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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. It's already uploaded to the workshop. It just needs to be curated. Depending on if I can change the price afterwards, I want to have an introduction price of $8.00. when more features get added the price goes up. Early adopters will get all feature updates for free since they own the tool already. Rivers are basically already possible with the Road editor. You can already set the material. Just needs a shader for the movement and your good.
  2. Is it possible to send out free keys for paid workshop items? I would like to give away a paid item to severall people, but I can't find an option for it.
  3. Spline tools package has been uploaded and is awaiting curation. Tomorrow I will start recording detailed tutorials on how to set up specific paths and roads. All tutorials will also be in a written format on the wiki. https://bitbucket.org/Aggror/splinetools/wiki/Home Bugs can be reported here: https://bitbucket.org/Aggror/splinetools/issues The devlog is a little rough this time, but it is getting late.
  4. Looks like I can't upload my package with a heightmap (Josh will add support for this later). I will go ahead and leave 1 example map out for now. I hope it will be up in the evening. Documentation link: https://bitbucket.org/Aggror/splinetools/wiki/Home
  5. Awesome If you help me out with that you'll get a free copy of the script. I will send you a pm.
  6. Unfortunately no. The controls, movement and rotation are done for a while now but I still need to find a decent (free) test model with lots of animations. I think people would expect an animated character with the third person script and I want to release it with a flexible character animator component.
  7. I have used crouching with the default character controller for many years and this was officially supported. I don't know how long it has been since this option was removed. Leadwerks did recently switch to a new version of the Newton dynamics physics engine, which migh have something to do with it. Other than that, there are some issues with the current character controller which are pain to work with. Search for topics with 'Side scroller' and you will find plenty.
  8. It is currently not support. The flag for crouching can be set but doesn't do anything. The documentation states that this flag only exists for future updates.
  9. Spline tools are donem and ready for the workshop. Just waiting for confirmation now. In the mean time I will start writing some documentation.
  10. Make a wall segment that serves as a prefab. Apply the texture and change the UV settings per face if necessary. Place walls, floors and roofs in organisable groups by either using filters or pivots.
  11. This API command comes with a complete sample on how to set up a basic character controller. https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Entity_SetInput Alternatively you can look at or use the FirstPerson script. This script is located in the scripts folder in any project which uses the game template "FirstPersonShooter"
  12. Sorry but I have no idea how to get it back. Do you have a backup of your map that still works? Either way, if the map you have now export still contains this error, make a bug request in bug forum and upload the map.
  13. Are you using the softparticles shader in your emitter material?
  14. Closing in on the release date. Only 2 more days. Road generation has been optimized a lot. Example scenes are ready. Side geometry: banks Todo: Terrain alignment still needs some work. Odd scenarios Sometimes textures get strange artifacts. Rotation mode: spline alignment is not as smooth yet.
  15. Hi 한강너구리 (google translate says: Raccoon) We need a little bit more info in order to help you out. What kind of errors are you getting? What are the steps that you have taken so far to set things up Anything that helps us understand your problem. Perhaps attach a screenshot, or the script(s), assets and map that you are trying.
  16. fyi, the file I mentioned is called Leadwerks.cfg and located in your Documents/Leadwerks folder. There you change the option to 0: openlastfile=0
  17. The last line states the main reason you opened this topic. Error: Entity mass must be greater tha.... However that does not explain the editor crashing unfortunately.
  18. On Windows 8: From the Start screen, click the Desktop tile. Once on the desktop window, press Windows + R keys simultaneously to initialize the Runcommand box. In the available field in the Run command box, type %TEMP% and press Enter.
  19. His editor crashes on startup, so he can't change that option. Thats why he needs to change the config.
  20. I must be missing something. With a third person camera, what you can interact with is also based on the camera and a pick. Ricks suggestion on making a larget hitbox can do the trick or the the radius of the pick can be bigger.
  21. Also check what it says in the log file: AppData\Local\yourgame
  22. I am not at home right now, so I can't check. I will get back on this, unless someone else knows the answer.
  23. I don't know what the file is called from the top of my head, but I think you can change the leadwerks config file, so that Leadwerks does not start with the last loaded project/map.
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