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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. Good one . I think it will take quite some time to get this working. I am getting bettter with Lua but I'm still not sure how some of the stuff works. But with the help of the community it should be doable.
  2. @Rick, I'm working on this at the moment. http://visualknights.com/sound%20zones/sound%20zones_controller.swf The thingoids should eventually work together with your character thingoid. I think it will be a fine addition to the thingoids you have made.
  3. This looks really good. It is also goo to see how you make your models and textures. similair to what I am doing.
  4. The book I currently use for practising C#: http://www.amazon.com/C-Students-Douglas-Bell/dp/0321176650 I have to say it's pretty good (a lot better then the previous books I bought.) I Personnaly think that learning a good OOP language like C# or C++ is the best. But it takes a lot of time(and motivation)...(and patience)...(and frustration sturdyness.)
  5. already got it. SOURCE_LOOP has to be 1 in LUa
  6. I'm trying to get Create, Play and Stop Source to work in Lua. Who can tell me what I am doing wrong here? Using this results in crashing the engine. ambient=LoadSound("abstract::ambient.ogg") test =CreateSource(ambient,SOURCE_LOOP) -- a part of the MAIN LOOP if KeyHit(KEY_E)==1 then PlaySource(test) end if KeyHit(KEY_F)==1 then StopSource(test) end
  7. Josh hired someone to make a logo I believe, but they are still not sure what to create (Topic: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/1432-vectorised-leadwerks-logo-please/page__pid__13956__st__0entry13956). For now you can use the logo Dreamhead posted. People will know it comes from the Leadwerks engine, doesn't matter which logo u use.
  8. A logo was uploaded here: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/1500-leadwerks-logo/page__view__getnewpost
  9. - When your editor is active when you export the object, you have to restart the engine to see any new changes in textures or models. - Remember that placing your object in a folder in the SDK, does not mean that you object is in that folder when you are inside your editor. - name your object this: foldername_yourmodel.gmf. Your model will display in the editor in the 'foldername' folder.
  10. This is really cool Rick. I love the idea of the thingoids for setting up your game surrounding and everyting. I have a great idea for this as well. I'm trying to work out a good way which I'll show you tomorrow. I don't know if I have the skill to make it, but if it works it is going to be quite awesome. Thanks again for the thingoid, I'll have a look at them tomorrow. I think I can learn a lot from them.
  11. Just like the Leadwerks slogan "Keeping it realtime" I hope to achieve this for the inventory as well as for everything else. thanks for the comment.
  12. Good call. The picking up of the matchbox was just a demo and will not be the same as ingame. But that is certainly something to keep in mind. And I like to see your door opening project thingoid as well, I could really used it. Thanks for the comment. There is going to be an arm holding the notepad, but it wasn't made yet. I forgot to mention it in the video. also thanks for the other replies!
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MS5E8kH_htE Constructive critizism allowed At the moment this is just prototype mission pad. An arm is going to be added and an animation.
  14. I'm not giving up hope that Josh is considering in porting the engine to other platforms. Not just 360, Playstation 3 would also be very cool. Josh talked to the developers of the xbox. http://www.youtube.com/user/Leadwerks#p/a/u/1/ZosaFrJQh70 so who knows..
  15. Love the retro style.
  16. ah good to know. thanks for the explanation
  17. Thanks Macklebee. Thats what I needed to know. What do you mean with "keycodes included". You mean that I have 'Require gamescript in the beginning'? +1
  18. double post... can be removed.
  19. I always wondered what someone can do to keep his main code as clean as possible. I think I can do a lot cleaning by creating functions but I seem to do something wrong. main loop example: if KeyHit(KEY_E)==1 then do all kinds of stuff... end I want to replace this code with a function. The function is located in another file (MygameFunctions.lua). I've have included the folder of the lua file. Lets say I use this function to replace the code above: function UpdateMission () . Is this a correct way of calling the fuction in the other lua file? The function inside Lua file would look like this: function UpdateMission () if KeyHit(KEY_E)==1 then do all kinds of stuff... end end
  20. The error can exist out of a lot of problems: - have you converted everything to editable poly? - When you draw splines (lines, curves, circles) you need to apply UWV mapping - Removed faces of the polygon. Model is incomplete.
  21. If you are inside the editor, also turn on gravity in your object.
  22. This would be nice. +1. for demo's, splash screen, tuts.
  23. I was using the example from Flexman. I interpreted it wrong since I am already getting the position. I just needed to know how to add extra Vec3 values to it. But I think I can do that in a line afterwards I realise now.
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