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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. I have runned my computer for the past 6 months in dual boot using Windows XP and Windows 7 RC - 64 bit. Leadwerks has always run perfectly on both operation systems. I thought that it was finally time to buy the real version of Windows 7. I bought Windows 7 professional 64 bit. Everything seems to work except the Leadwerks editor. It shows the starting screenshot but then it shuts down without any message or error. I tried to run it as administrator (right mouse button --> Run as...) and I also tried to run the compatibility test with Windows XP service pack 2 and 3. Unfortunately, neither of them worked. I have installed the program in my C:\ directory. I tried copying it to other directories and even a different partition, but no luck so far. Has anybody encountered the same problem?
  2. Glad you have found it! That is exactly what I mean/
  3. I'm sure that this is possible although you would need a good dedicated server. Not a weak ago there as an announcement about a new multiplayer shooter. IS is made entirely with LUA scripting. So it's definetly possible.
  4. AggrorJorn


    Looks very interesting Rick, Can't wait to see more.
  5. Does anybody have a lua sample for a single animation? example: When I press E on a handle, the handle moves one side.
  6. I'm afraid it is not that easy as you might hope but it certainly is possible. Josh (founder of leadwerks)has posted a blog recently on creating GUI's in an easier way. He is still working on it. http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/blog/1/entry-126-lgui-screenshot/ Although it is possible that coding is minimalistic, you will have to code eventually. There isn't really a way around it. You can eather team up with someone who does, try it your self or you would need a program that requires no programming like FPS creator. When you buy the engine, there is a complete example of how to create a gun.
  7. can you post a screenshot? I had some troubles with black textures as well. I noticed that a bumpmap I was using didn't have a regular size like 512 x 512 or 256 x 256.
  8. The mat file is a material file which contains text. It containts information about which textures the model uses. Inside the texture you can refer to your own texture like this: texture0="abstract::MyRoadTextures.dds" The texture itself sould always be of the .dds format
  9. You do not perse need terrain. You can copy the selected without the terrain but only if the picked location is inside the selection. But indeed if you use terrain, you can place it every where you want.
  10. Does anybody else have water problems? The waterplance renders white, while underwater everything is okay
  11. I'm replying because I think this feature can be real usefull to many of us. When I use larger models It is hard to position them with the small gizmo.
  12. AggrorJorn


    nice to see all of these thing happening. @ Josh, How is the new model, physics, material editor going to effect the current models, mat files, phy files etc? I didn't wright any new stuff for the user guide about the current material editor and modelviewer but I am writing how mat, gmf, phy and shader files work and need to be used. For example: Are mat files going to be different when using the new editor?
  13. Cool to have your vote as well. Yeah it is pure mono sounds. Like when you are in the area of fire or generator. Not for constant background music.
  14. TMFI? Whats that? don't recognize the slang. When I replay this game I have to say that I'm eager to continue with it again. But I there are other things do at the moment. Would be a fun game to play though. Not to hard to make as well.
  15. Totaly agree on that. It keeps the engine and the community fresh and sharpened for more. Nice updates Josh. What a relief that the class scripts don't expand anymore everytime you exit the game modus or load a project. Also the copying and opening the properties functions are very nice. It is small things like this that fine tune this engine to a great engine.
  16. nice work!! slowmotion and your own dog thats realy cool.
  17. File Name: Third person camera - ball game example File Submitter: Aggror File Submitted: 17 Feb 2010 File Updated: 25 Feb 2010 File Category: C/C++ Code When I first used Leadwerks, I was trying to make a ball game like Marble blast I never really finished it, but the third person camera is working plus a small demo level. It contains the source code which people can perhaps use. Please note that this was just a very simple test B) . That means. not the best soundtrack bad textures on my own models you can jump as long as their is collision (which results in climbing up walls)) no camera collision #include "engine.h" int ballCollision = 0 ; void _stdcall EntityCollisionCallback( TEntity entity0, TEntity entity1, byte* position, byte* normal, byte* force, flt speed ) { ballCollision = 1; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { Initialize(); //Create a graphics context Graphics(800,600); //Create a world if (!CreateWorld()) { MessageBoxA(0,"Error","Failed to create world.",0); goto exitapp; } //Create a camera TEntity cam=CreateCamera(); CameraClearColor(cam,Vec4(0,0,1,1)); PositionEntity(cam,Vec3(0,8.2,-4)); //Create a light TLight light=CreatePointLight(); PositionEntity(light,Vec3(0,10,0)); RotateEntity(light,Vec3(0,45,0)); Collisions(1,1,1); //Create a render buffer TBuffer buffer=CreateBuffer(800,600,BUFFER_COLOR|BUFFER_DEPTH|BUFFER_NORMAL); //load a scene TModel scene=LoadModel("abstract::scene.gmf"); if (!scene) { MessageBoxA(0,"Error","Failed to load mesh.",0); goto exitapp; } EntityType(scene,1); //body TBody ballbody=CreateBodySphere(); SetBodyMass(ballbody,1.5); SetBodyGravityMode(ballbody,-10); PositionEntity(ballbody,Vec3(0,8,0)); EntityType(ballbody,1); SetEntityCallback(ballbody,(byte*)EntityCollisionCallback,ENTITYCALLBACK_COLLISION); //mesh TMesh ballmesh=LoadMesh("abstract::ball_ball1.gmf"); ScaleMesh(ballmesh,Vec3(1,1,1)); PositionEntity(ballmesh,Vec3(0,8,0)); EntityParent(ballmesh,ballbody); EntityType(ballmesh,1); //keyboard variabeles TVec3 camrotation=Vec3(0); TVec3 cam2rotation=Vec3(0); float mx=0; float my=0; float move=0; float strafe=0; float jump=20; HideMouse(); MoveMouse(GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2); //physics Collisions(1,1,1); DebugPhysics(true); //camera pivots TEntity pivot1=CreatePivot(ballmesh); EntityParent(cam, pivot1); //other variabeles char temp[100]; int result; TVec3 point0; TVec3 point1; //sound TSound sound1 =LoadSound("abstract::ruud.wav"); TSource source1 =CreateSource(sound1,SOURCE_LOOP); PlaySource(source1); SetSourceVolume(source1,0.1); //Main loop while(!KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)) { //Pivot mx=Curve(MouseX()-GraphicsWidth()/2,mx,6); my=Curve(MouseY()-GraphicsHeight()/2,my,6); MoveMouse(GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2); camrotation.Y=camrotation.Y-mx/10.0; camrotation.X=camrotation.X+my/10.0; RotateEntity(pivot1,camrotation, 1); ////Camera looking //mx=Curve(MouseX()-GraphicsWidth()/2,mx,6); //my=Curve(MouseY()-GraphicsHeight()/2,my,6); //MoveMouse(GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2); //cam2rotation.X=cam2rotation.X+my/10.0; //RotateEntity(cam,cam2rotation); //moving the ball move=KeyDown(KEY_W)-KeyDown(KEY_S); strafe=KeyDown(KEY_D)-KeyDown(KEY_A); TVec3 forcemove = Vec3(strafe*10.0,0,move*10.0); forcemove = TFormVector(forcemove,cam,0); AddBodyForce(ballbody,forcemove); //Jumping with the ball if (ballCollision == 1) { if (KeyHit(KEY_SPACE)) { TVec3 forcejump = Vec3(0,390,0); AddBodyForce(ballbody,forcejump,1); } } ballCollision = 0; //Update the world UpdateWorld(); //Render the scene SetBuffer(buffer); RenderWorld(); //Render lighting SetBuffer(BackBuffer()); RenderLights(buffer); //Swap the front and back buffer Flip(); } exitapp: return Terminate(); } Click here to download this file
  18. In options menu when pressing the display tab you can choose view lights. This shows a range for lights. It would be nice to see this als for sound emitters (perhaps other color.)
  19. I remade the model and used newly converted textures. So far the problem is not showing up. Lets hope it stays that way. Thanks for the help you offered me!
  20. I see now that this only happens when I ad a point light to the scene. Without the point light, the textures are correct. Note that the object doesn't have baked textures.
  21. I inverted the normals inwards and then back again like some kind of reset. But that didn't help. I also noticed that the camera is further away from the object, the texture is okay. when the camera comes closer, like within 10 meters then the black texture appears from out of nowhere.
  22. Thanks for the help but unfortunatly removing the bump causes the same problems. Removing every texture and the mat shows a correct shape of the model. Problem is somewhere in the texture, matt or shader. What did you do to solve this issue, besides remodeling and texturing. I'm trying the same textures and mat files on different object, but that all seems to work. I think I'll start over with the model. Maybe there is just something wrong in my model.
  23. I thought that that was the problem. But the black color turn with the camera. When it does that, the previous black parts are then fully textured.
  24. I've seen this problem before on the forum but I can't find it back. I have a boiler which has a texture apllied to it. (See image). The 'rings' on the boiler turn partially black. If I rotate around the boiler, the black color folows. Also a part of the box on front of the boiler has this problem. I tried exporting again with another texture, but the results are the same. The texture I use is 512-512, DXT5 with mipmapping. I use the following .mat. texture0="abstract::boiler large copper.dds" texture1="abstract::boiler large copper_N.dds" blend=0 depthmask=1 zsort=1 overlay=1 cullface=1 shader="abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap.vert","abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_specular.frag" shadowshader="abstract::mesh_shadow.vert"
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