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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. Another year has passed so lets try it again. Can we please have a shortcut to the script editor in the toolbar and a keyboard shortcut?
  2. All the latest ivideo card drivers installed? I honestly don't know what else this could be. I would report this in the Bug report section with all your system info like gpu, cpu, windows, current driver version etc. https://www.piriform.com/speccy
  3. Do your viewport settings look anything like this? Can you increase the look and move speed to ridiculous values and see what happens?
  4. You can always map GetSpeed to a DeltaTime variable in a custom script. I honestly doubt if Josh would change the API to this. Regardless of the argument I given, I think Josh would reply within the lines of: this is Leadwerks, not Unity.
  5. Have you tried specifying a collisiontype so terrain gets ignored?
  6. Start of simple by trying to write your settings value in a file. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/filesystem/filesystemwritefile-r650
  7. You can use the free audio editor Audacity to convert it if needed. http://audacityteam.org/
  8. Your lua script is probably set to view files lua extensions only. Can you post the script?
  9. Can you describe a little bit better what exactly you want to achieve? Is there a script problem you are running in to?
  10. Something that I always hated with the KeyDown and KeyHit, was that if you use them in multiple scripts, they can give back different results since they could have been used in a different script. I think I had similar problems with mouse Hit as well, but I am not sure. So for instance you have two scripts, both check for the space bar hit. Script 1 says that the spacebar has been hit, but script 2 says it has not been hit. That is because Leadwerks sets a 'hasBeenHit' flag to false once you have requested it in script 1.
  11. You can either use the firepit light or the cage light used in the AI demo map (above the monsters door).
  12. When you debug the game, can you see that the raycast actually sets a new point where the player needs to go? Does the raycast pick at all? Verify which position the raycast picks. Just some ideas. Can't the script right now.
  13. Are you by any chance following the saturn tutorial project? Because the issue there is that you hit a place, which triggers a re-positioning. However, on the player script, the hurt function is triggered, causing the player to die as well.
  14. Thats unfortenately not supported. This has been requested long ago so I wouldn't count on it being in the engine anytime soon.
  15. Would love to be able to sell scripts or game tenplates.
  16. At the time of making these tutorials, you could retrieve the context from App. The standard main script has changed since then: Replace self.screenWidth = App.context:GetWidth() You can also get the context like this: self.screenWidth = Context:GetCurrent():GetWidth()
  17. These are great articles. Would you mind If they are added to the wiki?
  18. The second link Thirsy Panter posted shows how to create a skybox from 6 images. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/textures-r6#section3.7.2
  19. I couldn't take it any longer so I reinstalled windows 10. (A fast installation by the way). So Leadwerks is running again. So far so good.
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