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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. well I'm offering it for free. How about this: This afternoon or in the evening you ll receive a file from me with animation. If you don't like it, you pick someone else.
  2. I'll give it a shot tomorrow. I'll post you a temp result in the evening. question: what do you mean with run left and right? strafe? Like in Max Payne? And with turn lefft and right I asume the character turns 45 degrees left or right?
  3. Can't you use the shader from the water plane from the old water tutorials?
  4. I tried to create glass last week. It isn't that easy. I used a slightly gray color as material. The matt file uses the default frag files for this. If I would set the blend to 2. I would get this yellow kind of glass which looks kinda flat. With an extra bump map, the glass texture looks better. The problem with this was that objects behind the glass would give a large glow when they had glossines enabled in the matt file. I''ll upload a pixture how this looks when I'm back home.
  5. I use this matt: texture0="abstract::lock.dds" blend=0 depthmask=1 overlay=0 zsort=0 cullface=1 castshadows=1 specular=0.0 gloss=0.25 bumpscale=0.3 shader="abstract::mesh_diffuse.vert","abstract::mesh_diffuse_alphatest.frag" shadowshader="abstract::mesh_shadow.vert"
  6. Like everyone says: try the tutorials, starting with ''getting started with C++". You don't have to understand everything right at start. just try to follow the tutorials. If you have problems after a couple of times trying, just ask on the forum. I wouldn't start with "Getting started with Lua". To me it seems a litlle more advanced and it's just easier to understand, ones you have done all the C++ tutorials. The tutorials are fairly out of date and some code might not work as expected. I hope that Josh (or someone else) will replace them one day to helpthe new members ont their way. The more advanced tutorials like water, triggers and events and post processing events are cool to watch but try not memberize all of that code in your head. most of the code has been symplified by the so called 'Framewerk'. try to see the Framewerk as a command set that can handle post processing and render effects. these commands are easier in use. important thing is: never to give up. Don't expect to write an entire mmo's in a few weeks or even months. Give it a lot time and trying and eventually you start to create something nice.
  7. I'm glad those steam super sales are over. These sales cost me a fortune. It's realy hard for me to ignore such low prices.
  8. unfortunately, I make a lot of errors. Although these are LUA errors, it's still frustating that the entire engine crashes.
  9. Did you make it an editable poly? check this video: http://www.youtube.c...u/0/QK6lH9rpLKE
  10. I don't know what can be done about this. Is there some kind of error log in leadwerks? I have to check that... I'm sure that Josh makes some more try- catches to reduce these errors. I haven't got the slightest idea how this patterns goes. besided 4x tab, I often have it also with quickly commenting several lines of code after each other.
  11. I have this a lot in windows XP. Crashes for no real reason, except the 4 x tab. Windows 7 doesn't have this problem..
  12. File Name: Particle emitter Icon for LE 2.3 File Submitter: Aggror File Submitted: 03 Jan 2010 File Category: Materials Resolution: 64x64 A simple icon for particles emitters. Place it in: ...\Leadwerks Engine SDK\Models\Entities\Environment\Emitter Click here to download this file
  13. I have this animation in the editor which seems to be working fine. However when you fly close towards it, the animation freezes. When I fly away with the camera the animation continues. This also happens when I run the fpscontroller.lua. Anybody have an idea why this is? This is the lua file: require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) function object:Render() frame = (AppTime()/32.0) % (60-0) + 1 model:Animate( frame, 1,0, 1 ) end function object:Free(model) self.super:Free() end end
  14. sorry, I'm not so good with this yet. Thanks for the help it's working now
  15. I forgot to mention that the script editor selects the following line after the error: index for obect is a valid filed or method. force=Vec3(pick.x-campos.x,pick.y-campos.y,pick.z-campos.z)]
  16. @josh or someone else who knows this. I've bin looking today where I can find the code that enables you to open the doors with shift+mousemovent. I can't seem to find it. It's really cool that this already works inengine but I want to see if I can get it to work with the fpscontroller script.
  17. Is this upper/lower case effecting other commands as well?
  18. Doe you mean that the pick arguments are wrong? If so, what should they be?
  19. Good to know, but that wasn't the problem I think.
  20. Good work Omid, nice texturing as well.
  21. sounds realy cool actualy. I just visited another topic, on which this idea really continues if you ask me: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/559-model-request/
  22. @Josh: that's so awesome and quite a coincedence. I'm actually working on a script to get the doors to open dynamicly, just like in the Penumbra series. I was planning to do this as well for the drawers you are making now. This script is for the entity or is it an adeption to the fpscontroller?
  23. For alpha mapping I use texture0="abstract::lock.dds" blend=2 depthmask=1 overlay=0 zsort=0 cullface=1 castshadows=1 specular=0.0 gloss=0.25 bumpscale=0.3 shader="abstract::mesh_diffuse.vert","abstract::mesh_diffuse_alphatest.frag" shadowshader="abstract::mesh_shadow.vert"
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