icons! pick=CameraPick(camera,Vec3(GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2,2.0),0,0) if pick~=nil then repeat if pick.entity:GetClass()==ENTITY_MODEL then break end pick.entity=pick.entity.parent until pick.entity==nil if pick.entity~=nil then pick.entity:SendMessage("icon",controller,0) end else RemoveHook("Flip",HookIcon) end 4. in the class script of your object (like the switch) add the following: require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) function object:ReceiveMessage(message,extra) if message=="icon" then AddHook("Flip",HookIcon) end end end add the code from step 4 to every object where you want an icon to appear. Once again: this is not the best way to do it, but maybe for now it will do the job.
  22. I never got that working correctly, but I know a lot more about Lua now, so I am going to give it another try. I''l let you know if I find anything.
  23. I understand what you mean Joh and thanks for the drawing. It is weird that the force works correctly since it is the default. But try the attached script in the lua script editor (not the one inside the Leadwerks editor). Although it works fine now, if you look closely you will see that sometimes the camera tilts a little bit. try removing the ',1' at line 93. You will see that it wont work.
  24. Thanks for your answer Joh. My mind theoraticly understands what your saying, but sometimes it just doesn't seem to 'get' the logical part. I changed the following and it works now. It is a really minor edit. It is always funny to see how one small thing can waste an entire weekend searching for a problem. ballBody:AddForce(force) to ballBody:AddForce(force,1)
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