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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. Could you provide a link to the item you are talking about? I am assume you mean the red/yellow train with the leadwerks logo on it?
  2. Particles are still an underappriciated thing in Leadwerks while the API lets you create pretty powerfull stuff. This is one of those things were I would love to have access to some sort of plugin manager. That way the community could extend the editor with a particle editor with complexer design. I do remember that tool, worked really nice. I hope to cover some tutorials about this stuff sooner than later.
  3. Thanks for the feedback. I can add in an option for that. But you can also change sensitivity in the options menu.
  4. Tried and tested many software packages throughout the years. Here are some of them: Fraps Camtasia Camstudio OBS open broadcaster software Nvidia Shadowplay Fraps is really good when recording ingame, but not for desktop recording. Big downside is the conversion process/time, even when using a batch file. Nvidia Shadowplay is a very good replacement, and with my new graphicscard it functions really well. OBS works really well since you can record separate streams for both audio and video. However, you do need an additional video editor. Camtasia works fine, but a powerfull tool like Sony vegas or Openshot is even better. Vegas is expensive for just some basic editing though. Camstudio is too limited in functionality for me to be useful. I have a license for Camtasia 8, which is also still my number 1 solution when it comes to most useful tools and good production time. Will check it out. Thanks
  5. Just did that too actually. Around new years I build a new custom computer: Asus Z170 PRO GAMING Z170 Intel Core i7-6700K MSI 8GB GTX 1070 Gaming X 8G 16 GB DDR4 Corsair Vengeance SSD 500GB 850 EVO I work better in a tidy environment.
  6. Something that has always been a time consuming process is getting the audio right in my recordings. Although I have a very decent headset, recordings allways contained a lot of static noise and voice 'pops'. To get an acceptablequality I required a finetuned microphone placement for every recording. 1cm to the left could make a big difference. The recording software that I use has some build in noice reduction filters, but they do not always guarantee a smooth audio track. Since there are going to be many new videos to be recorded I finally invested in a good recording setup. I bought a studio microphone which could be placed on a small stand which would be placed in front the keyboard. A bit weird when simultaniously typing but I will get used to that. The first recording had a much better default recording sound than the headset. The static noise is pretty non existent but there are some occasonial pops. So I went ahead and also bought a popfilter (never relly bevieved how a simple' piece of synthetic fabric could improve sound quality). But the 'pops' in sentences have been significantly reduced. While I was on a spending spree anyway I also just went ahead and bought a good recording stand, which I can adjust freely without getting in the way of typing. Here is the final setup.
  7. That was awesome! As for the prizes: Lets wait and see who the finalists become. Maybe we can swap around the prizes after some PM discussion. You will get a bonus for recording a winning time though!
  8. Only 1 week left and we have the following (I am not eligible) Car: 1 Firebal69 2 Josh 3 josk Ball 1 SeDorn 2 Burgelkat 3 Firebal69
  9. The saving mechanism in its current state is one of the reasons I currently do not use prefabs. It is way to cumbersome.Also: changes made to prefab trigger a popup saying that the prefab connection is lost. What I notice is that I want to change a prefab more often then not and I have to go through the annoying process of saving again. A button for disconnecting from a prefab would also help improve this.
  10. Sorry, C# programmer by day. Replace those first two lines with: Script.material1 = nil Script.material2 = nil If this does not work, you send me your project and I will have a look.
  11. That's how I used to make waterfalls. They were just planes with water textures that spawned and moved down.
  12. First off: it is good that you are trying yourself. So hats of to you. Secondly: I would not recommend altering the app.lua script for the following reasons: The behaviour you are looking for is entity related. The app lua is about managing the game loop. The app,lua is soon to be deprecated. If you really must alter the main loop, use main.lua. Thirdly: so this is your setup right: You have a lamp and you have a light. The light still has this script: -- activate light function Script:Activate()--in if self.entity:Hidden() then self.entity:Show() self.component:CallOutputs("Activate") end end -- deactivate light function Script:Deactivate()--in if not self.entity:Hidden() then self.entity:Hide() self.component:CallOutputs("Deactivate") end end -- toggle light function Script:Toggle()--in if not self.entity:Hidden() then self:Deactivate() else self:Activate() end end The lamp model has a new script attached. Drag both items into the flowgraph editor and you can hook them up. You can also use a toggle function instead of 2 separate functions. Script.material1; Script.material2; function Script:Start() self.material1 = Material:Load("Materials/Concrete/concrete_clean.mat") self.material2 = Material:Load("Materials/Concrete/concrete_dirty.mat") end -- Set material 1 function Script:Material1()--in self.entity:SetMaterial(self.material1) end -- Set material 1 function Script:Material2()--in self.entity:SetMaterial(self.material2) end
  13. At the moment you switch the light on/off in the script you can either set a new material or set a new texture in the current material. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/entity/entitysetmaterial-r183 http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/material/materialsettexture-r184 If you post your light script we can help you even better.
  14. I agree it is a 'hacky' method. This has been around for years unfortunately. It has been opted several times to include some sort of checkbox in the appearance tab or something which would be far more logical than setting a mass or attaching an emtpy script.
  15. make sure the csg is not collapsed by setting an empty script to the mesh.
  16. But once you have this, documentation has been improved quite a bit. Great work.
  17. you can change the sensitivity in the options screen. For some reason the latest crashes the game on my pc when changing audio though.
  18. Sounds like you are in sandbox mode. Files get written after the program closes instead of during the game. This also goes for system preferences
  19. Finally managed to beat your times. Don't worry, I am not eligible for the steam keys.
  20. You guys got to step up your game if you want to win those keys.
  21. Pressing f12 switches from single viewport to 4 viewports.
  22. Something that is also cool to do is storing where the player is every 10 seconds. Then you can convert all those 3d vectors to a heatmap.
  23. I would like to see some sort of dynamic list property for lua scripts. This property would be similar to an --entity property but with the extension that you can add multiple entities. Not only would this be usefull to create a list of entities, but it could also benefit for iteration order. The treeview of a scene is not perce the fixed order entities are processed. Using this list we can tie items to an index. In code this could look like Script.gameStates = nil --entitylist "states" function Script:Start() for key,value in ipairs(self.gameStates) do print(key.." = "..value) end end
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