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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. I am able to upload my game. Both my project and steam/leadwerks are on a seperate drive. Cancelling the upload, crashes the editor though.
  2. Okay I will have look at it. It is good to see you try. You can also remove the rotation for the point light, since the point light shines in every direction.
  3. Please provide more info. Now we can only guess.
  4. I'll try that. If everything works, I want to make a tutorial for it.
  5. When I want to set a time, I want to store the lowest time, rather than the highest. How can I achieve this? Also the API states the numeric int for ascending/descending but I am not seeing any difference. Are these working?
  6. I was helping someone were vegetation that was painted via the terrein editor, didnt end up in the Publishers game. Does the publishing add those vegeations Models too? I would just include everything to be sure. Once your game gets to the finale release you can start dumping assets you no longer need.
  7. So on your other computer you use the same steam account I assume?
  8. If you create a new project with th fps template, are you able to Publishers that?
  9. On the train on my phone, so typing scripts is too painfull. Lets start simple. The Flashlight is currently a spotlight. Use API to figure out how to make a pointlight instead. Next is adding fluctuation to the intensity of the light. Try looking in to the firepit how that is done. In your fps script, in the update check if Flashlight is active. If so, aplly the fluctuation you found in the firepit script. If you are really stuck let me know, and I will create a basic version for you. Also if you manage to get it working partially, post your script so that we can have a look.
  10. Please place your code in code tags. Makes it easier to read. When you debug your game do you get in to the Use, Toggle function? Does the enable value get changed to true?
  11. Ah that's the one. Only downside to it is when you toggle a second time between editing mode, you lose the indenting.
  12. What is the workaround again to get the formatting for Lua scripts correct when editing a post? Posting the script inside a 'code' tag works at first. Bu when you edit your post, you lose all formatting. --testing function Script:Start() self.enabled = false end
  13. The spawning inside the update physics function is not checking the enabled variable. Perhaps something like this (haven't tested it in leadwerks): Script.Target = nil --Entity "character target" Script.SpawnRate = 5.5 --float "spawn rate" Script.MaxZombies = 5 --int Max zombs function Script:Start() self.enabled = false end function Script:Enable()--in if self.enabled == false then self.enable = true self.lastSpawnTime = 0 self.counter = 0 end end function Script:UpdatePhysics() if self.enabled then if self.counter >= self.MaxZombies then return end if Time:GetCurrent() > self.lastSpawnTime + (self.SpawnRate * 1000) then self.counter = self.counter + 1 self.lastSpawnTime = Time:GetCurrent() --create a zombie and set location, speed, and target to the player local zombie = Prefab:Load("AddOns/Zombie Character Pack/zombie1.pfb") zombie.script:Start() zombie:SetPosition(self.entity:GetPosition()) zombie.script:Enable() --zombie.script.Speed = 2 zombie.script.Player = self.Target end end end
  14. That boolean was added to the beta version a week or so ago. Have you switched builds?
  15. I downloaded the Saturn tutorial project yesterday to see how the project was holding up after all this time. After some bug fixing and adjusting some of the scenery ingame, I came to the conclusion I really liked the parcours part of the scene. So I thought lets just turn it in to a run and jump game real quick and add it to the winter games tournament. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/viewitem?fileid=616857680
  16. I admire your perseverance. Staying motivated for a longer period of time on the same game is something that is in my opinion one of the most common reasons why my projects never get finished. Looking forward to see what you have in store.
  17. The pick is just a check between 2 points. The 4th argumen indicates the radius of the pick line. With 0 its a single raycast, while with a higher number you get a 'cylinder shape' cast. The 4th argument of the pick is not about distance from 1 point to the other.
  18. For the fading, here is a little example: --In start Script.alpha = 0 Script.fadeTime = 4 --In your game loop. context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) self.alpha =self.alpha + Time:GetSpeed()* 0.01 context:SetColor(0,0,0,Math:Lerp(0, 1, self.alpha/self.fadeTime)) context:DrawRect(0,0,400,400) context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Solid)
  19. The 4th argument of the pick can be set to 0. Which means a single raycast. From the docs: As for the fade out, you can draw a black rectangle, and use a timer for its alpha.
  20. Could you clarify the 'bounce'? Do you switch position between death and restart position? Or is your player jumping in the air after re-positioning?
  21. 1. Simply check for camera world boundries. If you select the root of the scene you can see its size. Pseudo code for the x axis if (camera.pos.x < 0 ) camera.pos.x = 0 elseif (camera.pos.x > worldSize.x) camera.pos.x = worldSize.x
  22. This is called shadow acne. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/12224-a-bit-help-with-spotlights/#entry88645 A screenshot from the user guide for LE2.3
  23. q1. Holding control + mouse is mostly the opposite of your action in the terrain editor. This goes for sculpting, painting and vegetation. But no, you can't select a single tree for deletion. But you can make your brush small enough to delete it.
  24. That is true. If we could define our own shortcuts in the settings menu, that would be even better.
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