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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. I prefer the new editor since it has more options to use. Ingame testing and realtime animation inside the editor are the biggest plus points. Only bad thing about it sofar: if you are making class scripts for your objects and you are doing it wrong, you will come across crashes. Therefore you have to edit your lua scripts outside the editor in the scripteditor.exe.
  2. like Marleys Ghost is saying: Don't run your class script! just save it. Only a game sript (like fpscontroller.lua) can be run. If your model doesn't have a phy file, then the editor automaticly creates one for you when you drag the object into your scene. I would build the main model in your 3d program and give it a convex hull physics shape. Then i would export the stones sepperatly and make no physics file for them. Then with code you can attach the stones to your model: require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) --load the stones self.stones=LoadModel ("abstract::stones.gmf") --position stones or use the offset by exporting self.stones:SetPosition(Vec3(-2.3,2.41,-1.79)) --parent stones to the main model self.stones:SetParent (object.model) --done with parenting function object:Free(model) self.super:Free() end end instead of getplayerbody. U can perhaps just use : player. remember to set it to a global object. Setglobalobject("playercontroller",player)
  3. AggrorJorn


    I will share it ofcourse, but try not to get your hopes up to high. most of my projects never see the daylight.
  4. AggrorJorn

    Moth AI

    I was trying to build up my Lua skills a bit by trying to create a dynamic rope. The first attempt doesn't really work but something else happened. 2 objects seem to follow the main object likes moths to a flame. and voila: Moth AI was born haha. http://vimeo.com/10385093
  5. SWEEET!! Thanks a lot Arbuz!
  6. AggrorJorn


    Nice Dadonik, I am going to try to make a Lua variant on this. Thanks
  7. game scripts examples : - flying camera - fps-shooter - driving a car and then you have object scripts like firepit, doors, camera path etc. The download section contains a lot free stuff that you can download. I doubt Josh or Micheal Betke will release that landscape, but you could ask them ofcourse.
  8. Thanks, it took quite some time, but I learned a lot from it and it helps the community.
  9. ah okay, I'll stick with vec3. it just sounds better.
  10. So I'm just messing around outside the editor. I've taken a look at the example.lua file and I am noticing a different way of scaling and positioning entities. instead of SetScale(Vec3()), the command SetScalef() is used. I can't find anything about it in the wiki. Whats is so different about it? --edit Just noticed that the size is different. F probably stands for foot?
  11. Are you using the downloader from the download section? http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?app=downloads&showcat=16
  12. Glad it helped. So at the places where you hit a model or the scene there are now appearing boxes?
  13. True. But I'm not selling anything so there is no problem.
  14. right after Setworld I would try something like this: cube = CreateCube() cube:SetScale(Vec3(0.2,0.2,0.2)) cube:SetPosition( pick.position ) Don't know if it works. Can't run the engine on my laptop atm. --edited my post without the error.
  15. Price would be possible if it where student license. I recently bought an entire autodesk pack for 200 euro. It contains students licenses for the Autodesk Entertainment Creation Suite which contains 3ds Max, Maya, MotionBuilder, Mudbox and Softimage. all 5 year license
  16. Don't be ashamed that you have other game engines as wel. Many Leadwerks owners are having different engines/programs laying around. Mostly Unity, Torque, Darkbasic etc. You wont regret buying the license for the Leadwerks engine.
  17. Leadwerks User Guide update: version 1.01 Current version: 1.01 106 pages of useful information that helps you getting around with the Leadwerks engine 2.3. This user guide is ideal for beginners but can also be used by advanced members as a reference guide. *new in version 1.01 fixed several typos fixed incorrect explanations updating the light and shadow options (Leadwerks 2.31) Camera path road node corona edit menu better mat file explanation Explanation about shaders shader usage Resources page: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/page/resources?record=16
  18. I never really programmed before when I started with the C++ tutorials. I don't think it can be much easier then with Lua. When you are more of a code dabbler/puzzler, Lua is more ideal because you can test it directly in the editor.
  19. have to agree with Masterxilo. I thought that the beginning of the music was static noise at first. The Full hd quality seems to loose a lot of quality. I even prefer to watch in 480. Still one of the best video's, if not the best, around.
  20. if C++ is too hard, you can make your game entirely in Lua. Thats what I'm going for. Leadwerks dosn't have a tree generator but when you buy a tree pack you can make different Vegetation layers. That is integrated in the leadwerks terrain editor.
  21. bounding box: yes thats true. I didn't know that the EntityDistance command works with bounding boxes. I really hoped it would just check the the model itself. But perhaps I can also to it with the collision function. Have to try that out first. 1: semi transparacy would be cool. For now I'll just add a texture, perhaps later, you can adjust the transparancy your self. 2: this is going to be tough. I don't know how yet but I think I have to study your thingoids a bit more to see some script parts I can salvage and adapt to the thing I need. Targets would make this a little bit easy, but then the voice in my head is going to say: Okay it works, but you have a limit of 8. Just something to think about. The voice says this in a iritating and agonyzing way. What I mean to say is that the idea of having a limit will haunt me till I find something else. For now I´m trying to focus at one thing at the time.
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