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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. I don't think you will find many articles/tutorials specifically for 2d. A 2.5d sidescroller is certainly doable though. The videos below are a little older and use an FPS perspective but the programming concept remains the same. For a basic powerbar/healthbar meter Collecting items. Alternatively you could visit the marble tutorial which also does picking up items.
  2. That was with Leadwerks 2.3. There is no integrated road creation system right now.
  3. See the API:https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Vehicle You can also find some working examples on the workshop. I haven't tried those though.
  4. The support for plugins/editor scripts has been requested back when leadwerks 3 was first released. Unfortunately it doesn't look like this will be integrated in Leadwerks 4. Based on Josh's blog however, Leadwerks 5 will have something like this in store for us. That would make these scripts even cooler to use. With the spline tool alone you could generate roads, rivers, ropes/wires etc. Object paths are just the beginning. And thanks for watching. I am glad you enjoy the videos.
  5. I have a chart from +1 year ago. Not sure if it is still valid. This should be updated in the official docs though. Prop Scene Character Trigger Debris Projectile LineOfSight Prop Collide Collide Collide Trigger Collide Collide None Scene Collide Collide Collide None None Collide Collide Character Collide Collide Collide Trigger None Collide None Trigger Trigger None Trigger None None None None Debris Collide None None None None None None Projectile Collide Collide Collide None None None None LineOfSight None Collide None None None None None Responses Collision.None = 0 Collision.Collide = 1 Collision.Trigger = 4
  6. Thanks Thirsty, if you have suggestions about a topic, give a shout. The userbase for C++ is lower than that of Lua so I am haven't looked in to it for a while now. Did you have something specific in mind? Tutorials on how to use the scripts will definitely be made. Not on how to make these scripts from scratch though.
  7. Josh has an existing customer group that is using the engine for their (commercial) games. He can't simply say "alright I am going to put all my time in to this new program, that might be out in 1/2/3 years from now.". Some time will go in maintaining the current engine and some time will go in to planning/making the new engine/editor.
  8. Paid scripts I am looking in to publishing paid scripts to the workshop. There are 2 script collections that others might find interesting: Advanced Third Person Controller Many tweakable options: from double jumping, to camera offset, camera snapping, smoothing, speed controls etc Spline paths Not just useful for camera paths, but also for instance factory belts, vehicular movement (static cars, trains etc), airial paths (birds, planes), VR on rails. Tutorials and Patreon The newer tutorials (part of Project OLED, ) do not have a lot of visitors. Perhaps my focus on tutorial subject is just not right or people don't like the way it is setup. Perhaps the focus on editor tutorials is far more important. Who knows... With the lack of feedback in the past months I am quite hesitant in recording new videos, thats for sure. The patreon page was an experiment to see if people would be interested in donating to the tutorials project OLED. There hasn't been much activitity on it, so this is something that I probably will discontinue. A big thanks to ones who did support me though :).
  9. For animation in Leadwerks to work you require bones. Keyframe animation won't work.
  10. You can, but only on the texture display (little black squares), not in the textboxes.
  11. AggrorJorn


    Thats a good atmoshphere already. I can imagine seeing the rays coming through those windows from the moon light.
  12. Since there aren't specific API calls for that I would assume it takes over from the active font that is set. *post above beat me to it.
  13. Sounds like a label. https://www.leadwerks.com/docs?page=API-Reference_Object_Widget_Label
  14. Well you could use a bool to see if the init has been run or the Load function calls the Init/start function.
  15. And you can't call the Load function after the scene is initialized? Where is the Load function coming from? one option you can do: when the load function is called, check if the entity has been inited or call the init function yourself.
  16. Can you share a screenshot of your characters properties.
  17. When you select the character, go to the physics tab and there you see character rotation angle (or something like it.) Just set it to 180. I still have a Lua script somewhere that allows full control of the mouse as well. I will send it to you this weekend. It is a lua version of this C++ tutorial:
  18. I haven't tried that one, but the one from the workshop works by simply attaching it to an entity that has the character controller physics. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=853889224&searchtext=Third-Person+Player+Script
  19. Terrain created in the editor, has terrain physics by default. Do you want things to work out of the box or are you willing to code yourself? What third person script are you using? Posting a link to the items you are using helps people understanding your problem. Without seeing the script or even screenshots, we can only guess.
  20. The language is GLSL but it is not a 1 on 1 copy paste from existing shaders from Maya or shadertoy.
  21. Have a look at this video around: 5:24 (video is leadwerks 3, but a lot of info still applies)
  22. Had a quick look: you are not applying the force, you are now setting a position, which is constantly the same. You either take its current position and add the calculated movement or you add force. In case of adding force: if (self.window:KeyDown(Key.Up)) then movez= movez + 0.1 end self.entity:AddForce(0,0,movez, false) --the last parameter indicates local Your forward/backward movement is also inversed.
  23. In the Entity class API documentation: https://www.leadwerks.com/docs.php?page=API-Reference_Object_Entity, the commands https://www.leadwerks.com/docs?page=API-Reference_Object_Entity_PhysicsSetPosition and https://www.leadwerks.com/docs?page=API-Reference_Object_Entity_PhysicsSetRotation are not listed.
  24. Try using PhysicsSetPosition and PhysicsSetRotation. When you are in the UpdatePhysics loop, those should be used. Side note: they are documented commands, but not listed in the entity API. Reported:
  25. Just a side note that might not have something to do with this: There is an optimization by default present that looks in the new scene to see if any entities used by the old scene can be moved over instead of being deleted. This works by looking at the reference count. I doubt it would actually move the existing entity with script.
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