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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. hi. I want to know how to make objects (onjects you can pick up), member of a class. for example: an oil lamp becomes member of the class "PickingUpItem". this way I can send Raytraces to this class only. Only way no to do this is with ENTITY_MODEL.
  2. I see what you mean. Its more professional ofcourse but at the moment I have an image that is adapted to centering the hand.
  3. small question offtopic. I use the following code centering the image. --show hand if KeyDown(KEY_R)==1 then local x = GraphicsWidth()/2 local y = GraphicsHeight()/2 hand = LoadTexture("abstract::hand.dds") DrawImage(hand,x,y,50,50) end Is this a correct use of the restiction 'local'?
  4. in the main loop. That would be a solution. I think that when I´ll be using more of these drawings, I´ll try something like that.
  5. yips that was the problem. I had DrawImage before the update Render. Thanks for your quick help
  6. thx for your suggestion. the good news: no error message. the bad news: the image doesn't display. I've copied and modified the FPS controller scripts for this. I wonder if it is possible to run the script in the editor and to draw the image on screen when in game modus of the editor.
  7. Hi, I'm trying to load an image on screen when the player is very close to a certain object. I'm trying the following to achieve this: TTexture hand = LoadTexture("abstract::hand.dds") DrawImage(hand, MouseX(), MouseY(), 20, 20 ) I get the following error message: '=' expected near 'hand'. According to the wiki, I'm using the commands correctly. Who can tell me whats going wrong here?
  8. Hi, I don't have much programming experience but I want to know some general information about the differences between C# and C++. Is there really much difference between these 2. It's common knowledge that C++ is more difficult. But what I've seen so far with C++, it doesn't differ much from C#. I could be ofcourse very wrong about this. Can anyone tell me the differences, ups, downs or experiences with C#?
  9. I can export 4 different kind of wav types. I use PCM 16 bit.
  10. I'd buy this game you know. very good! It reminds me a bit of half life only in a more brighter setting
  11. So basicly put together: load a scene/sbx with C++ including: moddels lights nodes [*]process the scene with LUA scripts perhaps, explanation which LUA scripts do the processing what files need to be copied to your game folder Am I forgetting something?
  12. I have been struggeling with this many times. I haven't tried but I know that the Gamelib has a ProcessScene function. Have you copied every entity and object to your game folder?
  13. I've changed the particle amount for the standard particle from 50 to 100. But now the particle doesn't show any more. Any thought of what's going on?
  14. ow yeah, thats awesome! Reminds me of Torque 2D. they had a very easy particle system build in. both the fans are connected with the switch. Is there a special reason that the connection are made on different indexes? Leadwerks scores again!!
  15. Hi, I'm looking into this level: tunnel.sbx. When you run the FPS controller file you can walk through it. When you are close to the switch you can press E for turnig on 1 of the 2 fans. However I can't seem to find the connection between those 2. Where do you you say that the switch has to interact with the left fan? I know that the fps controller sends a "use" message, but I just can't find where that message is going to. I've looked in the scripts of the switch and the fan, as wel as in their properties. In the older version you would hav to specify a target. I wonder how it's done now. A small direction would suffice.
  16. AggrorJorn


    very nice. keep it up!
  17. AggrorJorn

    ~ sign

    I'm not exactly sure what this sign does: ~. is it the same like != (not)?
  18. thx for the icons. really helpfull
  19. I know that Josh is probably pretty swamped at the moment. But a lot of people are allready known as leadwerks SDK owners. It's bin 4 days now, I would really like to see the rest of the forums. Only thing I need is that my emails corresponds to the email where I bought my license with?
  20. I'm still a member... Hope to join the rest of the forum soon.
  21. Hi everyone, Good to see some familiar names . My exams are almost over so I'm ready to spend some time with the new sandbox. Looking forward to it The new forum looks very nice btw.
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