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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. Yips thats the one I need. Did you find that in the wiki?
  2. I trying to paint a material on a model, but I can't figure out the usage of the command. require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) texture1 = LoadMaterial("abstract::texture1.mat") object.model:PaintEntity((1),texture1) --object.model:PaintEntity(texture1) --object.model:PaintEntity(texture1,1) end
  3. You are facing the same problems I have. Never found the solution. http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/911-problems-with-a-door/page__p__8160__fromsearch__1entry8160
  4. Whisper did an awesome job! The programs are doing exactly the things I need them to do. Thanks Whisper! I can really recommend this to other people.
  5. nothing there... tried switching theme but still nothing..
  6. I dont have the option in my profile.
  7. love it. especially the last 2. if you would put that in a game, you'ld be rich in no time
  8. Yeah that looks realy good. I like the download bars also.
  9. hmm.... That slipped my mind. Thanks for the help
  10. ow nice. small price for such a cool tool. thanks for the info +1
  11. I know how to draw images on screen but how do I remove them? I can assign an empty material to them, or I use coordinates outside the screen. But there has to be a more professional way then that. any suggestions?
  12. can anyone recomend a program that I can use to synchronise files easyly between server en computer? I'm currently using an FTP program to update files and use short messages to inform others about which files are updated. This isn't really efficient working. So I'm looking for a program that is kinda similair to the Leadwerks installer. The program checks if there are new or updated files and downloads them.
  13. AggrorJorn


    like to see where this goes, there is going to be a game right?
  14. naah good old whisper has had lolcats for lunch.
  15. what the? haha, but u have to admit: it worked Did you know that in the year you were born this happend: Prince Sogolon Djata leads the Mandinka to victory at the Battle of Kirina against the Susu marking the birth of the Mali Empire.
  16. In my experience the pivots are deleted since they are part of that world. This often results in camera and player controls no longer working. You could make the pivots part of a group. Instead of freeing the world go through every entity and delete all object that are not a memeber of that group.
  17. Might be a bit overdue, but can't you make a function that checks if the zoom is enabled and then loops through all entities to set the lod back to 1.
  18. Very nice screenshot. Hope to see you active in the rest of the forum soon.
  19. Creating another world while using the flip hook functions results in that the image drawn on screen doesn't go away when you are back in editing mode. But apart from that: how do you even remove an image or text that has bin drawn on screen ?
  20. You are right about that. Is it even possible to create 2d images or text inside a created world? I would like to have all the code for creating the image or text inside a different lua file instead of the main loop so I really hope it is. i'm trying to create it in a world so that it is easier to remove.
  21. I'm trying to create a world that is specifficaly used for the inventory and mission tab. But i'm not getting anything on screen. I'm using the following code in the loop if KeyHit(KEY_M)==1 then if missionWorld == 0 then mworld=CreateWorld() if mworld==nil then Notify("Mission World FAIL.",1) return end DrawRect(GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2,50,50) missionWorld = 1 elseif missionWorld == 1 then missionWorld = 0 end end fw:Update() time=AppTime() fw:Render() mworld:Render() --Render(mworld) SetBlend(1) DrawText(missionWorld,0,400) SetBlend(0) Flip(0) The mission world is active because the text in screen changs correctly, but there is nothing drawn. How should I use the render command?
  22. I thought there was an easier way of doing this. Isn't there some way via Framewerk to turn on or of fullscreen?
  23. I assume that you have created this since it is in showcase? Could you make a video of what you have created?
  24. OMG, I had to install a 216 MB graphics card driver update!
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