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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. The third person camera is a direct conversion from the code I once created with C++: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/files/file/121-third-person-camera-ball-game-example/ I create a pivot at the balls position and let the camera rotate around this pivot. I don't really understand the entire way but it has always worked well. Do you think that the camera is interfering with the forces?
  2. The first topic has the entire lua code. you can run it directly from the Lua script editor. Never used damping before. I'll take a look into it. thanks for your answer.
  3. A good way to do this would be when you can specify your own group. Instead of ENTITY_MODEL, you can use ENTITY_SPECIAL. And then for the objects you want to pick up or interact with, you would have to add something ini or lua file. Something like this: class = ENTITY_SPECIAL. I don't know if that is possible though. another approach is adding a lua script to the objects, saying wether you want to use them. If the value is true then the object can be picked. see also these topics: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/332-get-the-valie-from-lua-option/page__p__2700__fromsearch__1entry2700 http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/296-setting-a-class-for-certain-objects/page__p__2411__fromsearch__1entry2411
  4. Top notch work David I thought I had already reached my jealously level, I was wrong.. Keep up this fantastic work!
  5. I've been struggling with forces for the past 2 weeks. I am getting weird results, the direction seems to change during rolling of the ball. move = KeyDown(KEY_W)-KeyDown(KEY_S) strafe = KeyDown(KEY_A)-KeyDown(KEY_D) force = Vec3(strafe*10,0,move*10) force = TFormVector(force,fw.main.camera,nil) ballBody:AddForce(force) Does anybody see something wrong with this piece of code.
  6. that looks interesting. Gonna have a look at it tomorrow.
  7. nice model there! the texture seems to be well at place. You can also place it in the download section though.
  8. I am sure that this has slipped Josh's attention. Try sending him a mail again or a pm via werkspace.
  9. Josh's reply on a blog: I haven't done anything to that, but the highlighted words are all contained in ui/commands.txt. Aggror: I have updated the commands.txt with a lot of commands as wel as the keyboard and mouse inputs. commands.txt
  10. Masterxilo and Josh gave the right answer. See the attachment for a complete thingoid. require("scripts/class") require("scripts/hooks") function DrawCameraCoord() cameraPos =fw.main.camera.position:ToString() cameraRot =fw.main.camera.rotation:ToString() SetBlend(1) DrawText(cameraPos,0,60) DrawText(cameraRot,0,80) SetBlend(0) end AddHook("Flip",DrawCameraCoord) Coordinates.zip
  11. Something like this might do the trick. haven't tested it, my laptop can't run the engine. require("scripts/class") require("scripts/hooks") camerapos = fw.main.camera:GetPosition(1) function DrawCameraPos() SetBlend(1) DrawText(camerapos,0,60) SetBlend(0) end AddHook("Flip",DrawCameraPos)
  12. The gmf exporter 2.1 for 3ds max has problems with convex hull phy files. Try removing your phy files and recreate convex hull phy files with the converters in the tools folder.
  13. I second that. The triggers I am using now are Distance checkers. Also because they are performed on the bounding boxes and not on the model or phy shape. you would have to resize the bounding box to have something like trigger zones.
  14. I agree with that. I have been using Leadwerks for 9 months now and you will get better at stuff over the months. However learning good a language like C++, besides game programming is pretty important. I find myself stuck all the time because I have no idea how to implement my own ideas. This can be extremely frustrating. So spending sometime learning proper programming is really recommended.
  15. Hi wizzy and welcome to the forum. Although it is certainly possible to do that, you will need some programming skills. It is certainly possible to learn it. Try going over all the tutorials first. When you ahve finished them you have a better idea of how stuff works. Also there are several community resources available.
  16. Lumooja is right. The plugin for 3ds Max will not only fasten up the art pipeline but prevents a lot mistakes from being made. However, the engine comes with a lot of converters, that can convert your model to gmf.
  17. I didn't continue with my trigger zones and sound zones. Feel free to make something. perhaps a start: http://visualknights.com/sound%20zones/sound%20zones_controller.swf and also the attachments. SoundWerks.zip Trigger.zip
  18. Perhaps this helps you. It is not blitzmax but perhaps it can give you a direction to look in to. You can run it directly in the editor. also the link of the topic: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/1620-solved-placing-objects-in-front-of-you/ FPSpickupObjects.zip
  19. I don't want to seem disencouraging but you are going to need to have a small team if you want to create the game with the specs you are mentioning above. Anything you require in your game is possible with the Leadwerks engine, although you need to have good programming skills or a programmer who can take care of it. What do you mean with game play features? shooter, strategy, third person- firstperson, 2.5D games, puzzle, adventure, sports? Because it is al possible.
  20. AggrorJorn

    Lua Debugging

    great news! Does the update also inlcude new syntax highlighting? http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/1582-proper-lua-syntax-highlighting/
  21. The viperscout model has a turret which is controlled by the mouse. You can remove these lines since your car doesn't have a turret. Try deleting your phy file and make a new one. It should be a convex hull physics file. You can find the phy converter in the tools folder from the sdk.
  22. I don't know how C++ works but with Lua it's done this way: repeat if pick.entity:GetClass()==ENTITY_MODEL then break end pick.entity=pick.entity.parent until pick.entity==nil
  23. Imagine where the leadwerks engine would be in a year. Let say Josh finds investors and can afford a larger team, I can see amazing features for Leadwerks happening as well.
  24. I would try something like the following. First make groups of sounds and sound sources. --load sound music1 = LoadSound("abstract::music1.OGG") music2 = LoadSound("abstract::music2.OGG") sound1 = LoadSound("abstract::sound1.OGG") sound2 = LoadSound("abstract::sound2.OGG") -- create sources source_music1 =CreateSource (music1) source_music2 =CreateSource (music2) source_sound1 =CreateSource (sound1) source_sound2 =CreateSource (sound2) --declare 2 sound variables MusicVolume = 5 SoundVolume = 5 -- 2 functions for setting the volume function SetVolumeOfMusic () source_music1:SetVolume( MusicVolume ) source_music2:SetVolume( MusicVolume ) end function SetVolumeOfSound () source_Sound1:SetVolume( SoundVolume ) source_Sound2:SetVolume( SoundVolume ) end It would be even better if you could add a source to a Sound group. This way you wouldn't even have to place all sources in to the function.
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