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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. I've come acros some options in Leadwerks 2.3, where I know litlle or nothing about. Sometimes I can see someting change in the editor but then I still don't know what the option realy does or how to discribe it. Leadwerks SDK foler: Private. - Contains some models that are for private use only. Josh can you confirm this? Options menu - path: - Game Path. How do I use it and when? Options menu - controls: - Ctrl multiplier. what does this do? The usage of the following collision types: - Prop - Trigger Directional light - Linear offset. - Shadow distance. Point light - Linear offset. - Multiplicative offset. default Lua menu - General - active. Objects that are activated will perform Lua code (rotating blades.) - enable. difference with active? default Lua menu - Appearance - order. Can't seem to find out what is does. default Lua menu - Appearance - friction. I know what friction does, but I don't know why there are 2 values. Any help is appreciated.
  2. I have no idea. So far I've only seen dynamic objects, but not realy drawable objects. But the terrain painter does something in that direction. With Lua it would be something like. drag the object in, which places 1 single vertex. IF second point is placed, create rectangle between the vertices based with some math function. That goes way beyond my skill
  3. Thats realy nice Rick, I can see the some cool potentials here.
  4. Games like Trine and Shadow complex are also good examples for this.
  5. This one: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?app=downloads&showcat=2 There are some other icons as well there.
  6. thanks, you can also ad it to the download section. That way people will always see it.
  7. Josh needs to make a new video about the editor: - Real time ambient effects - Reflection and refraction effects - huge terrains up to 33 milion triangles and now for the first time: - massive vegetable fields! Not but serious the engine is awesome. The community is great and to help you get started a User guide will be ready for download this weekend.
  8. I don't mean scaling like you already can in the engine. I mean more that you draw the size of a square.
  9. AggrorJorn


    Does Steam use the same kind of approach? That you first need to let see what kind of games you have made, before the engine or any games are supported? That the option is available in the future sounds realy good. btw: is AndyGFX's action snake game not a consideration of a game? It could be a litlle bit expanded but basic gameplay works. Would do great on xbox live arcade for that matter.
  10. I'm placing a door in a frames like some kind of prefab. I'm using the locker.lua as an example. I have a door frame with an extra pivot called 'doorhinge'. The model of the door is loaded perfectly in position. in the FPS controller Lua I can shoot at the door and the door open perfectly. But... when the playercontroller hits the door, the door completely freaks out. The door flies out of the hinges. When the player controller steps away from the door, the door positions itseld nicely back. The frame is not the problem. If I would position the door outside the frame, it has the same problem. The door is a convex hull created with phygen and the frame is a collision tree. Its realy weird, just like a previous topic: this code worked a couple of days ago.
  11. The lesson to this topic is that I really need to check the difference between self, model and object
  12. Well it works now. Everyone thank you for helping. The script for every room was okay, it was just the self.model that needed to change in object.model This is the final script that completely works. If you have any suggestions on how to do this even better, let me know. require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) --Load all the rooms --rooms self.basement=LoadModel ("abstract::matt_house_basement.gmf") self.kitchen=LoadModel ("abstract::matt_house_kitchen.gmf") self.livingroom=LoadModel ("abstract::matt_house_livingroom.gmf") self.hallwaydown=LoadModel ("abstract::matt_house_hallwaydown.gmf") self.hallwayup=LoadModel ("abstract::matt_house_hallwayup.gmf") self.storage=LoadModel ("abstract::matt_house_storage.gmf") self.bedroom=LoadModel ("abstract::matt_house_bedroom.gmf") self.studyroom=LoadModel ("abstract::matt_house_studyroom.gmf") self.bathroom=LoadModel ("abstract::matt_house_bathroom.gmf") --stairs self.stairs_basement=LoadModel ("abstract::matt_house_stair-basement.gmf") self.stairs_hallway=LoadModel ("abstract::matt_house_stair-hallway.gmf") self.stairs_flipped=LoadModel ("abstract::matt_house_stair-flipped.gmf") --stairs self.railing=LoadModel ("abstract::matt_house_parts_railing.gmf") self.floor_up=LoadModel ("abstract::matt_house_parts_tussenvloer-boven.gmf") self.floor_down=LoadModel ("abstract::matt_house_parts_tussenvloer-onder.gmf") self.stairs_ending=LoadModel ("abstract::matt_house_parts_wall-end-stairs.gmf") self.stairs_side=LoadModel ("abstract::matt_house_parts_wall-side-stairs.gmf") --Done loading all the rooms --parent objects to the house --rooms self.basement:SetParent (object.model) self.kitchen:SetParent (object.model) self.livingroom:SetParent (object.model) self.hallwaydown:SetParent (object.model) self.hallwayup:SetParent (object.model) self.storage:SetParent (object.model) self.bedroom:SetParent (object.model) self.studyroom:SetParent (object.model) self.bathroom:SetParent (object.model) --stairs self.stairs_basement:SetParent (object.model) self.stairs_hallway:SetParent (object.model) self.stairs_flipped:SetParent (object.model) --parts self.railing:SetParent (object.model) self.floor_up:SetParent (object.model) self.floor_down:SetParent (object.model) self.stairs_ending:SetParent (object.model) self.stairs_side:SetParent (object.model) --done with parenting function object:Free(model) self.super:Free() end end
  13. Its frustrating, I'm at work now so I can't try out any of this stuff right now. It is a possibility (I thank you for it.)but it is more 'professional' to drag in the 'house' object, that loads every single room. @rick: thats true. the following models are being loaded. Id didn't want to make the topic endlessly long. basement hallwaydown kitchen livingroom hallwayup storageroom bathroom studyroom bedroom stair basement stair hallway railing between floor up between floor down
  14. isn't that the thing I'm already doing? Or do you mean: load for example the basement as the foundation (instead of the pivot), and it that lua file, load all the other rooms?
  15. I think that every one is kinda busy with implementing or building up his own ideas. Most of the people have their own idea of how their awesome game should look like. But a community created game would be kinda awesome. Not to mention the fact that the game scripts would be opensource, which improves the learning quality of the community.I think teaming up is not a bad idea, but it requires leadership and managing skills. For instance, I work with Dreamhead together on a project as we both like the story line-setting. We both don't know how to code so progress in that area is slow. Ofcourse we could team up with other people but the problem with that is, that other people have their own idea of a game. Like everyone else (I think), I want to create an entire game (doesn't have 2 be warfare 2 or crysis) and put it up on steam. It doesn't have to make some good money either.
  16. I don't have a windows 7 update, but the full installation was pretty quick. Within an hour I was able to work.
  17. a cool lua feature would be when you could drag an object into your scene. When you release the mouse button you can create a plane or area that you can scale by your self. You could create a small waterplane, floors, ceilings or particle fields. The movie goes pretty fast but shows what I mean around 0.38
  18. I simply copied the road object files and renamed everything. Ofcourse I cleaned the matt and lua file. I build an entire house in 3d max as I can position with very much accuracyg. When I export every single room at the time, the offset is being preserved. Ofcourse I can position every room by hand, but it never got that precise as when I used my current method (believe me: I tried a lot! The problem here is that the walls are made by flip polygons. This allows watching through one side of the wall. Therefore you can't see where the walls are intersecting. It just takes a lot more time.) I can still position every single room separate inside the editor, but because there are so many rooms I want to create some sort of prefab that places every room in correct place.
  19. can you post the options you have filled in, in the atmosphere object you are using for your scene?
  20. I removed all the other rooms for the sake of the topic. I load around 10 rooms in total I work as follow: I have a single pivot point with no further mesh. This pivot is called 'house'. The house loads all the different room of the entire house. Because of the offset from each room, I don't need to position them. Every room can have its own code if needed. I can walk around in the house since every room has a phy file. The pivot itself doesn't have a phy file.
  21. I'm gonna check al your suggestions tommorow. thanks for al your replies!
  22. I got this script running last weekend but I can't seem to get it working again. I'm using a pivot point that loads all kinds of rooms from a house. The loading goes well but when I delete the house, the rooms are still there. Also, the rooms do not move when I'm moving the gizmo. house.lua: require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) self.basement=LoadModel("abstract::matt_house_basement.gmf") self.basement:SetParent(self.model) function object:Free(model) self.super:Free() end end basement.lua: require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) object.model:SetCollisionType(COLLISION_SCENE) function object:Free(model) self.super:Free() end end
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